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Everything posted by Yair

  1. Welcome to LAVA. There is definitely a lot of good information stored here. Try reading some of the past threads to see this.
  2. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Sep 12 2007, 12:59 AM) Ooooooooh, sounds great. Can you tell us if your vision is being given any serious considerations within NI?
  3. I agree with Ton. Uploading code and tools is great ( :thumbup: ), but it's only really useful if they are easily accessible. You might also wish to try NI's code sharing site.
  4. QUOTE(Val Brown @ Sep 11 2007, 07:53 AM) No, it's not just you. I use Google Reader daily, and while I wouldn't say that I hate it, it is definitely much less better than Gmail. Specifically, it seems to be woefully inadequate for keeping track of a forum, since it's not threaded. It does work great for keeping track of blogs, however. Michael, thanks for all the repairs\upgrades\maintenance. :thumbup:
  5. Also, this might be related to the other thread about replying and going back to page one - clicking Get New Post now goes to the first page of the thread (where its previous wrong behavior was to go to the top of the page with the new posts).Correction - it works perfectly fine in threads where there is a single page.
  6. QUOTE(rolfk @ Sep 10 2007, 11:52 AM) I was actually thinking about VI server, which as far as I know can be activated using the INI file, but I assume that can only be accessed from programs which can use the protocol. I only thought about it now that this is probably a security risk. If anyone can add keys to the INI file and then connect to your app, that could be a serious problem. Then again, if someone has write access to the INI key, they could also do other nasty stuff.
  7. Michael, the recent update seems to have broken the View New Posts link. It now goes to the search page. I did try to be clever and use the Today's Active Topics link, but that didn't work either.
  8. You could write a small helper VI which will use property nodes to move the windows to where you want them to be. You can put in the Tools menu by placing it in the LabVIEW\Project folder and there's a private property which will let you know which VI it was opened from. Of course, you would still have to decide on the logic of how to do this.
  9. QUOTE(dsaunders @ Sep 7 2007, 06:12 PM) I agree that it would be nice if NI added a documented interface for this, but I can see why they don't do it (e.g. what happens if some creates a tool called "Code Capture Tool" and then NI comes out a version later with a tool of the same name? One of them will have to stop working. I assume NI would actually have the same problem now with key combos if you can edit them for the LabVIEW environment). QUOTE I think that using this type of tool to search for VIs or functions would simply duplicate the Search functionality that already exists. If I were to use a tool like this, it would be to quickly drop my commonly used functions. This would mean that I would want aliases that I could enter and done. If I wanted a for loop, I would type Ctrl+N, f o r, then Enter. Perhaps you could primarily search in a list of aliases the user has built up. Secondarily if the user wants to search, then you could load the entire list and auto-complete or whatever else would help. I believe 8.2 and above already has a palette for your favorite VIs. This might actually be more useful in cases where you need to use functions like "First Call?" or "TCP Open". Today, to use TCP Open in LV 8.x, you need to go (roughly) into Programming>Connectivity>Protocols>TCP. With this tool, you just go Ctrl+N->"TC"->Tab->"O"->Enter. I agree that the most likely usable interface is similar to the search results window, where you get a list of potential options. I believe I even mentioned that this was similar to the search option in the original post and asked for comments on that. My main problem with the needed algorithm is that I also want (potentially) an option to start with a larger list and remove options from it and to maybe group functions (e.g. tookit VIs) and those would make it significantly more complicated. QUOTE(Darren @ Sep 8 2007, 06:45 AM) Ok, hopefully this will make things easier. The menu item I hijacked was Tools > Measurement and Automation Explorer. Darren, unfortunately I live in the real world where people do use MAX. I sometimes even open it from the Tools menu. In the real world some people also use 7.0 where there are no keyboard shortcuts.
  10. QUOTE(silmaril @ Sep 8 2007, 05:00 PM) You can do that by using the First Call? primitive. If it outputs T, you use your initial value. http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6895''>http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6895'>http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6895
  11. From the fact that you are asking the question I assume that you no longer have access to the original developer. Do you at least have a copy of the source code? If you do, you can commision another LabVIEW developer to build a command line interface. If not, you're basically stuck with the other suggested option. For what it's worth, though, you might be able to use the ActiveX interface available with LabVIEW to connect to the program from another program and input values into it. Do you have any programming experience?
  12. QUOTE(Val Brown @ Sep 6 2007, 11:48 PM) NI may be responsible, but I doubt it is actionable. I wouldn't be surprised if the LabVIEW license says NI is not responsible for damages caused to you if LV did not work the way you expect it to. In any case, you should note that these are not pieces of code - they are edit time tools and you only use them to create your code. Using Ctrl+N changes the functionality which is why I don't like it, but as David said, this is a decision for the individual developer - I definitely don't want anyone walking up to MY system and using it. If they do it without me around and are surprised that Ctrl+N gives them a dialog, that's not something I care about. I agree that too much customizing can be a bad thing, but this should not prevent you from doing your work - you don't have to install it and even if you do, the original behavior still exists. It would just require another click on Ctrl+N. David, you should note that NI already provides the option #2 you gave - things like the Tunnel Wiring Wizard do not override existing tools - they extend the IDE in a very simple way. I would like it if we could have done that with keyboard shortcuts (since I don't want to have to click the mouse twice and then start typing), but I think the demo'ed method is reasonable. IN ANY CASE, this is hijacking the thread. If you want to discuss this more, I suggest you start a new thread. What I want here is VIs, ideas or suggestions for efficient algorithms for handling the searching.
  13. QUOTE(orko @ Sep 6 2007, 08:45 PM) I knew I had it somewhere.
  14. QUOTE(silmaril @ Sep 6 2007, 09:24 AM) As I said, use the product suggestion center: http://digital.ni.com/applications/psc.nsf/default?openform''>http://digital.ni.com/applications/psc.nsf/default?openform' target="_blank">http://digital.ni.com/applications/psc.nsf/default?openform NI won't develop it if you don't tell them that you want it. The more people tell them, the more importance they will attach to it.
  15. QUOTE(yen @ Sep 5 2007, 11:24 PM) Correction. lv_new_vi.vi is the one which intercepts Ctrl+N, and that does not exist in 8.5, so we're fine. Attached is a version which uses this. Unzip the files into LabVIEW\resource\plugins. Essentially, it works like this: Click Ctrl+N and the dialog comes up. If you want an empty VI, click Ctrl+N again. If you want to drop something, type it and press Enter. I don't particularly like it, but I used it a few times during the day and it works, so I think I will stick with that. Two other improvements are that backspace works now and that you can tab to the next word. The thing is that I now need a good algorithm for dealing with the lists and with filtering (preferably also stuff which is inside the string). I'm guessing that showing a listbox of the potential results and having the arrow keys automatically work on that list would probably work. The main problem is that now we need to load the entire list every time we open the VI, so I want to find a way to make this efficient. I would appreciate any suggestions\code anyone has. As for the callbacks, I found http://openg.org/tiki/tiki-index.php?page=LvDocDevEnvEventCallbackVIs' target="_blank">this page, which is probably where I found out about it originally. It might be a good idea to transfer it to the LAVA wiki. (hint, hint).
  16. QUOTE(dsaunders @ Sep 5 2007, 10:56 PM) The VIs don't exist (well, they didn't. 8.5 seems to have lv_new which intercepts Ctrl+N). You need to create them and you should be able to use them to filter the output. Theoretically, I could replace the lv_new VI with my own VI and only open the new dialog if the user clicks Ctrl+N twice, but I don't want that. Ctrl+Q is preferable, but I haven't been able to discard the exit event yet.
  17. QUOTE(Eugen Graf @ Sep 5 2007, 09:57 PM) Can you tell the difference between a completely transparent modern cluster and a completely transparent classic cluster? Anyway, attached is a VI with a transparent modern cluster, created using the simple method I explained. There's also a modern numeric, just to make it more obvious, so that you'll believe me that it is possible. QUOTE That is too difficult for this. I wish it would be implemented in LV like, rightklick on Control->Control Style->Classic ->Modern ->System (optional, if possible) Sounds like a reasonable idea. Why not submit it to NI's product suggestion center?
  18. QUOTE(dsaunders @ Sep 5 2007, 09:33 PM) I may not use all the tools, but I was\am hoping to release this. As such I can't take any tool I feel like taking. In any case, since I did not find any such tools, I don't see that I can. QUOTE Is this voodoo a VI that constantly monitors for key strokes? No, that was what I did in the demo I uploaded. The voodoo is VI callbacks. You can get LV to run your VIs if you give them special names and connector pane patterns and put them in the LabVIEW x.x\resource\plugins folder. In this case, I believe I created a VI called lv_exit.vi which is called when you try to exit LabVIEW (e.g. by pressing Ctrl+Q). I can look up the documentation tomorrow if you want. My problem was that I couldn't get it to abort the exit sequence and it always tried to close the VI I was calling it from. The problem with menu shortcuts (apparently) is that they don't stick. When you restart LabVIEW, you will lose them.
  19. I actually used Tibbo products more than once (their TCP to serial adapters) and they're pretty good, but I would agree that this is not LV related. QUOTE(LV Punk @ Sep 4 2007, 03:40 PM) My understanding is that LV embedded requires using C, so I'm guessing no.
  20. You can make the borders of 3D structures transparent: Right click on the border using the paint tool. Hover on top of the T color. Press the space bar a couple of times. This alternates between foreground and background color. One of these should make the border transparent. You could probably also do the programmatic replacing - there is a Control class (private) method which allows you to replace a control with another one, but I believe it suffers from the same problems you mentioned with the manual replace. What I would probably do about that is use KShif's property saver to transfer the properties (although I don't know if it would handle all kinds of objects) and replace the controls inside the arrays and clusters instead of the arrays and clusters themselves.
  21. Sorry, I probably should have tested it before I said that. I did run things like this in the past, however, and I definitely got a lot of events. I think the reason is probably the UI locking - it seems that when the UI is locked, you can move a lot without generating events. When the UI is unlocked, you get hundreds of events.
  22. QUOTE(Darren @ Sep 4 2007, 05:19 AM) Unfortunately, I couldn't find any such tools in LV 7.0, but even if I could, it wouldn't be useful, since I don't want to hijack an existing tool. Using some LV voodoo, I did make a successful attempt to intercept the not-really-used Ctrl+Q (instead of Shift+Q), but I can't get LV not to try to close the VI, so you get the close dialog after dropping the control. I might try to work on that angle a bit more. Another method I tried was setting the VI to be a system VI, but that does not cause the main screen to open again when all other VIs are closed. P.S. "Quick Drop". Hmm... Nah... I like my "DropIt" ©® better. :laugh: QUOTE(LV Punk @ Sep 4 2007, 09:24 PM) What is it called? Modulo? No. Quotient and Remainder. Xor? No. Not Exclusive Or. One of the points I refered to earlier was that we could have aliases, so that you don't have to remember the exact name of the VI\Primitive. QUOTE(bbean @ Sep 5 2007, 02:34 AM) Sorry Yen, Backsaving doesn't work. . Thank you. OK, here's another idea - we could have the list modifiable for each user - if we attempt to drop a function and we fail, that function is moved to another list, so that it is not parsed anymore. That way, we can get a complete list from LV 8 and simply remove stuff from it. It will probably need to be more complicated than that, but that's the basic idea.
  23. OK, sorry. I thought you wanted the IP address of the computer. I don't really know anything about DHCP, and I can't look at the VI you posted, so I can't help you there. You might wish to search online to see if there is any established protocol for discovering Xboxes in a subnet. If not, can you run some code on the Xbox which will publish its IP address using UDP?
  24. By the way, for those working with XML, I would suggest checking out XML Notepad (from Microsoft, I think). It makes dealing with certain aspects of XML very easy, although I wouldn't be surprised if there were more powerful XML viewers\editors around.
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