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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/17/2011 in all areas

  1. I've had jobs where I've almost died from boredom... does that count?
    2 points
  2. In the US media we often hear the term "Hero" applied to people that find themselves in a situation where they do their job as expected, Fire fighters, police, doctors and the like. When interviewed they dismiss the heroic nature and simple claim to be doing their job. There are others that go beyond "doing their job" and put themselves in harms way fully knowing that harm can or will come to them. The story of the Fire Fighter at Chernobel (sp?) that drove up to the fire and continued to fight it single handed while vomiting and eventually passing out from the radiation. So the operators now working the issues at the reactors in Japan... Are they heroes or just doing their job? Ben
    1 point
  3. Doing something to help others when you are aware that in doing so you put yourself at a significant risk. thought I do suspect in a lot of case the spure on the moment action is instinctive, but I still think that counts after all it could equally be instinctive to run away. I suspect from an evolutionary point of view a "hero gene" is not a good thing. The people in the nuclear plant control rooms are they operators or engineers ? they could achieve that status. Re your quote made me think. If a doctor or GP make one mistake in doing so it can and does cost lives but as engineers we normally have the luxury of safe guards between our mistakes and the consequences of them, peer review, system tests and many more things. Just came across this,
    1 point
  4. Hi As your two outputs are arrays I am assuming your cluster has two arrays in it. If that is the case you are trying to cast an array into a digital type you missed out the array cast see below A couple of things to look at to learn more about this control reference casting that might be of interest Wiki control ref & control ref nugget & Try multiple type casts hope this helps Dannyt
    1 point
  5. Yes I think in situations as you describe above it is a very valid term, your example way a very good one. I do however feel the term is generally over used by the media thought, but that is true for many words. Re. your subtitle can engineers be hero's ...well yes but their opportunity in a work environment are limited compared to many others.
    1 point
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