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Everything posted by Yair

  1. The support topic for that entry has the VIs in 7.1 and 7.0 formats. And the premium membership link.
  2. QUOTE(anor @ Jul 13 2007, 01:50 PM) That doesn't sound right at all. The wire coming from the output should not have ANY value until the VI finishes executing. I have a feeling you wired something incorrectly and that your timer is not connected to the express VI at all. I suppose it's possible your wires are overlapping and you are seeing something that is not there. If you can't find the source of this on your own, you should upload the code. P.S. If you want to see what the express VI does, you can right click it and select Open Front Panel. It will then be converted to a standard VI and you can see how its subVI works.
  3. What's the problem with using an INI file? If you have a single control the code for handling this will be simple and you know that this will work all the time (including in an executable) and that you don't have to save the VI each time.
  4. LV classes were introduced in 8.2 and are a new paradigm of OOP. To do OOP in 7.1, you can use any of the several existing GOOP implementations (you can see more details in the GOOP forum) which implement OOP using LV code. I believe the only ones which support inheritance are Sciware GOOP and Endevo GOOP. Here are some details about LV classes.
  5. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Jul 11 2007, 01:18 AM) We could answer with "We aten't feeling like it" or "WE DON'T WANT TO".
  6. I'm not sure exactly what you're doing. Tabs are UI objects. They should have nothing at all to do with how your code is structured. You should not need to place a .NET reference control on your front panel and using local variables for references is a recipe for troubles. Usually, you can transfer the reference using a shift register. I suggest you read some basic LV tutorials to get started and look at the .NET examples in the example finder (Help>>Find Examples). As for the answer to your specific question (I think) - you can copy a local by ctrl-dragging it.
  7. Well, I think this is a first. A LabVIEW R&D member preempting the users and reporting a bug. Congratulations, Stephen!
  8. QUOTE And then call it Artificial Artificial Intelligence and hope that people don't notice. :laugh:
  9. Well, I was using the current beta version, so it's possible that this was a bug which was fixed. I suggest you try asking NI support directly. P.S. Does it crash immediately after you call this? How do you know the structure is to blame?
  10. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Jul 9 2007, 05:26 PM) Also, 8.2 and later now remove code like this when you build the application, so you can't use this to hold VIs in memory. I assume the same happens with the disable structures, but I'm not sure.
  11. What is your actual problem? I ran it as is and got back 101. Is that a desirable result? What do you get?
  12. The PDA module in general is rare. The PDA module for Palm is even more rare (NI actually dropped support for it in 8.2). The PDA Palm for LV 7.0 is even more rare because 7.0 was the first version and because NI had quite a few versions since then. This should help explain why you find it hard to get a reply.
  13. If you want to have completely different images, I suggest you use a picture ring, make it an indicator and detect clicks on it using an event structure and the mouse down event. If you don't, I would suggest following the proposed solutions of using a color box under a boolean or changing the color of the boolean. The images of a boolean control take up memory, but it is usually so little there is no point in removing them. In any case, you can't actually remove them, but you can replace them with simpler (and therefore smaller) images by customizing the control. I suggest you search for some LV tutorials or books, as some of them are sure to cover these areas.
  14. Yair

    missing VIs issue

    My guess (based on the simulation part) is that this a VI from the simulation toolkit. I can't offer any more advice other than attempting to search for the connection between that toolkit and the RT module. Also, is it possible it is in the dependancies for your project, but not the project itself?
  15. QUOTE(Gary Rubin @ Jul 5 2007, 03:39 PM) It's a bit too coherent. Actually, alfa seems to use his real name, which isn't Steve, so I don't think that's him. Then again, you never know. :ninja: Shane, if you're not heat-resistant be sure to stay away from where I live.
  16. As part of the dialog for selecting the test type add a path control and configure it (right click) so that the user selects a folder or a file, depending on what you need. If you need it to be preselected values, use a ring or a combo box and prepopulate it using a property node. If the path is long, I would advise shortening it for the display. If this didn't help you, I suggest you provide more details about what you want.
  17. QUOTE(torekp @ Jul 2 2007, 06:46 PM) You could make them XML or HTML and then use a program like XML Notepad to view and edit them, but it's not worth it. Instead, simply create an options dialog in your program which will be responsible for writing the data to the file. That way, you can split up the options into as many screens as needed (look at the LabVIEW options dialog for an example).
  18. I assume you know this, but just in case - menu interaction is done using the event structure, so you need to replace the VI inside the event case that handles the action for this menu item (and make sure you have the right name, etc.). Other than that, the only other likely option I can think of is that you didn't set the VI to open its FP when called. If that does not help, you should post the relevant code.
  19. OK, I see where I may have got the idea from: QUOTE(SciWare @ Jun 20 2006, 06:07 PM) The rest of that paragraph doesn't make it absolutely clear that you HAVE to get the retail version, but that's the general spirit of it. However, I guess this part was what stuck.
  20. I'm not trying to be a pest. I think you're right. However, wasn't there a version of GOOP developer which did not require a license for commercial systems? It's possible that people still remember that. Personally, I'm not sure how high the level of awareness for this product is in general. I'm relatively into things and I didn't do anything with it other than testing it a couple of times (most recently about two weeks ago). I am not sure that if I would have to decided to use it I would have noticed that building a commercial app requires a license. I mean, I would definitely try to convince my boss that it was worth it and if I would notice that the license is required, we would have bought it or not have used it, but I wasn't really aware of this until now.
  21. Yair


    QUOTE(jpdrolet @ Jun 27 2007, 02:23 AM) Sure: http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6244''>http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6244'>http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6244
  22. QUOTE(Dirk J. @ Jun 26 2007, 11:28 AM) I've seen more than one person who complained about this. You might wish to search NI's site to see if there is a solution for this.
  23. I don't know. As I said, I don't really use charts in general and waveform charts in particular. I suggest you upload an example we can play with and then you might get an answer.
  24. Yair


    After more than 750 posts, I think an introduction is in order. I don't want to repost, so you can just read the details here.
  25. And it's back to working fine. Thanks.
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