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LAVA 1.0 Content

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Posts posted by LAVA 1.0 Content

  1. QUOTE (Pollux @ Aug 6 2008, 03:39 AM)


    I'm at my job and is boring today, so I'm trying to implement the basic sudoku-generating algorithm that I found here, hoping that in the near future I will build a sudoku-solving algorithm in LabView.

    I don't know how could I implement in LabView the line in the title.


    Can anyone help? :worship:

    There is something called a "Formaula Node" under "Programming->structure->FormaulaNode".u can use this implement the logic.

    U can directly

    QUOTE (Pollux @ Aug 6 2008, 03:39 AM)

    , hoping that in the near future I will build a sudoku-solving algorithm in LabView.

    I don't know how could I implement in LabView the line in the title.


    Can anyone help? :worship:

    There is something called a "Formula Node" under "Programming->structure->FormulaNode".u can use this implement the logic.

    U can directly use it....

  2. QUOTE (Val Brown @ Aug 3 2008, 11:34 AM)

    QUOTE (crelf @ Aug 3 2008, 03:25 PM)

    Off topic alert: Why don't you use OpenG?
    Maybe we should break this into a separate thread...

    Interesting discussion, but I think it will be a company guideline thing. (If Val wasn't open to others people code, he wouldn't have asked)

    Here's a very rude example:



  3. QUOTE (Yair @ Aug 3 2008, 06:58 PM)

    Um, you right click the control in the facade VI and edit its context menu?

    It looks like each control in the facade VI has its own context menu.

    Shortcut Menu activation for each pane and control.

    On the VI you make sure all controls don't have their default LabVIEW shortcut menu.

    Unfortunately I haven't found a property to get to that VI property, I advice to edit your XControl template to remove that option so all facade VIs have a clear context menu.


  4. QUOTE (sachsm @ Aug 1 2008, 01:45 PM)

    Anybody know if the new RT I/O variables will have an API associated with them to allow programmatic access by name?

    LV 8.6 does not have this support, but this is a common request and being considered by development.

  5. QUOTE (Omar Mussa @ Aug 2 2008, 04:32 PM)

    I had the same issue :thumbdown: . The only way I got around it was by installing LabVIEW on a virtual machine that had no other NI products installed.

    I have the problem the other way around.

    All my labview versions are virtualized using Altiris SVS. Works OK (some versions must be auto-start).

    I can't get 8.6 installed under SVS or directly in the OS.

    Is this the end of the NI-multi installer?


  6. QUOTE (jgcode @ Aug 2 2008, 11:16 AM)

    Ok...you have twisted my arm :P

    Downloading now....

    Anybody succesfully installed LV 8.6?

    I can't I get the following error:


    Cannot install

    NI LabVIEW 8.6 (incompatible with products already installed)

    NI Measurement & Automation Explorer 4.5 (incompatible with products already installed)

    I don't know why (the incompatible software isn't mentioned :headbang:


  7. QUOTE (Aristos Queue @ Aug 1 2008, 11:20 PM)

    Report Generation VIs: The Report Generation VIs were rewritten using LabVIEW classes. The report in control and report out indicator changed from reference number data types to LabVIEW class data types. [And, as a result of this, a lot of small issues that result from deploying a class in a toolkit -- such as the wire appearance drawing right in Context Help when hovering over the palettes without loading the entire class into memory -- have been worked out. :thumbup: You may all go forth and develop lots of LabVIEW class toolkits that other developers can inherit from to their heart's content.]Enjoy!

    So, we don't have to juggle with different office dynamic VIs?

    That would be a truly awesome example!


  8. QUOTE (DerekLV @ Aug 1 2008, 04:17 PM)

    Forgive my ignorance, but what's a lossy queue? How does it differ from a regular queue?



    Its a queue that is not guarenteed to delivery everything that was posted. It works like a conveyor belt with a bucket at the end. If a worker does not pick-up the widget when the belt shifts for the next new widget added, the oldest drops off into the bit-bucket.


  9. [OT Sea-Story]

    QUOTE (Michael_Aivaliotis @ Jul 29 2008, 09:12 PM)

    ... Of course I'm shooting myself in the foot by discussing body sizes with women :ninja:


    I learned it is always a bad idea. I used to work with a woman that was so prlific she would refer to herself as "Fertle-Mertle". After catching back up with her I said to her "I see you are once again, with child." She said,

    "NO, just fat!"

    I felt about two inches tall and wanted to find a rock to climb under.


    PS She eventually admitted I was expecting. :rolleyes:

  10. QUOTE (EJW @ Aug 1 2008, 03:35 PM)

    there are about 4 daq assistants in a while loop waiting on a test to start. these DA's poll various digital and analog channels. Could these be the cause of the leak. If so, why only in compiled version and not the ide.

    You mean like express VIs?

    I would go for proper DAQ routines. An express VI might load a new task on every iteration, and in compiled mode some optimizations might be left out.


  11. QUOTE (zorro @ Jul 31 2008, 05:22 PM)

    I want to generate an array by a While loop with an indexing tunnel. But my VI doesn't work. The wire inside the loop can transfer data but the one outside the loop doesn't and I can't get an array.

    Could anyone explain the reason of it? How does a loop(While and For) work with an array in LabVIEW? And how to change my VI to fix this problem?

    Thanks as advanced.

    The problem is your loop never end, the data is not transfered outside the loop, you will need to stop the loop to get the data in your indicator


  12. QUOTE (Norm Kirchner @ Jul 31 2008, 04:44 PM)

    Through scripting I can get a full list of properties for each level of the hierarchy(what I just mentioned)

    but the problem is that I can not figure how to extract all properties just using 1 property node. (instead of having multiple cascaded property nodes on a diagram that is interacted w/ through scripting

    I don't think you can create a single property with multiple levels with scripting (at least I have failed).

    Endevo has failed as well for (un)bundle a cluster in their GOOP templates. There is some very special scripting involved in that case.


  13. QUOTE (george seifert @ Jul 31 2008, 11:15 AM)

    In my app I need to control 16 digital lines individually. I was wondering if makes sense to setup 16 different digital output tasks where there's one channel for each line. Then to control a line I'd use the appropriate task when using DAQmx Write. Otherwise, if I setup the output as a port, then I'd either have to keep track of the output state for all the lines or read the state of the lines before ORing in the one line I need to control.

    I'd appreciate any thoughts on which way makes more sense.


    George -- In my head it seems simpler to keep track of a 16bit (U16) integer, holding all of your current states. Then apply OR's (or whatever) to the appropriate bit in the U16 variable.? (a little binary to decimal understanding is required, and I think that covers you) That way you have only 1 task. That would be better than 16 tasks. You would not have to read at all in this case,..

    Also, is it even possible to have multiple tasks that are of the same type (on the device)?


  14. QUOTE (Xrockyman @ Jul 31 2008, 10:16 AM)

    Thanks for your quick reply,

    Your first solution seems to be the best on. I understand how to make the object disapear playing with his property node and the tab control but I can't put the object on top of the tab, it stays allways inside! I tried to select the option "Move to front" but It stays allways inside:(

    Thanks and regards,


    You can't drag and drop the object over a tab control to be on front of it, you will need to put the object on the side of the tab control and move it with the arrow key on your keyboard you will see a black boarder apper under the object. The object need to be at front with "Move to front".

    I hope that help


  15. QUOTE (Yren @ Jun 19 2008, 11:31 AM)

    thanks for the replies, I m quite new to Labview currently but i m having my labview tutorial class so i m still a learner. Ok, here is what i plan to do in my project. i would like to control a simple dc motor in terms of speed and direction with speech recognition using labview. For example, when a input human voice = "faster", the dc motor will drive faster.

    I think i can input the voice from my integrated mic of my laptop by using the "acquire sound" (programming > graphics and sounds > sound > input > acquire sound) and display it in a waveform graph. But, how m i able to save the pattern of certain voice so that i can compare it with my new input voice ? or this is the wrong way to do it ? any other suggestion on the signal processing? Currently i m having the NI DAQ usb-6008. Anyone can give me a guide on this ? Thanks a lot guys.

    Here are two strategies you could take for your course (this thread is a month old, are you already done with class?).

    #1 -- Choose two words (one for faster, one for slower) that are uniquely different. You don't want to write a "speech recognition" package that understands many words, just the difference between two. I would recommend writing a labview program that can measure,save and display your microphone output, this way you can experiment and find two unique 'signatures'. There are many ways to process your raw microphone analog input once you get it on your computer,.. getting it into a frequency domain would be a start, that way you can statistically measure the difference between two chunks of analog audio data (words, phrase).. Does this make sense?

    #2 -- The easy way, measure and record the audio in chunks... say you hit a button and labview records your voice for 1 second, you could make a noise with increasing pitch(frequency) over that one second which would denote "faster" motor speed, and vice-versa. This would be simpler (I believe) as you would only need to track the derivative of the frequency over time. In other words, taking the 1 second of audio and chopping it up into 10 pieces (100 millisecond) chunks, and grabbing the frequency for each increment, and tracking the direction (increasing/decreasing)..

    Hope this helps!


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