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Everything posted by jgcode

  1. I have posted an Idea to make it possible to Implement Quick Drop from the LabVIEW Project. This is more for interfacing to custom plugins, rather than native options. I currently use work arounds for this which is fine, I just think it would be faster this way. And may open up other possibilities... Here is some side chatter in the QD Group
  2. This is freaking hilarious I can't stop laughing, these guys are great. I love Gansta Rap and LabVIEW - whoever combined the two is genius!!!! Here is another one I found after you posted that one:
  3. Hi Dannyt I can't speak for Norm's choices but you can use reentrency to create non-blocking VIs which means if that subVI is used in lots of places, they won't effect each other. This is the choice I made when designing my reuse library, I was under the impression this was common. As it turns out recently others have voiced against this - saying even NI subVIs aren't reentrent e.g. Merge Errors would be a bottle neck (as a side note Darren has pointed out the poor performance of this VI in a nugget and there is an update for 2010 as shown in the Idea Exchange Forum.) Anyways here is some more discussion on the subject. Here AQ talks about the algorithm used for shared clones. Enjoy! Cheers -JG
  4. You can make a FGV a reentrant VI, but because it contains persistent data (USRs) you use the preallocated option for reentrancy. Therefore, every instance placed on the block diagram will have a unique state. That may help.
  5. Thanks for your time Mark. Would it be a better suited located in the new Quick Drop Plugins category (under LabVIEW IDE)?? What are your thoughts? Cheers -JG
  6. Wow! That actually looks half decent!
  7. Hi Rolfk - the LV7.1 installer sounds cool. Any application is going to need a LabVIEW run-time, so having it installed before you run the install would be all that would be needed. I don't think that is much of an issue. You can't really get around it with LabVIEW (although it seemed you did with an older version! )
  8. I like to think big Its not that hard. I have already done some of it and it works sweet. The other ideas I have had for a while. It just about getting the time. Ok, cool. So you request this from your SCC then create a text file or HTML document or similar? Out of interest - do you have an example document of what this looks like? Cheers JG
  9. I'll take one for the team - here is the image in case anyone else is too scared to download it PS - On the upside the Icon looks really nice!
  10. Thats great news, it is rewarding to hear that. This place is great for learning new stuff, I don't know where I'd be without LAVA/Internet. Definitely behind the 8-ball. I haven't ventured down that track. Have heard some feedback from Daklu thats its a bit complicated to learn but pretty neat. NI works fine for me. But I still wouldn't mind taking a look. Thanks for replying with what you do. I am part way through implementing the following (which will be dependent on the project): Check Out/In Project with updated Build Versions (I use Perforce) Download installers (drivers, support software etc...) and extract files (zips) when building a Full Installer (usually as a CD) Convert .bat files to exe (I have to see if this is possible with 3rd Party Software) Create ISO image (For CD Installers) (have command line interface for my burning app so this should be fine) Output text or image of Version for CD Label (I would like to automate this but I don't think my CD Label app has any hooks) Move deliverable (Zip/ISO etc...) to Server Label src code after save and build And off course all this will be reusable. A bit of work, but it is definitely worth it. Also what is BOM (Bill Of Materials?) and how do you use it in your workflow?
  11. VIPM has a LabVIEW-built installer that looks really sweet. This approach would be quite powerful and flexible (no need to learn another language/protocol and no need for additional costs) Of course there would be the overhead in developing such a thing It would have to be reusable/configurable and used across multiple projects for it to be worthwhile (to me) ...if only I had the time... For now NI's one is great. Maybe that is an option?
  12. Hi Dannyt I just saw this sorry! (subscribe to updates wasn't checked!) Glad you like the potential of the script, it really can simplify things. I have one for creating packages e.g. creates the correct size icon, updates dependency list from .vipc file, builds code using NI BUILDER and then the package using OGPB, then zips it up with all the LAVACR stuff (readme, examples, .vipc file etc...). It just removes human errors during that process, so running the end product is much more reliable. To confirm your post - the code is actually in LV8.2 for the Project API VIs (and most other internal libs). But I really only use it for LV2009 personally. To add in support the Project Tags need to be updated when they change between versions. And I have only tested the Tags for LV2009. I choose LV8.2 because that what most of my reusable code is in - and support for LV8.2 if I ever wanted it. I upgraded the Project API package over this weekend as part of abstracting functionality in the script for reuse-ability. Even things such as resolving the output path of the dist or exe is different between 8.2 and LV2009 (discussion of this is related to Ton's Post here) So there is a bit more work to support all versions. Have you implemented a scripting process in your work? Do you have any feedback or examples to add? Look forward to hearing what you've done. Cheers -JG
  13. Attached is the repackaged Icon Editor API if any wants just that. Cheers -JG jgcode_rpk_ni_icon_editor_api-1.0-1.ogp
  14. Version History (Changelist): 1.1-1 2010 05 02 - New(): Added support for preserving layers after Icon Editor API upgraded. - New(): Select Layer Tag UI added which allows user to specify Layer Tag when it is not found. This Layer can be made the default when searching next time. - Fix(): Clean error handling for when non LVOOP Member VI is quick drop'd on. <object id="scPlayer" width="677" height="585"> <param name="movie" value=" http://content.screencast.com/users/jgcode/folders/LAVA%20CR/media/8fff0ce5-df03-444a-be83-d5f08fe094b1/jingswfplayer.swf"></param>'>http://content.screencast.com/users/jgcode/folders/LAVA%20CR/media/8fff0ce5-df03-444a-be83-d5f08fe094b1/jingswfplayer.swf"></param> <param name="quality" value="high"></param> <param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF"></param> <param name="flashVars" value="thumb=http://content.screencast.com/users/jgcode/folders/LAVA%20CR/media/8fff0ce5-df03-444a-be83-d5f08fe094b1/FirstFrame.jpg&containerwidth=677&containerheight=585&content=http://content.screencast.com/users/jgcode/folders/LAVA%20CR/media/8fff0ce5-df03-444a-be83-d5f08fe094b1/LVOOP%20Theme%20Creator%201.1.swf"></param> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param> <param name="scale" value="showall"></param> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param> <param name="base" value="http://content.screencast.com/users/jgcode/folders/LAVA%20CR/media/8fff0ce5-df03-444a-be83-d5f08fe094b1/"></param>'>http://content.screencast.com/users/jgcode/folders/LAVA%20CR/media/8fff0ce5-df03-444a-be83-d5f08fe094b1/"></param> <embed src="http://content.screencast.com/users/jgcode/folders/LAVA%20CR/media/8fff0ce5-df03-444a-be83-d5f08fe094b1/jingswfplayer.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="677" height="585" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="always" flashVars="thumb=http://content.screencast.com/users/jgcode/folders/LAVA%20CR/media/8fff0ce5-df03-444a-be83-d5f08fe094b1/FirstFrame.jpg&containerwidth=677&containerheight=585&content=http://content.screencast.com/users/jgcode/folders/LAVA%20CR/media/8fff0ce5-df03-444a-be83-d5f08fe094b1/LVOOP%20Theme%20Creator%201.1.swf" allowFullScreen="true" base="http://content.screencast.com/users/jgcode/folders/LAVA%20CR/media/8fff0ce5-df03-444a-be83-d5f08fe094b1/" scale="showall"></embed> </object> I have added the Icon Editor API so that now layers are supported. The package contains a repackaged version of the Icon Editor API compiled for user.lib I also did updated the GET and SET polymorphic VIs icon's and added a MNU file so its neat. This package is contained in the .vipc file (all other dependencies are listed only) If you have any feedback please post! Cheers -JG
  15. The competition was to video "The most amazing thing you can do in 7 seconds" and stick it on youtube. It was tied in to The Watchmen release and about being a Superhero. I didn't think that much of the movie, but after winning the prize I thought I should at least watch it, but I feel asleep (and had to rewatch the ending!). The radio station bought the prize from a global events company so there were people from all around the world in New York for the this event. We had to Race The Doomsday Clock (which is tied to the movie plot) around New York doing certain tasks to get evidence/clues etc... all tied into the movie. There were costumed superheros from the movie around New York and we had to find them. We climbed the Empire State building, rode the subway, had a helicopter flight over the Statue of Liberty, tours through Central Park, etc... The assigned us a Tour Guide which was great, we got to see a lot in a short time. I think mine was the most bizarre entry there, other country had artistic competitions, or random-draws We got to meet Dave Gibbons, the author of the graphic novel too. He did us a drawing and chatted to us. Dave was really cool and interesting to talk to. The other cool thing is that the hotel where we were staying (The Empire) was being filmed for Gossip Girl. So we got to see some of the cast in action. Yes I do follow that show
  16. If you want to be, like, totally disrespected check out my vid .I have not managed to go viral like Popcorn Tweets but I think my prize was much better - this was the winning entry for national radio competition and I won a $25K trip to New York last September. I really should have done something with my hair. Damn impromptu video!
  17. Other have mentioned some negatives, I can think of a few positives (off the top of my head): Classes: Oh, man. If you like using classes, you are going to love 2009. 8.2 was when they were launched and they were a bit raw. In 2009 they are quite refined. Executables: You also have a new build model for exes which is nice So if you use libraries (.lvlibs, .xctls, .lvclass) your build will be neat - no more external files Project: The project is much better, more functionality at your fingertips etc... For example - I can really do some cool this when creating source distributions Cheers -JG
  18. I concur. I have had success with LVClass Plugins e.g. supporting different file types after deployment. Check out Tomi blog for a simple demo: http://expressionflow.com/2008/06/02/extending-labview-built-applications-with-lvoop-plugins/
  19. OMG! I hope I haven't inadvertently disrespected and LAVA'ers, that was not my intention! I know what you mean, but I always seems to find some decent nugget in a book/manual - stuff I don't get, have forgotten or never seen. Plus I like seeing things from other peoples perspective. Referring to what you stated above, I do know that some of my favourite publishers have tight timescales of <6 months to turn out technical books due to this reason (as opposed to 12+ months a few years back). So the content is not that old. But yes I will concur the latest and greatest is LAVA
  20. Go Team LAVA!!
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