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Everything posted by martin@aerodynamics

  1. File Name: Vi, Vit, Ctl Icon and Description Editor File Submitter: LAVA 1.0 Content File Submitted: 02 Jul 2009 File Category: LabVIEW IDE LabVIEW Version: 8.0 File Version: 1.7.0 License Type: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Potentially make this file available on the VI Package Network?: Undecided RUAG ICON Editor v1.7 - 14.11.2006 Copyright © 2006, Martin Hasler ---------------------- This is the currend RUAG ICON Editor for LabVIEW 8.x Have a lot of Fun with LabVIEW Author: Martin.Hasler --see readme file for contact information Description: Copy the Files Icon.llb and RUAG-Icon-Editor.vi and description.txt into your LabVIEW 8.x/project/ Directory If you start LabVIEW the next Time, the RUAG-ICON-Editor appears under LabVIEW Tools (Werkzeuge). With the RUAG Icon Editor you can create or modify ICONS from Vi, Vit, Ctl. The information about the ICON will be saved into the VI-Documentation. => First: Click "Load Directory" => Click "Tree-Control" to choose your VI to modify. => You can modify the colorsets by Editing the Color_Set.vi in the Icon.llb. Do not forget to click on: Save current values as default. => DO NOT USE THE FOLLOWING SINGN IN THE TITLE OR BODY!! § => Dobble -click your VI in the "Tree-Control" to open the VI. Version History: V1.0 The Original Version 1 was made by Pascal Helfenstein phelfens@fhzh.ch V1.1 You can reload the old Icon. You can Choose Color Sets. Help button. Changes will be saved into the VI documentation. V1.2 You can Edit Icons in llb You can Edit Icons from *.vit, *.ctl, *.vi V1.3 The Pictures (New Icon, Old Icon etc.) are bigger Bug Fixed that you have to press "Write Icon" twice for Vi's which are in a Project. V1.4 More Documentation, (BD & FP) "Straighten the Code" V1.5 "Edit Documentation" included V1.5.1 Rearranged all Buttons. If you edit the Icon the first time, text=black, Title and Body= white V1.5.2 If you edit a ICON the first time, a line feed will be added to the existing documentation. V1.6 If the entered ICON text is too long it will be cutted automatically. Automatically add and remove Tags < B > and </B> to the Description. (Preview included) Rearranged Buttons V1.7 An Indicator is blinking and the cursor is set to busy while the tree control is updated Bug solved with old tree control paths Automatically generate a Documentation with Username, Date, CTL Inputs and Outputs if they are connected to the connector pane (including their description) Open Frontpannel and Blockdiagramm by right-click to the Tree CTL or LLB-Content Click here to download this file
  2. 1,604 downloads

    RUAG ICON Editor v1.7 - 14.11.2006 Copyright © 2006, Martin Hasler ---------------------- This is the currend RUAG ICON Editor for LabVIEW 8.x Have a lot of Fun with LabVIEW Author: Martin.Hasler --see readme file for contact information Description: Copy the Files Icon.llb and RUAG-Icon-Editor.vi and description.txt into your LabVIEW 8.x/project/ Directory If you start LabVIEW the next Time, the RUAG-ICON-Editor appears under LabVIEW Tools (Werkzeuge). With the RUAG Icon Editor you can create or modify ICONS from Vi, Vit, Ctl. The information about the ICON will be saved into the VI-Documentation. => First: Click "Load Directory" => Click "Tree-Control" to choose your VI to modify. => You can modify the colorsets by Editing the Color_Set.vi in the Icon.llb. Do not forget to click on: Save current values as default. => DO NOT USE THE FOLLOWING SINGN IN THE TITLE OR BODY!! § => Dobble -click your VI in the "Tree-Control" to open the VI. Version History: V1.0 The Original Version 1 was made by Pascal Helfenstein phelfens@fhzh.ch V1.1 You can reload the old Icon. You can Choose Color Sets. Help button. Changes will be saved into the VI documentation. V1.2 You can Edit Icons in llb You can Edit Icons from *.vit, *.ctl, *.vi V1.3 The Pictures (New Icon, Old Icon etc.) are bigger Bug Fixed that you have to press "Write Icon" twice for Vi's which are in a Project. V1.4 More Documentation, (BD & FP) "Straighten the Code" V1.5 "Edit Documentation" included V1.5.1 Rearranged all Buttons. If you edit the Icon the first time, text=black, Title and Body= white V1.5.2 If you edit a ICON the first time, a line feed will be added to the existing documentation. V1.6 If the entered ICON text is too long it will be cutted automatically. Automatically add and remove Tags < B > and </B> to the Description. (Preview included) Rearranged Buttons V1.7 An Indicator is blinking and the cursor is set to busy while the tree control is updated Bug solved with old tree control paths Automatically generate a Documentation with Username, Date, CTL Inputs and Outputs if they are connected to the connector pane (including their description) Open Frontpannel and Blockdiagramm by right-click to the Tree CTL or LLB-Content
  3. Hello I had similar problems, As written in the Error Message, you just have to change the NI-488 DMA Hardware ... No in fact I think you should try following: Open your Vi and, press Ctrl + Shift and press the Run Button from your Vi. Save the Vi. Do the same with all dynamic called vi's. Try to build your app... Note: In the Build Specification window, you have an option (Vorschau in german LabVIEW) If you press "Vorschau erzeugen" or whatever it is in your LabVIEW language version. Then you get eather a detailed error description, or you get a preview of your Exe including used dll etc.
  4. In LabVIEW you can make as many parallel loops as you like...
  5. Just delete the post (upgrade to premium member....)
  6. This behaviour is described in the Vi description of the used vi ... The Read png File.vi has an Input for Transparency... So you can select the level of transparency- and that's just on/off ...
  7. Customized Color Box.... (will be implemented into my Icon editor soon... Actually the transparency is made by "overlaying" all 3 Icons (not just BW) ("256" Colors, 16 Colors, and BW)... So if on the border of the overlayed Icon is white, then will this part showed as transparent.... In the default LabVIEW ICON Editor, it is not possible to make a complete transparent Vi. But if you set the ICON programatically, you can make invisible Vi's... (the invisible Vi's ar only shown in the Vi- Hirarchie, so you can wind up somebody )
  8. I made a test with all possible ICON colors (by programmatically generate and read ICONS) => there are "just" 221 colors I will replace the color box of my Icon editor with a new customized colorbox which allows only to choose from the possible 221 colors...
  9. Ok I left the 8 bit... Anyway if you convert transparent to a 8 bit pixmap, then it's 0... (but that's also white...)
  10. Here you can see a way to make a property node for a control: (soory I have the german LabVIEW Version) 1. right click on the control/indicator 2. select create => Property Node => (select the desired Property) => Visible 3. right click on the createt Property Node, select change all to write 4. now you can change from visible /invisible by adding a bool constant or control to the Property node input... everything clear?
  11. The "ugly shadow" is only shown, when you just move an object over another object... In your example the Select Part: Control is not placed in the tab control, it's placed over the tab control... So if you wanne get rid of that shadow, you have to pick your control with the mouse, and move the control a little bit- then the shadow disapears. :beer:
  12. Hello there is a way to do that, you can siple set Controls and Indicators Visible (or invisible) with a property node... But if you don't know that then you are probably new to LabVIEW... However I would suggest that you first attend a LabVIEW Basic 1 (& 2) Course at your local NI Office... Afther that course you will know a lot of the Basic things with LabVIEW. :beer:
  13. I saw the presentation... As far as I know do the asynchronous wire exist since LabVIEW 8.0 but they are still hidden for the community ... When can we see an example of "Jeff's Wire"? (At least a picture of the BD) However- I look forward ro see an exaple of the 3d blockdiagram ...
  14. Hello Adam and Rolf Thanks for the ini keys- Now I konw how to get some of them by myself... I just figured out those for LabVIEW 7.1 (but you probably already know them) ExternalNodesEnabled=True ExternalNodeDebugging=True But be careful, you will create insane objets... so save your work bevore using them... Anyway it's nice to see that a timed loop consists of xnodes... So just enable both keys, restart LabVIEW 7.1 and place a timed loop...
  15. I already have it....
  16. I think I will not try with two copies of LabVIEW since I can drink a coffee during every build...
  17. I have used a UMI. The connection is quite simple, 2 wires +/-10V Analog Output 6 wires Encoder, Limit Switches Inhibit Here is the Documentation: NI 7350 User Manual http://digital.ni.com/manuals.nsf/websearc...6257180007233A9 Universal Motion Interface (UMI) Accessory User Guide http://digital.ni.com/manuals.nsf/websearc...62567BD0061DDAC Q1: http://digital.ni.com/worldwide/switz.nsf/...p;node=168640_d Q2: Yes
  18. In my ICON Editor is this function also used (the Vi is already in the Code Repository) Vi, Vit, Ctl Icon and Description Editor
  19. Never tried... Do you have to install LabVIEW twice for that or how sould that work??
  20. OK back to things that have improved: Overall I think the new LabVIEW 8.2 works fine, and there are a lot of improvements- specially on LabVIEW RT- side LabVIEW RT- Remote debugging of executables => Excellent! LabVIEW RT- overal handling => Excellent! LabVIEW RT- Aborting running vi's on RT-Target, reboot of RT-Target in LabVIEW 8.2 works perfetct... LabVIEW RT- Shared variable very easy and flexible to use (+extended datatypes) => Excellent! LabVIEW RT- the new RT FIFO- => Excellent! (My wish has become true :worship: ) LabVIEW RT- Building and distributing applications => even much easyer than bevore => there is only one thing I miss: While building a new RT- application I can not debug another application on a RT-Target, because the application Builder Window is "frontmonst" But if you have only smal apps. you don't need that.
  21. Congratulation!! I hope that you are also interested to get rid of the D (CLAD=> CLA) :thumbup: Ok first you have to get rid of the A (CLAD=> CLD)
  22. Hello Aristos First: LabVIEW is great! and I really like programming with LabVIEW. But I lost a lot of time so I was a bit in a bad mood. Usualy I report all "strange things" directly to NI (Switzerland). Since I have SSP it's an easy and fast way. I did't knew bevore, that you have a bug-list on the web. But it would be great if there would be a FULL LIST on the web. Example: As you know "I" found out two bugs with the Timed Loop. As I taked to local NI they told me that one bug (big priority numbers) is already reported. But i was not able to find this message on your support site. The second bug (LabVIEW hangs after a restart of a timed loop which was aborted with the Stop Timed Loop.vi) was "new". So how shold other people know about that? Why do we always have to ask for support for known issues? (I think our local NI support is really GREAT so I really enjoy asking them since we were on the same year at the same university!!) But a "complete" list could help us a lot... Usualy I'm proud to find out a bug! And your point are also what I think in general. In LabVIEW 8 I found a memory leak with DataSocket. I reported this error (directly to NI Austin), and they told me that it's already in the readme.txt from LabVIEW... But the readme is the LabVIEW Readme from 8.20 and not 8.0!!! So how should a LabVIEW 8.0 know about things like that (since LabVIEW 8.20 was not very old at that time)?
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