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Everything posted by Yair

  1. Sure, just use false as the invalid value. :laugh:
  2. OK, I see the distinction you're making - it's VIs running in the RTE vs. VIs which were part of the actual build.
  3. Yair

    Oh no!

    Twice in two days! :laugh: This time it's an NI DAQ card acting weird (although it seems to be Windows' fault). http://worsethanfailure.com/Articles/Mixed-Messages.aspx
  4. QUOTE(Jim Kring @ Aug 28 2007, 08:33 AM) How? Are you thinking about dynamically calling VIs? The property is an Application class property, so it should return the kind of the application instance, not the specific VI which is executed (e.g. if you connect to a running EXE through VI server, you will get the development environment value if you use a local property node and you should get the RTE value if you use a reference to the remote app).
  5. As far as I know, there isn't (at least there wasn't in 7.1. It may have been added as a private property in 8.x). You can do something like this instead.
  6. I didn't look at the code, but I would probably create a folder for each backup with a formatted timestamp as part of the folder name. Then, whenever you do a backup, you also go over the list of existing backups and delete all the folders which are older than N.
  7. Yair

    Oh no!

    http://worsethanfailure.com/Articles/Killi...s-Bad!.aspx (Check out the last one).
  8. When I saw the thread topic, I thought you were uploading the code for using the Wiimote to write LV code.
  9. Actually, I installed IE 7 because for some reason 6.1 started crashing when using Gmail (for no apparently good reason). However, 7 crashed in certain points as well, so I did a system restore to a couple of days of ago and now I'm back to 6.1 and it doesn't crash (and I can jump directly to the new posts ).
  10. I downloaded IE 7 and for this started happening again. I know it worked fine in IE 7 on another computer a couple of days ago, so I'm wondering if this has something specific to do with this computer. P.S. No, I don't want Firefox. It gives me troubles with some sites I use on a daily basis.
  11. QUOTE(eaolson @ Aug 20 2007, 09:09 PM) Ha! Were you able to read Hebrew or Arabic you would have no problem with that! P.S. I'm as right as they come, although I do try to use my left hand on occasion. .איט רילי איז מאצ' איזייר לייק דיס P.P.S. That last part is in Heblish, so that Ben will have an easier time reading it.
  12. QUOTE(Gary Rubin @ Aug 20 2007, 07:00 PM) That's an interesting idea. How about this version (7.1), which flips or shifts the keyboard? I personally couldn't really get used to this one either in the 30 seconds or so in which I tried it.
  13. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Aug 19 2007, 05:07 PM) For me it sounds like two handed typing, only much much much slower and with a lot more stops in order to delete stuff. Kind of like the stuff you get from people who are still doing one or two finger typing after years of using a keyboard. However, why not download the VI and try it yourself? I want to know what other people think of it.
  14. QUOTE(Jim Kring @ Aug 19 2007, 08:33 PM) That actually looks quite similar to Shawarma, popular throughout the middle east. In any case, I don't think that the snobby French would like that you regard the Greeks as European.
  15. I'm a big fan of the xkcd comics, but on occasion, the writer also posts a blog entry. His latest entry was about a small Linux program which allows using the keyboard with a single hand. This sounded optimal for LV usage, so I wrote a quick VI (7.0) to simulate this to see how useful it would be, but I couldn't really get the hang of it. Try writing anything in the string control (e.g. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog) and erasing your mistakes, all by using the left side of the keyboard (use Caps Lock to toggle the right side) and tell the world what you think. Is this any good? BTW, if anyone is interested, I have a VI which will download and allow browsing through all the xkcd comics, which I wrote so I would have some reading material on the flight home after NIWeek.
  16. It was great meeting you, Irene, and hopefully next year all of us will be there on time. The toast to you was well deserved.
  17. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Aug 19 2007, 09:15 AM) It's the showInplaceMenuItem=True key mentioned earlier. It adds a right click option on nodes and wires to show the inplaceness of a certain wire. It seems not to work in 8.5 beta (you don't get the right click option), so I assume it was removed because the Show Buffer Allocations tool was added and that probably works better. I know it works in 7.0. As for finding it, I'm not one of those who hack LabVIEW.exe or sweet talk NI personnel to get secret INI keys. I guess I first saw it in one of the relevant sites (e.g. Brian Renken's site).
  18. Ton, unfortunately you weren't at NIWeek, so you missed the joke on that one. I already made that shirt and wore it during NIWeek. You should see it in one of Michael's videos when he gets around to doing that one.
  19. Oooh, I know! How about a shirt with your avatars from the NI forums on the front and the avatar from LAVA on the back?
  20. Try taking a look at Property Saver. Another option, since you already have the cluster, is using the OpenG variant config VIs or MGI's save anything VIs which allow saving and loading arbitrary clusters.
  21. Well, you can use it only for some controls and do that the rest with the standard blinking property. Creating an implementation for each class is relatively easy (two VIs, if I remember correctly) and it already supports String, Boolean and Numeric, which would probably cover most basic controls. The main issue with it is that it was only a quick demo (the VIT is called Template.vit, for instance ).
  22. By the way, just to make it clear, the Show Inplace Set right click option does something different than the Show Buffer Allocations tool - it allows seeing all the points in which a specific buffer would be reused and as such should be more helpful in this case. It is, however, undocumented and as such might not work entirely as expected.
  23. The Show Inplace Set right click option is available for a specific wire with the INI key. The buffer allocation tool is available for LV 7.0 here. It's built-in in 7.1.
  24. QUOTE(TiT @ Aug 17 2007, 05:11 PM) Actually, I think it was introduced in 7.1, but even if not, NI has a version on their site which I use with 7.0, so it should work with 7.1.
  25. QUOTE(NormKirchner @ Aug 16 2007, 09:30 PM) Great trick. :thumbup: But where did you find a Pentium II? 1997?
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