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Posts posted by jgcode

  1. At the moment while a test is running i want a "loading" type of gif to be playing. At the moment I'm inserting a VI containing the gif into a subpanel and then removing it once its no longer needed. Is there an easier/more elegant way?? Maybe a ring control with all the images, but even then i'll still need to insert the VI into the subpanel.

    Attached is the VI containing the gif.

    Hi kiyuna

    I like to add the gif to a button with the 'on image' as the gif and the 'off image' as a png-still of the gif. Then I just set the button state programmatically.

    You could do the same but just use the visible property of the button to show/hide the gif.



  2. (at this point I don't know if other programs that were developed in 8.5 will be able to handle the change).

    Good to hear you have sorted out your issue.

    As for the change you mentioned this actually occurred in LabVIEW 2009. I have not had any issues with the config API with respect to this. Given LabVIEW handles the change automatically and the OpenG Config VIs are based on that API (and package versions 4.x have been tested in LabVIEW 2009) it should be all sweet. :)



  3. I'm using LabVIEW 2011 (2010 SP1 (v10,0.1)). The option in the File menu that this is supposed to create is not appearing.

    Hi caleyjag

    I am confused as to whether you are using 2011 or 2010, anyways I have tested this package and it installs correctly in 2011:


    Have you rebooted LabVIEW after installing the package?

    This is required to refresh the menu (currently there is no way to do this programmatically etc...)



  4. Still, being consistent doesn't make it understandable. Having taken the exam twice now, I still have no idea of what they're looking for in a solution. It makes it very hard to prepare for an open-ended exam.

    Personally, when I took the exam, I didn't find it difficult in knowing as to what NI were after - what I found difficult was comprehension of the requirements and implementing the solution within the time limit.

    After compiling notes, I used a top-down approach - I put together the messaging framework, then UI, then worked on creating modules (specifically API and data-structures), then connecting everything together. I then kept iterating through everything (either adding code or requirement covers) - rather than trying to implement an entire module in one go - because I knew I would be pushed for time (and of course I needed more time). IMO the CLA Prep Guide details pretty well what NI are after (page 9-10), if you can tick off those boxes, you should feel pretty confident in passing the exam.

  5. The OpenG Board has decided to use on the following icon and connector pane:


    Additionally (as suggested in this thread) a Hexademical String output has been added to MD5 Message Digest.

    This could have been implemented in two ways:

    1. Depreciated old VI, create new VI and add additional output
    2. Convert to Polymorphic API

    The Polymorphic API was chosen as it allows for future support of additional outputs (if ever needed).

    Note: It will not break existing code.

    The Hexadecimal String is just a thin wrapper around the original VI:


    I will close this review in the next few days.

    Thanks for everyone's input!

    • Like 1
  6. As I pointed out in the previous thread as well, you can use the Sign function to convert R (the remainder of the integer division) to 0 or 1, instead of the three functions you use here. Also, this value R gives you already the number of padding characters required, which could be added to the Input String before processing - depending on the memory effects of doing this. Doing all that could simplify the diagram somewhat.

    As I said in the other thread, I liked your implementation better. :P

    What is the reason for outputting the Last Character? Is there an obvious use for this?

    I wrote this code a while but only just posted it. At the time I was thinking it may be of interest for padding etc...

    Like I said above, I posted the VI to get a discussion going on functionality so things like these are not that important at this stage.

  7. Perhaps we could get some momentum on the idea exchange for allowing palettes to be placed under the lower level palettes (i.e. arrays, timing, etc). I'll post an idea for this and update this thread when I do so.

    OpenG used to support this functionality (by recreating all the NI palettes I believe?)

    This was something I posted to JKI last year as a feature for VIPM however, I understand it is a limitation of LabVIEW palettes.

    So, I am all for this Idea happening!!

  8. Just so we are all on the same page, the change is not as small as advertised (not that it is that big a deal).

    Yes, it was not a big deal to implement the multi-character functionality (that is what I meant).

    I think you need to use sign( R ) like this:

    I did it similar to this when I coded it, but I like the above better.

    handling the case where the data size is not commensurate with the chunk size (padding or clipping). The offset must be multiplied by the chunk size as well.

    This is the part that will generate some discussion on how to handle it.

    I have gone ahead and created a separate thread for a Chunking VI so please continue this discussion there (I also posted some code to get the above mentioned functionality).

    I am going to go ahead and close this review in a couple of days.

    OpenG will be using the original String To Character Array function (note the name change) as below:



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  9. I have started a new thread for the possibility of creating a Chunking VI or similar.

    Here is some code I wrote to get the conversation started.

    It may not be beautiful code, but I was just trying to create the functionality described in the cross thread (did I get it right?)


    I will turn this into an OpenG review if it gets enough interest.

    Attached is a String Implementation


    Example - Chunking.vi

    Code is in LabVIEW 2009

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