I'm trying to run LabVIEW application as a Linux service. To do that, I need to build the application without a user interface. Its possible and documented here:
However, if I will build an application which uses Python Nodes functions, it will crash with an unknown cpp error - so it's not supported or it's a LabVIEW bug.
I can imagine that function is not supported - if by choosing "embedded version of the run-time engine" we are choosing to use the run-time engine which is used in Industrial Controller or cRIO .
That makes sense because the feature of calling python code is not supported for targets like Industrial Controller.
My question is what that feature do? What is the embedded version of the run-time engine (which target we can use)?
crosspost : https://forums.ni.com/t5/Linux-Users/Embedded-version-of-run-time-engine-Python-Node/td-p/4240963