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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/2011 in all areas

  1. Hi everyone A couple of weeks ago i had the need to put a small suite of applications i made in the tray area, but the VIs i could find to do this wasn't really very intuitive or was lacking the functions i needed. The solution? Another one of these put-your-LabVIEW-app-in-the-tray toolsets .. but this time, a little better wrapped than the example code you can find on NI's site.. ;-) (no offense) So here it is for you to evaluate .. it's not anything near final, and one can always find a number of small features lacking, but hey..it's event based, and its pretty easy to add more events if ever needed :-) Notes: Code is currently for LV8.6 and requires at least .NET Runtime 2.0, but i know for a fact that it runs on Win7 and LV2010.. Installation: Unpack / Extract contained "Notify Icon" folder into your user.lib and refresh palettes or restart LabVIEW.. Examples: Browse into your user.lib -> Notify Icon palette and drag the "NotifyIcon Class Example" VI to your block diagram (or open it by browsing into the "user.lib\Notify Icon\Example" folder) License: Since i made this code in my sparetime, but planned to be using it at work, i've made arrangements with the grand-old-boss and put a BSD License on it.. Feel free to send me any comments / questions AND bugfixes / error-reports Thanks Stinus Well..since FF4 doesn't want to play nice.. here is the code uploaded using good old IE :-/ Notify Icon.zip
    1 point
  2. Resolution: I had a phone conference with the grader, an in-house expert, and our local sales rep. They spent time before the call reviewing my solution and the grade that was given. The outcome wasn't changed, but I do have a much better idea of why the points were deducted. Using an object-oriented design was not an issue in grading. Neither was the (alleged) lack of technical ability on the part of the grader. I think my biggest issue (and Zaki can chime in if he wants to) is lack of sufficient documentation on implementation details. In some cases I figured the implementation details were self-evident. In other cases I thought the details were irrelevant from an architectural standpoint. And of course there were cases where I thought I put in more details than I actually had. Whatever the cause, my solution didn't include enough detail to satisfy NI's requirements. I haven't decided if I will resit for the exam. Being unable to use the LapDog Messaging Library is a huge disadvantage for me, as it is a central component in my desktop architectures. I can't afford to spend a quarter of my time (or more) recreating it from scratch. I'll probably work through the sample exam some more and see how much I can get done in four hours. The ironic thing is I failed high school english--twice--because I couldn't get my writing assignments turned in. (Plus most of the grammar taught seems largely pointless.) Then in my first year of college I scored well enough they asked me to work in the writing help center for credit instead of taking the usual composition class. I failed that too for the same reason. Go figure... Oh yes, writing and I have had a very rocky relationship. (Though I do have a slightly better relationship with her less glamorous sister, technical writing.) Heh... there's not enough time in the history of the universe for me to write a book. It's not unusual for me to spend 8-12 hours on a longer post, which maybe translates into 3 pages on a book. (I have been considering archiving a collection of essays though...) And less time to do things like... you know... earn money.
    1 point
  3. As a measurement guy and the dyslexic mascot I have to ask if the test results are true measurement of a candidates worthiness for CLA or are the number indicative of an artificial value that requires skill other than those required for a CLA. I feel a timed test introduces many other factors that we can not compensate for. Alternatives? THe certification can be turned into a project. Candidate gets exam spec days ahead of time to allow them to review and think about. They should also be able to submit interogatory Q's to get the spec clarified (I was confused by more than one spce in the exams that were not clear to me). These interogatories would play a part in the evaluation since good questions are part of what a CLA really has to do. The CLA could generate diagrams to doc their design and submit same. If the CLA candidate chooses to use tool-kits or re-use code, they would submit copies of these tool-kits prior to the exam. On the day of the exam the Candidate would dial-in for a web-Ex to present the design and answer questions. So no time limits and no coding. Just my two cents, Ben And re-certification changes as well! Every five years the re-cert candidate will submit code examples of projects developed since cretification. The Exam would be a casual review to ensure the candidate still works with LV. All of the interesting stuff learned by the Examiner should be documented and fed back to NI training so that the loop closes and teh entire LV world "is better for this..."* Ben * From The Unreachabel Star, Man of La Mancha
    1 point
  4. Daklu, I do not know you, but I know some of those who are singing your praises, so I am suitably impressed with your abilities. I hope all works out well in the end, and am optimistic that it will, but I wanted to compliment you on your positive and helpful attitude in the face of this adversity. Your reaction to a bad situation was to start a discussion that is very helpful to others who will take the CLA and, I hope, also to us at National Instruments. I work with Customer Education periodically regarding certification and have faith that they will review your case and respond appropriately. Perhaps the result was appropriate, perhaps it was appropriate but we should add some additional guidance or requirements to the exam instructions, or perhaps some changes need to be implemented regarding grading. I do not know what will happen or what changes might come of this, but I am optimistic and very appreciative of your time and effort here. Congratulations on having such a fine reputation amongst your peers; that reflects many many successes in various respects (communication, attitude, technical) over a long period of time - very impressive. Roy Faltesek Senior Group Manager LabVIEW R&D
    1 point
  5. I don't believe there is a built in call that does this. Your code looks very similar to the code I've been using to do the same thing. As far as I know the only way to do it is decode the binary strings in the flattened data:
    1 point
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