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Everything posted by Yair

  1. I didn't care about the acknowledgement, I simply really do not understand the need for an installer. Is placing the LV RTE in a folder THAT complicated or does the installer do other things as well? What I did in the past was an experiment, so I didn't dig deep into this, but I believe in the near future I will need to do this, so I definitely appreciate the details. It simply didn't strike me as being complicated. QUOTE(ars_stowers @ Jun 19 2007, 01:37 AM) No, that sounds reasonable. NI's installer definitely is far from a complete one (at least the 7.x one, I don't have any experience with the 8.x one) and I don't see any problems with your language.
  2. Yes, I liked that song a lot ever since I first heard it, although I really don't know that many other people who would. Yodel is really only suited for certain people. This version, happily, manages to be even crazier than the original :thumbup: (although not by much).
  3. Actually, I think you got a bit confused. The raised bevel is not the housing, but just a cosmetic part. What you're actually resizing is the housing and not the fill. You can see that if you open the parts window in the control editor. As for your other question, you can't delete parts from a control. At most you can make them small, as you described, and move them to the back. A nice trick is using the fact that different kinds of controls have different amounts of elements and creating interesting looking controls. My experience with the control editor is not that great - there are all kinds of things which are not easy to understand when you try to do some proper control customizing. BTW, I don't see what you're seeing - the housing, fill and cosmetic parts all resize together to both larger and smaller sizes.
  4. So, what's the difference from what we discussed here? Why do you need a third party installer?
  5. Yair


    QUOTE(crelf @ Jun 17 2007, 11:40 PM) I haven't actually looked at it, or I would have noticed it as well. Just seeing the second reply and the first frame was enough for me to recognize that movie (I saw it in the normal speed version).
  6. Yes, the point of the bottom one was just to show a simpler way of finding the changed element. I don't know which would take less CPU work (I'm guessing the top one as well, but it is possible that the overhead involved with handling dynamically registered events would flip that around), but when you're talking about something like this, performance is practically a non-issue.
  7. Yair


    QUOTE(Jeff Plotzke @ Jun 17 2007, 08:31 PM) It's from India, and it's indeed much worse, from the little I know about it. I believe the rate of fatal accidents in India is very high (don't ask me for a quote on that), because many people drive like that and have little regard for safety.
  8. I have a feeling I remember something about not being able to do that with the toolkit, but if Crystal hasn't mentioned it, I guess it is not a familiar bug. In any case, I believe you should be able to do it by formulating an SQL Insert query yourself, like this: http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6120
  9. Oh, yeah, the 33rd rule of acquisition: "It never hurts to suck up to the boss". :laugh: So, Chris, that would make you a Proven Enthusiastic Veteran?
  10. QUOTE(crelf @ Aug 24 2006, 02:12 AM) You mean we have to bring our own hardware and copy of LabVIEW? P.S. I have the distinct impression we did that joke before.
  11. It's a bug in the resizing of lines. For what it's worth, it doesn't happen in the current beta. Suggestions - Get rid of the resizing. I never liked it as it didn't really work well with font sizes. Use controls instead of lines. The horizontal and vertical progress bars work the best and you can even use them to simulate flow (here's an example showing using a slide). To get rid of their 3D look, you need to right click the border with the paint tool and then click space when the color dialog comes up and select the transparent color. Use the picture control. You can change the ratios when resizing the window (use the Panel Resize event).
  12. That's OK, Irene, it was a joke, as is almost everything else in this thread. I was hoping that everyone would understand that. As it happens, my parents do not know what I'm writing on the forums (my father passed away and my mother prefers HP VEE to LabVIEW), but I think alfa is just trying to invoke responses.
  13. There is absolutely no bug here. LabVIEW is doing exactly what you are telling it to do. The X array for the blue plot (plot 3, which is the last) has the values [2.2, 3, 4, 4, 5] so LabVIEW draws a point at x=5. This is basic use of graphs, and I suggest you look at some of the examples in the example finder (Help>>Find Examples) to understand how to work with it.
  14. Here are two alternatives: http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6118
  15. BTW, I never liked either option, but did you try using the navigation window (Window menu in 7.1, View menu in 8.x)? If I remember correctly it's faster than Bird's Eye View, but it's been a while since I used either of them.
  16. QUOTE(alfa @ Jun 14 2007, 07:59 AM) When was the last time you had a swearing contest? Don't you know that you do not involve parents?
  17. I think the point is basically as shown in the attached VI. You divide the parts of the data into seperate typedefs and create caller typedefs for each of your displays. Each of the caller typedefs can display a different combination of the sub-typedefs. I don't think this really solves your problem, because modifying a sub-typedef will still propogate upwards. It will help if you're only planning on updating the calling typedefs, but I don't see how that would work.
  18. Ben's version also comes with LabVIEW and can be found through the example finder.
  19. QUOTE(alfa @ Jun 13 2007, 10:00 AM) You should read NI's news more often: QUOTE NEWS RELEASE – June 12, 2007 – National Instruments today announced the release of NI LabVIEW 8.2.1 for prostitues. The new version introduces some important tools such as an enhanced Strip Path primitive, the STD toolkit and the Generic Express VI, which will do anything you want after you give it 400$. Note - the new version is NOT compatible with the Spousal Acquisition Toolkit and with the Tax Preparation Toolkit. About National Instruments National Instruments (www.ni.com) is transforming the way engineers and scientists design, prototype and deploy systems for measurement, automation and embedded applications. NI empowers customers with off-the-shelf software such as National Instruments LabVIEW and modular cost-effective hardware, and sells to a broad base of more than 25,000 different companies worldwide, with no one customer representing more than 3 percent of revenue and no one industry representing more than 10 percent of revenue. Headquartered in Austin, Texas, NI has more than 4,000 employees and direct operations in nearly 40 countries. For the past eight years, FORTUNE magazine has named NI one of the 100 best companies to work for in America.
  20. I don't know about VISA, but 6.1 works with FP up to 4.1 and 7.1 works with FP 5. As for the VISA deployment, I believe NI used to have a seperate license for VISA, but now I don't think they have that anymore. However, if it says that the file is for upgrade only, then you should probably install the one from you LV CD and then run the upgrade. In any case, it's likely that the installer will warn you if it is an upgrade and you do not have VISA installed.
  21. You should probably post to the OpenG forums.
  22. ActiveX is Windows specific and (if I'm not mistaken) requires that you follow some very specific rules and it was probably decided that it's not worth it. The RTE itself is exported as an ActiveX object (that's what you get in a remote front panel), so you can enable the web server in your executable and have people embed the RFP object in their UI. If you want data communication, a DLL or TCP communication is proabably the way to go.
  23. Also, have a look at this. You can import a transparent image into a control.
  24. QUOTE(Ben @ Jun 12 2007, 08:28 PM) I believe LV will load the updated typedef the next time you open the VI. Tomi, the problem is with having different displays for the same typedef. Changing the typedef causes all instances to be updated with the current look. I don't think there is any way around this, really, other than not using the typedef for the display.
  25. And just note that the simple loop example will overrun the I32 limit after only a small number of iterations. With I64 (or U64) you should be better.
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