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Everything posted by ShaunR

  1. I've been troubleshooting some code to find out why I was getting corruption in waveforms when using the Pt-by-Pt VIs. It seems that it it a problem with the latest lvanlys.dll in the run-time since older installations do not exhibit the problem. It affects all labview versions (from 2009 onwards) and both 32 bit and 64 bit. This is the result from an installation using lvanlys.dll version And here from an installation using lvanlys.dll version The problem is that the output is switching sign at arbitrary intervals as can be seen in the following table:
  2. Formula nodes are for c and matlab programmers that can't get their head around LabVIEW (or don't want to learn it). It's well known that it is a lot slower than native LV and it's a bit like the "Sequence Frame" in that it is generally avoided. I would guess there are optimisations that LabVIEW is unable to do if using the formula node which are reliant on the G language semantics (in-placeness?).
  3. You could always do it the easy way and just extract the bytes to determine type and link them to a case structure for decoding.
  4. Nope. Nothing wrong. The ""unflatten pixmap" strips the alpha-channel and coerces to 24 bit. I suggest you use the rather excellent "BitMan" package in the CR.
  5. Actually it is quite possible. Use Events and all zones register and filter for messages. This is directly analogous to what the CAN bus is doing.
  6. That's what training courses and seminars are for. Forums (to me) are for the "I've got this problem with this code,, anyone know how to fix it?" questions and general, unstructured "discussions". Therefore I don't see them as an ideal or even particularly good platform for "training". Most people IMHO post and want/need an answer in a day or so. Understanding architectures takes longer than that and doesn't solve their immediate problem. So using your analogy. They already have the bloody stump. I usually give them a band-aid and tell them how not to lose the other one
  7. You also need to know the type ahead of time with the others as well (supply a control to define the type). I would prefer it just coerces to the type of the indicator that I hang off of it which in fact is more useful than the "To Data" and James would get his function without having to define the type input. It (i think) should behave like a polymorphic VI but we don't have to write all the cases. Until that happens. I'm still using strings and variants (to me) are still the feature that never was.. Can I also reiterate my long standing peeve about not being able to create "native" polymorphic controls/indicators. X controls is another "half" solution.
  8. I still think this is a "half" solution. With variants, we should just be able to wire an output to an indicator and it should just do it without explicit conversion.
  9. Users posting on a forum tend to have been trying for a while to get round a specific problem or lack of understanding. Muddying the waters with architecture (when not asked for) tends to just confuse and frustrate. I'm reminded of what a teacher once said to me for exam technique. Answer the the question, not what you think they are asking. I tend to solve the immediate problem (usually with an example) then suggest improvements. However. Rolf has a huge amount of experience in umpteen programming languages as well as solving comms problems on a day-to-day basis so his one-liner is second nature. It helps when they post an example as then you can tell their level of expertise. If they have roughly hacked an example shipped with LabVIEW and it "sort of works". They may have spent all day trying to get the last bit sorted. This generally means that they if you start spouting about OOP and Actor frameworks, then they will probably just give up as "LabVIEW is too hard to do simple things".
  10. Depends how many dispatchers you have. If you have a single dispatcher (centralised server like a DNS server) then yes. If you have a dispatcher on every machine (like apache), then no-as long as you have reduntant processes elsewhere. The usual topology I use is to have a machine with, say, 5 processes and replicate that for failover. If the machine goes down then you just point to the other machine(s). That's the way the web works But haven't we discussed this before?
  11. Yup. I meant the example to show dynamically launching of TCP processes (there are hidden "handlers" which are dynamically launched). I don't see any reason why it should be an issue. Launching dynamic VIs means you can run them in separate threads and/or execution systems from the launching process so although your dispatcher might be in the UI thread, the spawned processes need not be.
  12. The LabVIEW UI has sucked for quite a long time now, but If your going to go for HTML and CSS you might as well take it completely out of LabVIEW and make it platform independent. Unfortunately, When it comes to artistic talent, I wasn't even in the building when they were handing it out So as much as I complain about the LV UI, I can't really do any better. The guys/gals that make those interfaces for the coding challenges just blow me away. Any UI in CSS, SVG and HTML that I do takes weeks and looks, at best, mediocre.
  13. The server had a nervous breakdown because I got to the number 2 spot
  14. This can be alleviated by using a camera with a shallow depth of field so that the hand is in sharp focus but a few inches back is totally out of focus. He will not be able to do that with a laptop cam however, but he might get away with a webcam with a manual focus ring if he is far enough away.
  15. Depends on the drive. SATA 1.5 theoritical max is 150 MB/s, SATA 2 300MB/s and SATA 3 is 600MB/s. I have a NAS box at home that easily does a sustained 60MB/sec over a 1Gb connection (with Jumbo frames). NI PXI racks have pretty crappy hard drives as standard I would benchmark it with these http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/epd/p/id/5348 .....then buy a decent one
  16. Are the HTTPS VIs that are shipped with LabVIEW 2010 and later not of any use?
  17. Try using the "Mouse Leave" event of the pane? Although your last comment (tooltips display when it doesn't have focus) seems contradictory so that might not be what you are after.
  18. Not really using it (in fact I hate the Metro interface so won't be upgrading anytime soon). However I needed to test out IE10 so put it in a VM
  19. Not that fancy (it's LabVIEW doing the work ) I had a clear out not so long ago, so no. I don't. But I imagine it was something like this:
  20. No. It doesn't matter. Only that it is an approved vendor (which NI must be otherwise they wouldn't be using LabVIEW). But lets not run before we can walk. Lets get it all working properly first. As I seem to be the only one that suffers from this, I will gradually replace the dependencies and you can decide whether you want to update the main trunk with the branch as and when it happens. I have to do it anyway, but you don't need to.
  21. Indeed. In fact. I would let the individual segment downloaders save the pieces, then probably get the download VI to sew them all together in the right order before sending the file name back to the main app. As Asbo says. You don't need to send the actual data back. The segment downloaders only need to send the filename of the segment they downloaded and saved to the Download VI. I think this demonstrates it for you (quick and dirty though it is). Of course with these things there is little error checking and no limitation to the number of spawned sub-processes. But I think you'll get the idea.Some of your VIs were missing so I couldn't use those. But I made it download some URLs using the HTTP VIs instead. Exactly the same idea except instead of passing the HTML back, you will pass a filename.
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