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Also, RT on FieldPoint Ethernet modules also allows you to configure 'Fieldpoint Tags' through MAX. These tags can be accessed as for any other FP tag (ie read, write or read/write) from both the RT and the host. This provides a simple comm's to embedded FP RT's.
How NOT to code large applications
aledain replied to JackHamilton's topic in Application Design & Architecture
This doesn't happen under all circumstances. If you're careful about it you can reduce memory copy operations to just those at application start. IF the same wire (talking arrays here specifically) goes into and comes out of a sub-vi, then the memory is (sometimes) not copied within the sub-vi. The array is passed by reference (if you get my drift). Within that sub-vi, a copy is made only wherever a 'branch' occurs where that branch undergoes some transformation (eg branch 0, nothing; branch 1 * a constant) OR if the array is not manipulated in-place. So in the example, if you return branch 0 and branch 1 from the sub-vi then you have duplicated your data (and a copy will have been made). So if the sub-vi modifies the data, make sure that the change is done 'in-place'. Some array tools are specifically designed to be used in place, such as the replace array element. Using these in-place tools will not force a copy of the array. Think of it as processing the arry by substitution directly into the memory itself. If you need to allocate an array within a FOR loop (for versions prior to about 6.1, I believe) the only 'in-place' way to do it is to pre-allocate, use the replace array element and truncate the array post loop. Another thing to watch out for here is the use of indicators on the sub-vi's panel. If you run within the dev environ, then having a ~MB array branch to an indicator just for the sake of viewing the data, may mean a memory allocation, and will certainly slow your application (as you say) due to screen updates. Furthermore, when a wire goes through a case structure, make sure at least one case has nothing happen to the wire. This (IIRC) enforces the 'by reference' passage of the data. And while we're at it, did you realise that wiring your array into the top node of a multiple/add etc is NOT the same as wiring it from below. The top is best. -
Share your favorite tips and shortcuts
aledain replied to m3nth's topic in Development Environment (IDE)
If you drop the numeric constant from the numeric palette it is automatically selected but is 'blue' because it is an I32. Type your number while it's selected but finish with a '.' and the type changes to DBL. It works for any I32 on the BD that has never had its representation changed. Once it's been changed it's broken wrt of this funtionality. Only found this the other day after 7 years of RMB/Representation/DBL :headbang: -
How NOT to code large applications
aledain replied to JackHamilton's topic in Application Design & Architecture
Ownership of the problem. Hmmm. Do you reckon this is unique to the software world? Perhaps its a 'fundamental' aspect of our development world. I always use the examples of telling the car mechanic to fix my flat tyre after he services my car. Similarly the builder extending my house doesn't believe the death of my wife's plants is his problem either. Another good one is the washing machine mechanic not getting my whites 'white and brighter' after a repair! :laugh: Imagine if other service industries 'owned' problems! When I use these examples, clients seem to appreciate why software I 'patched' at their request doesn't seem to work quite right anymore. cheers, Alex. -
Experiment with "Customise Control", you can change a slider into a codeless radio button with care. However do you really need a radio button? If there are 3 or 4 options, just use a slider set to I32, line up some text and you're set. The function is the same (selecting just one option).
Having just received the list of LabVIEW champions (http://www.ni.com/devzone/lvzone/champions.htm), I realise my name was omitted from the list ;-) I think my original idea (http://forums.lavausergroup.org/index.php?showtopic=76&hl=) has been subverted somewhat. I still believe our own comunity based recognition would serve the community better than a corporation led one.
You're right, never noticed that ... how bizarre. It's like the labels on the LV functions themselves. :thumbup: It is a myth that any language is self documenting. Even a text based language where MyFunctionDoesThis = AllTheInputs(AreLabelledThus) won't help after the core code has been dumped from your brain. I am eagerly awaiting my brain upgrade but I think that the hardware might not be able to handle the new software cheers, Alex.
This is mentioned in the license agreement. You cannot sell it without informing NI of the transfer of ownership. As follows: Transfer. If you have a single seat license or if the SOFTWARE is Multiple Access Software, you may transfer the SOFTWARE to a third party provided that you notify NI in writing of such transfer (including the name and location of such third party), such third party accepts the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and after such transfer you do not retain any copies of the SOFTWARE (including all Upgrades that you may have received) nor retain any of the written materials accompanying the SOFTWARE. NI may, in its discretion, charge you a fee for the transfer of the SOFTWARE. If you have a volume license, an academic license, a student edition license, a debug license, or an evaluation license, the license is non-transferable and you may not distribute or otherwise provide the SOFTWARE to any third party or (with respect to a volume license) to any of your sites or facilities not expressly identified in the applicable documents from NI.
As a rule of thumb, and a very broad and nebulous thumb at that ... and I can say because I definitely DON'T know when it will be released, but it works out to about every 18 months* per release. As Jim indicates the bigger and better, the longer ... * Based upon a broad consideration of my dim recollection of things and not based AT ALL on any actual release dates.
So you can enter a description of the wire and you can triple click and get it's source and destination ... so do you need a label? I used to think so and used to paste the clear type text over my wires but over the years have let that go. You're right its a pain the &%&^%& to move them whenever you change the diagram and the new auto-wiring is sure to help ...NOT. But, I how many people show and label their FOR and WHILE loops? I would guess close to 0.01 %, as most people wouldn't even know that the labels are there! Not to start a slanging match (I agree a nice flowing label such as you get with VISIO (or other such sw) connectors would be nice), but comments are WHY not WHAT and with an intrinsically visual medium such as LV I think a well placed comment will serve much better that labelling a wire, and for that purpose the desciption suits. What would be a thing to wish for is having that description "visible" or not, at the flick of a preference switch. Now that is what I'd wish for! cheers, Alex.
See this for starters: here and there is a set of utilities called lvwinutil32.zip or smowthing smiilar floating around that has all the hard work done for you.
Sending IMAQ images via TCP/IP network
aledain replied to JackHamilton's topic in Remote Control, Monitoring and the Internet
Be carfeul using FlattenToString with Datasocket. In the LV 6.02 version (and perhaps higher versions but I've never checked), DS recognises \00 as the terminator of the string (ie DS is a 'C' API and resolves 'C' style terminated strings). Flattened strings sometimes carry the \00 within them and the decode on the other end doesn't work because the entire string is never received by the DS Reader. You will need to bypass this with some smarts to make it a truly robust transfer. cheers, Alex. -
Sharing a LV2 global between Labview Executables
aledain replied to milan211's topic in Application Design & Architecture
A more general approach to this problem can be overcome with Datasocket. You can setup the DS Server and have a common socket eg dstp://localhost/myglobals that the two exes Write and Read (easier for beginners than TCPIP because you can link these direct to a control on your panel[1]). There are other issues that you WILL want to address such as synchro at start, race conditions while running, etc. cheers, Alex. [1] Of course even easier is to use a file stored in a common area but if your exe's will ultimately live on separate networked machines then DS could serve your needs. -
Not an answer but a suggestion, but their are two types of tab containers in Stanf=dard LV. One is from LV, the other is OS. They are found in the "Array & Cluster Controls" and the "Dialog Controls" palettes respectively. Perhaps try the other one? Hang on! Doesn't the PDA module give you a new set of controls? Are you starting from a "New PDA VI" or just building it from scratch? Perhaps this might explain it? cheers, Alex.
Cannot view your code because I don't have 7.1. If you post the DLL function call someone may be able to suggest more relevant information. I don't think in general there' any issues with calling a DLL function within a loop, provided your inputs and outputs are setup correctly. Otherwise with DLL's you must (usually) preallocate your array before passing it to the DLL (if it takes an array as input). Use the array initialisation tool for this (see attached). If the DLL returns a single value then use a replace array element after the call and a shift register the store the array (see attached).
I would suggest making a third exe: a resource controller. This third exe publishes data to a datasocket server (on itself or another machine). The client exe's check the tags the datasocker server for whether the resource is "in use". Bet this app could be written in under 5 minutes
Don't know other than to have a picture control "customised" into each control (ie multiple controls). I think when I used it before it didn't matter if the picture control was behind another control (but I might be wrong). Alternatively place as many picture controls under as many controls as you need to react to. I have used this technique with a cluster before, but it was a long time ago. What exactly are you after? A flyover or drag and drop. The picture control works for flyovers. For the drag and drop there was an article in LTR about 2000, 2001 ? On creating a drag and drop interface. Pretty sure that predated UI events. For a clickable interface you could cutomise the picture control to have an image the same size as the pic control and "hide" the other bits of the control itself. The property node would then return True if the mouse is pressed (left or right). You could pass this into a data change VI (ie returns T only on F->T) and poll for "clicks". cheers, Alex.
Not a great solution, but more of a workaround, if you size a picture control to cover your panel, the Mouse poperty will return position.
Under Options\Miscellaneous you can check "Treat Read Only as Locked". Could that help? If the file is read-only then the user cannot edit it. cheers, Alex
Yes, I know I should have said: to avoid the need to install/download OpenG(1), and if you don't need/want OS independent code, and you're not interested in mixed EOL characters, and, and, and, ... but I thought I had covered that with "smooch" 1. although you should've done this as the first step after purchasing LV, IMHO. P.S. Michael, I will always welcome corrections! That's how you learn! In this case however, the code was just using the tool with the EOL as delimter as a quick solution.
That's correct, LabVIEW applications can be built to download to Palm and PocketPC. I am not sure, however, whether you need two separate licenses for the two different platforms :question: cheers, Alex.
Or to KISS, try ...
Chart History Length can be modified when running?
aledain replied to skywalkerxp's topic in User Interface
That's true, but by changing your if you can change the "function requirements" you can/may gain speed and avoid the hang. For example, don't, allow the user the use of the hand, but instead add a new control (slider) to control the scrolling. Next, if the update rate is slow, set the viewed portion to some fixed subset and "max/min" the intervening points (say by an enum {All points {Slow}, Last 2048, Last 1024, Last 356, Last 218, etc}). This will mean a quasi-decimation of your data, but will be faster to update. Combining controls to appear to create a "control" can be powerful; of course RAM is also sooooooo cheap too cheers, Alex. -
Chart History Length can be modified when running?
aledain replied to skywalkerxp's topic in User Interface
If there is no property node to let you do this (there isn't in 6.0), then create a LV2 global "buffer" and have this data displayed in a wavefrom graph. LV2 style globals are explained in the FAQ here. By adding "methods" to your functional global you can increase and decrease your buffer size in very efficient steps. cheers, Alex. -
Yes. This is one of the "achievements" of an Object Oriented Programming (OOP) approach (regardless of language). It's all about the "data hiding". By specifying the object's interface you can control how the object is utilised. Interestingly enough a functional global (LV2 style global) by implication becomes an "object", albeit a singleton (single instance). At its simplest it will be just a container, but at it most complex can be a functional component. There was a LabVIEW book written using this componentisation. Personally I prefer OOP (ie GOOP) because when I start a project I never know when the client goes from wanting "one is all we'll ever need" to "can we have four of those". Usually its at commission time cheers, Alex.