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Everything posted by Yair

  1. I think that to run DOS shell commands in windows XP you need to call cmd.exe with the /c switch or expicitly call the command from the windows "command" folder (and I'm not at all sure that last one will work).
  2. No. RFPs use ActiveX and the RTE to allow you to interact with the VI. At the moment, there is no seperate RTE for the PDA module and I believe there is limited support for ActiveX on PocketPC. There is a document on NI's site explaining this (and I think it also appears in the help). It may be possible to view RFPs through a browser, since I believe that's just publishing them as an image. Another option is to connect remotely to the computer through something like windows' terminal services client or VNC, which will give you real control. You can simulate an RFP by using the get panel image and windows' PostMessage or MouseEvent functions on the PC side and by using a picture control and the mouse down event on the PDA side and transferring the picture and the clicks back and forth, but you should be warned that this is very bandwidth hungry (no compression) and a bit of a CPU pig for the PDA and will not work fast.
  3. You can try finding something called "Bird's eye view". It's an LV add on which has a window where you can see your diagram minimized. Deep inside its hierarchy is a fake bi-linear interpolation VI which can do this. You should be able to find it through OpenG. You should note however that this probably won't help you. When resizing images of different sizes, I'm fairly sure there is no method to get a perfect match, so to compare them, you will probably need a smart algorithm which can compare an area and average colors and such. IMAQ might have this, or maybe IVision.
  4. Is this any cluster or only specific kinds of clusters (for instance, clusters with strings)? I have seen serious problems with clusters in previous PDA versions, but if I remember correctly I did flatten and send a cluster through a TCP connection successfully more than once. Also, is this only on WM5 or also on 2003? And last one - why is the demo 1 MB? Can't this be reproduced with less code?
  5. Representation? Probably scripting only or it would have a more meaningful name.
  6. AD withdrawl symptoms? Well, it was hard to see under the moustache.
  7. The PDA module has significant shortcomings compared to the desktop version. You should inherently expect it not to do everything the PC version does (and that apparently includes keeping the graphics on buttons). It sounds like the best way to what you want is to use a picture control and to use a Mouse Down event for the picture followed by a bit of math to detect which part of the picture you clicked on. If you keep an array of locations for your buttons you can compare or search to detect which button you clicked. That way, you can use a single picture control to display whichever buttons you want. Since the PDA module has limited support for properties, you may need to hard code the origin of the control.
  8. This will probably not be a good suggestion for you, because it will require you to change the most basic way you work with LV. I use the auto-tool selection. I know that many people feel it is always wrong, but personally I feel that it is almost always right and it makes it much easier to program (one hand only ). Anyway, if you're using the auto-tool, double clicking on an empty area of the diagram or the FP (the trick is to find such an area) will create a free label which you can immediately start typing in - just double click and start writing.
  9. I know that I said that there are no stars here, but it was slightly changed since then. If you really want to give stars, each thread has a Rating button hiding on top, which rates the entire thread. Personally, I find the NI forums much easier to use than the LAVA forums (even though LAVA has a significantly larger number of features). This is mostly because the NI forums have a much cleaner design (simple colors, mostly text) and because there it is easier to follow when things get posted (since LAVA is influenced by your logins and not by whether you actually read the posts). As long as LAVA doesn't have too much activity, though, it's not too much to handle. Thanks, Michael and team.
  10. Jim, since you didn't put any smilies there I'll assume your question is serious and respond by saying that if the birth date in Pat's is correct, that means that he was only 3 when the man in the picture (which I shall refer to as J.K.) founded NI. Does that help you recognize him? And just to be on the safe side - .
  11. You might want to check out Xnodes in the scripting forum. I haven't had the chance to look into them, but they allow you to create executable code on the diagram and might be suitable for this (maybe create a folder of diagram documentation VIs for each project?). And yes, I have seem Memento :thumbup: . I hope that's not how you document your code.
  12. First of all, what are your inputs? Second, how did you define the inputs in the CLF node? It doesn't matter what you wire into it, because it will only be coerced into the data type you defined. I think int should be "signed 32 bit integer". Have a look at the VI in Examples\DLL\Data Passing for more examples.
  13. OK, I did the exam a few hours ago. Took me half the time and I got 34 right. I do think some of the questions were trick questions. For instance, they had one which refered to the behavior of a VI in a certain case. This behavior would by default be one thing, but when you're using the primitives it's already set to another behavior. Which is the correct answer? They also used a messed up diagram to challenge your dataflow reading capabilities (which I can accept as a test) and they regularly used images which allowed for further interpretation (like showing an array constant and not making the last visible element an empty one. Theoretically, there could more elements). There probably were a few other examples, but generally the questions were OK. I'm a bit disappointed that they don't send you the answers to the questions you got wrong, though.
  14. It seems more likely to me (from his descriptioin) that Vladimir tried to wire the Panel reference to a property node instead of looking through the Front Panel Window properties.
  15. Stanislav, that is cool and should solve my past problem with the class generator not allowing you to use the data you see. I don't understand (or like) the locked diagram, though. What's the logic behind that? For example, I don't know how much longer I will continue using 7, but if I could modify this (for example to appear as a tree or to be a floating tool) I quite possibly would have, as the built-in P&M browser is one of the things I like about 8. Of course, I can't modify it, as it's locked.
  16. Yes. Just look at your attachment. You just have to click on the tree before. By the way, the ASCII case is not needed. If you're asking about actually extracting the information. The tree control terminal is a string of the item you selected. If you want more than that, I think you will have to use the tree methods, although 8.0 might have better tools for it.
  17. As I said, I haven't done this. You will need to do some searching on your own. My guess would be the LoadMovie method (invoke node) followed by the Play method, but you will have to try it.
  18. If you have flash installed, you place an ActiveX container on the FP, right click it to insert an object and find the shockwave object in the very long list. The other option is the internet explorer object.
  19. I haven't done this, but you can proabably use the ActiveX container to embed in your FP either a Shockwave object or a browser object which will point to an HTML page with the flash interface. Obviously, you won't be able to get any real interaction from the flash interface into your LV code.
  20. I believe even that is cheaper than IMAQ, and if I remember correctly, the IMAQ Run-time license is several hundred $$$, so this would still be significantly cheaper, but you're right, that is not "almost free". Either way, since I haven't used any of them, I have no way to compare them. BTW, I just found out the prices for multiple distribution licenses for the PDA module. Are you ready? For 10 licenses - about $50 per license. For 100 licenses - about 30$. And the kicker - for an unlimited license - $11,000 (yes, that's 3 zeros). I think that making the licenses cost between a third and half of what Windows costs shows that NI does not yet think of the PDA module as a tool which will we be used to develop wide spread applications, but ones which can be priced to still make a profit on that. Most probably ones which include DAQ and communication. I'm trying to think of an application which would be developable in the current PDA module (although I haven't seen 8.0 yet) and which could cover the price of the unlimited license and I can't really think of one. Sure, I have all kinds of ideas, but I think that most of them (and I'm talking about general distribution apps, not specialized DAQ ones) would probably be much better off if they were written in the freely available (if I'm not mistaken) eVC++ (although LV is obviously much more fun). BTW, I'm not disputing NI's right to price their toolkits at the prices they see fit, but I think that this is an example where using an NI product may cost you more and give you an inferior result than using another product and in this case, I don't really see the justification for such a price. The PDA module is simply not that good yet.
  21. Correct me if anything is wrong - to get the size of the structure, I have to go to the specified header file (mmsystem.h) and find the define statement for MAXPNAMELEN (that's what I mean by "get" - it is predefined). Then I have to add the size of each parameter to that and that will give me the size of the structure, which I can now feed into the function. So, why can't the compiler go to the header file (assuming I use an include statement) and find out the size itself and add to it the size of the other parameters? Why do I need to this manually? All this probably shows you that I don't have any real C experience. I have briefly learned both basic and C on my own, but never enough to do anything with it.
  22. Be fair to Irene, Rolf. According to her, the license for her toolkit is $20. That's significantly cheaper than IMAQ and in terms of LV toolkits almost free.
  23. I have noticed it is common to set a size, just not that windows already gives you that size. My question was whether you get the size every time or whether sometimes you have to figure out the size on your own. So why can't the size be specified in advance in the header file? Why do I need to tell the function what the size will be? Is it because several header files can be used for different parts of the function call? Can header files from different versions be used at the same time? That I know. I was actually just explaining that a couple of days ago to a friend of mine who's learning software engineering (learning C++, the poor guy , but he will probably know how to properly call windows API functions long before I have enough time to properly do this).
  24. You should probably try searching\posting at the OpenG forums. Also, error 7 usually means that a file wasn't found. Since the OpenG installer is almost entirely written in LV, you can dive into its VIs to find out exactly which file wasn't found.
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