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Everything posted by jgcode

  1. Hi Guys LabVIEW 2010 Beta enrollment is now open. Signup here and help make the next version of LabVIEW even better! More info on announcement here. Cheers JG
  2. Hi Pravin Attached is a protocols (how-to) document I wrote for my library on the subject, hope it helps. LabVIEW - Connect to mySQL.pdf
  3. Yes, yours was a much better solution - mine officially sucks I didn't even think down that path - just followed the steps!!
  4. Very nice, but not what he asked for Maybe he has to log the hex string???
  5. I love to create APIs like this. And used to do it alot when I used MFVI/Action Engines for encapsulation. Now I would rather use LVOOP so I don't do as much. Anyways I wanted to add:- Don't forget that ":" in your Menu Name lets you create submenus which is really handy for creating a menu hierarchy for the developer to navigate.
  6. Hi MUSA Have a go at searching the palettes for the following functions in order to solve your problem. Cheers -JG
  7. Hi Neil In order to refresh everything: Uninstall the package using VIPM. The package backs up the original hooks to the <vi.lib>\addons\_JGCODE Toolkits\lvoop custom user scripting folder under the NewAccessors Original sub-folder. Delete the above lvoop custom user scripting folder (if it exists). Copy the attached files to their respective locations in <LabVIEW>\resource\Framework\Providers\LVClassLibrary\NewAccessors . These are the original (empty) hooks that come with LabVIEW (ensure they are not read only). Everything should now be back to default. Ensuring you have the latest package Install the package using VIPM. Test an example class. Please let me know how you go. Cheers -JG NewAccessors Original.zip [LabVIEW 2009]
  8. Gold! I love whats written on the whiteboards
  9. Here is what I am trying to do - posted on the Dark Side...
  10. Tom is talking about releasing some APIs for this really soon - I'm excited.
  11. Hi Graeme I have posted example code here that you may want to look at to add files to a project etc... For your copying build spec question Cat tried to tackle it here. I had a really quick go to and kept corrupting the xml. I would be interested to know if you get it to go. Cheers -JG
  12. Your welcome. You should NOT have to do any manual coping!! The package installed the required files. I tested it at home last night and work this morning and it seems ok Would you mind uninstalling/installing to confirm? Additionally are you able to post how you used the CLSUIP_LocalizedStrings.vi in your code? I wasn't able to use it as the global variable is accessesed scope as private? Cheers -JG
  13. Ah - ok. I have never down this before, so are you saying even if you get a type mismatch with the More Specific Class functions you could get access to other hidden private properties using type casting? If so that is cool.
  14. Hi Neil I have made the fix to the package and uploaded it. Attached is my CLSUIP_LocalizedStrings.vi file if you want to look at it. CLSUIP_LocalizedStrings.vi [LabVIEW 9.0]
  15. Haha! I was playing around with yours too but couldn't get anything to go yet Thanks for working on this
  16. Warning!! Brain will be shutting down over Christmas period...
  17. Sounds hardcore for what I want to do Hi Yair That is what I meant when I said Control Class - but I get a type mismatch error when I tried to convert the Text Class to a String Class (which makes sense). The problem is that I cannot get Text.Start-End Selection property to work either. With Controls I need to put them in Focus first then use the Start-End Selection property otherwise that property doesn't work. Am I doing this wrong for a BD label? Cheers -JG
  18. Hi Neil Thanks for the feedback. I meant to take this VI out of the package as I did not want to distribute NI VIs when I want to submit it for certification. Therefore use the one under NewAccessors not mine (mine is getting installed in the wrong spot anyway!). I use the default VI form NI as the hooks automatically change the name to the get/set. Its a bug that it is still in there. I will do a fix tonight at home and load a new version with readme. Cheers JG
  19. Haha nope! No cheating here. Don't know if that makes a difference - I am running 9.0f2 with the update for IE. And if it helps, here are the exact steps I do: Start on Layers Tab with a Icon Template selected Double click the Select Tool to put a marquee around the icon preview Hit Ctrl + C for the copy shortcut Click in the User Layers control Hit Ctrl + V to paste The new layer will have the tag Clipboard It works if User Layers exist of there are no User Layers, with Icon Text or without. Let me know how you go. Cheers -JG
  20. Thanks Yair, the Text Reference is the same for the BD and FP, it was the control property I was after, so I don't know if it is possible
  21. [Cross-posted to NI] Howdy! Does anyone know of a scripting method to give focus to a free label decoration on the block diagram? I just want to programmatically have the cursor appear at the end of some text in a free label. We have the Key Focus property for a control, but is there something similar on the BD for text class object? Cheers -JG
  22. Cheers The API only has "image data" as input. It must know what VI invoked it in order to read the tag data??
  23. Certainly my good man. Attached is an example project that includes benchmarking for building an array: From the front From the back Preallocating memory first, then taking subset Using the OpenG array I get difference performance on single core vs dual core. Unfortunately this example includes keeping odd numbers I hope that is ok! 14 Build Array.zip [LabVIEW 2009]
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