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Everything posted by Yair

  1. This reminds me of a bit I saw in one of the shows which premiered in the US recently which went something like:
  2. I did it recently and the tricky points (you have to get the MyComp ref and give the type as a string) stuck.
  3. I can answer the "how to create a folder" question - Get the My Computer reference from the project (probably a property), then call the "Add Item" (or whatever it's called) method on that. It accepts a string input for the type of item (probably "Folder" in your case. If you want to be sure, iterate over a tree which has folder and get the type property for each item).
  4. You've reminded me of these pictures of a sand storm in Israel. According to the text, the height of that front is about 4000 ft.
  5. I don't know if you installed the update or not, but this happened again today.
  6. It might be there as a fallback if another editor doesn't exist. I know that this is the case for the "New" dialog. The VI that launches the icon editor used to be in <LabVIEW>\resource\plugins and I'm assuming it's still there. You can try going there and seeing what happens if you rename it.
  7. OK, it's back to not working fine. I have two or three threads which don't appear in the unread list. I say take this to IPS.
  8. This still works fine for me, but if it's not working for others I would say it should definitely be checked - the active content page is not as convenient as the unread content page (for me at least).
  9. I accept the second part, though not necessarily the first. LV has a shelf price of X. The sales people might have the ability to sell it for less in certain cases, but it's not given that they HAVE to do it just because of your circumstances. In the end, they're also people and it's possible they just dropped the ball in your case. If the one you talked to didn't work, try talking to them again or talking to another. The way I understand it, your entire issue is about money, right? Admittedly, that's a perfectly legitimate concern (so the two sentences I quoted may very well be correct in your case), but it seems that NI hasn't really mistreated you and that you could easily buy a license if you want to. Whether you want to is up to you. As for the question of whether NI needs to change their license policy, well, I have no good answer. It's quite possible that their current scheme is the best both for them and for the customers.
  10. Both yesterday and today it worked fine. I hope that means that whatever caused this has stopped. I will try to keep an eye open to see if it happens again.
  11. That is the one I have selected, but even if it wasn't, the content which doesn't appear in the list IS "since my last visit", so it should have appeared in the list, and as far as I know, it did appear correctly until a few days ago. Look at the images I posted to see this. I should point out that when I logged in now the unread list DID show all the threads that appear in the active list. I don't know if this means that the bug was fixed or was just a fluke.
  12. How about also adding a refnum glyph to the banners of these classes (e.g. a folded page or a zigzag line)?
  13. OK, it looks like it's not just threads I replied to. Here's the unread content list: And here's the active content list from the same time: As you can see, all the marked threads have unread content (their icons are not dimmed), but they don't appear in the unread list.
  14. Also, I should point out that this doesn't happen all the time. For instance, this thread has unread posts and doesn't currently appear in the list, but yesterday it did appear in the list some of the time.
  15. I'm not frustrated, since I never took the exams and have no intention of taking any of them in the forseeable future. If you're taking the exam, I can understand how you would mainly care about getting the "correct" answer. Since I'm not taking it, I only care about the exam being fair and correct. Again, this has nothing to do with knowing the material. People who know LabVIEW well are just as vulnerable and sometimes even more. Personally, I also understand how their mind works most of the time. When I took the online exam recently I got about 17 out of 20 (I had a couple of question where I misread the question because I was doing it quickly or simply picked the wrong answer - see the build array icon example I gave earlier). My personal situation doesn't negate the point, however, and that point is that the exam doesn't have to be like that. You can ask challenging questions without being confusing. It's just that writing such questions requires more expertise and effort, because there are many things you have to be aware of and consider. Also, how is that answer (I assume you're refering to D) "not necessarily wrong"? It's correct for some (usually most) of the time, but not always. That makes it wrong for that phrasing of the question. Period. If you want I have several other problematic examples from the online exam.
  16. It wasn't my word. I agree that "compatible" suits the sentiment better, but it does appear as a synonym for "consistent" in the quick search I just did. It would be more obvious if it had a "with each other" at the end.
  17. No. I do mean "consistent" - they're similar enough to match without breaking the code. I think the problem in this case is that "consistent" is not a technical term and it can cause confusion. As such, it should not have been there, just like "best" should not be in there.
  18. That is correct. The answer was D and here's a VI demonstrating a case where there's no buffer allocation - you can single step through it to see that only 16 MBs are allocated. Make sure to do a "save all" on the VIs before running and to have the subVI closed, though, because if you don't you will get allocation for the front panel terminals. The most correct answer of the four given, IMO, is that the types are consistent. It's not a technical term, but its meaning is clear. That means that if D was correct, then B should not have appeared as an option, because it's too close to the truth. I understand why whoever wrote the question got it wrong, but that just shows you that knowing a lot can sometimes hurt you when doing these exams. No Allocation.llb
  19. Over the past 24 hours or so there seems to be an issue with the View Unread Content page where it doesn't show threads I replied in. To be more specific, it seems to be threads I'm subscribed to - I replied to the Alfa thread, but I'm not subscribed to it, because my last reply was in the LAVA 1.0 days, and that thread did appear in the list. The others, however, did not appear in the list. I knew about them because I got the emails and they do appear as unread in the Active Content page. They just don't appear in the Unread Content page. Note - this is different from the previous issues people had. I'm talking about content I haven't seen yet. It should appear and it worked fine before yesterday.
  20. paranoid - it's not paranoia if they really are out to get you. naysayers - it was actually constructive criticism. over here - it was actually delivered directly to the relevant people at NI. Its appearance here is only because the topic was brought up. Well, at least your "the" was correct. The problem is not with knowing the material. I know it quite well, but as Hooovahh said, knowing it doesn't help if you're asked whether a build array primitive concatenates the array or not based solely on its appearance (which is a question on the example online exam. I didn't know the answer and I don't think anyone needs to know the answer - I can tell if it concats the array or not by looking at the inputs and the output. I don't care about the actual glyphs on the primitive). Just to clear the issue of whether some of the questions have wrong answers, here's one from the online exam: <B><B> A coercion dot indicates that: </B></B> A) A polymorphic operation will be performed on the data B) The data types are consistent C) Data values are being coerced because they are out of range D) A data buffer is created to handle data conversion Think about it and give your answer. I will then explain why NI's answer (which may or may not be the same as yours) is wrong. Here's another example of a question where the answer isn't wrong, but the question is incomplete: What is the result of the following Array addition? 1-D Array of {120, 30} 1-D Array of {120, 30, -60} How should I know? For all I know the arrays have more elements (in this case, the first array might have a third element which is 0, thus making reply 2 correct, instead of reply 1). This is a good example of how the people who wrote the question didn't pay enough attention. The "correct" answer is obvious, but if you know enough about LabVIEW, you're left with an inconvenient feeling. This is actually more likely to hurt experienced developers. Out of the 20 questions in the online example, I found 8 which were either incorrect, incomplete or misleading and a couple which were simply unfair and pretty much irrelevant trivia. A considerable number of them had to do with the term "best", which was already mentioned here. It's a real issue because "best" is a very relative term and in each of those questions there were answers other than the "correct" ones which were equally valid and in some cases even more valid, IMO. I'm not the only one who thinks so, either. Others have passed the same criticism and NI has heard it. All that said, what I said refers only to the online exam. As I've already mentioned, I never took any of the real exams and I have no idea what they're like.
  21. Sure they do, you just need to follow the links at the bottom of the page: http://www.asciimation.co.nz/bender/index.html It's a beer-brewing, Dr.-Whoing Bender. What more could you ask for?
  22. I'm hoping not too much discussions . If I would do something like this it would not be to start yet another war. The point would be to present the stories, not to discuss religion, theology or morals (unless such issues rise directly from the text). If you want a parallel, think of the greek mythology - people can read and discuss these stories today without getting into religious wars (well, maybe Michael A. will think differently ).
  23. The good thing is that I don't need to choose a version - I have the Hebrew version, and there's only one. Also, since the idea is basically just to convey the major plot points, as presented in the text, that's not something I would be worried about. The main concern for me is that doing this properly would take time. I might try writing a few posts in advance just to see if I have the resolve. The good thing is that coming up with the content is very easy and that there's enough content to last a while.
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