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Posts posted by LAVA 1.0 Content

  1. QUOTE (tcplomp @ Apr 21 2008, 01:55 AM)

    It takes a lot more to be banned from here (allthough I feel attacked).

    Feel free to stay, it is nice to have a totally different mind on these kind of forums.

    I missed the part that you allready have 2 years of LabVIEW experience, sorry.

    I thought you were asking for 'hello world' app. (if you want to introduce programming language and that is all you can supply the language is limited).

    Ton (hides under his rock again)

    # In C++

    # main (){

    # cout<< "hello world" endl1;

    # system("pause");

    # return 0;

    # }

    # in Pascal

    # begin

    # Wrtie('hello world');

    # Repeat until keypressed;

    # end.

    # Briefly, I want to write a program in Labview that will do the same thing as the programs above do. How can i do that?

    # thank you all very much...

    Ahem.. heh. Understanding where this thread has gone up to this point,... he did specifically ask how to write a hello world program. With no mention

    of piping std i/o... So you were being a nice guy and replied with what he asked for.


  2. QUOTE (GreatVIEW @ Jul 30 2008, 03:54 PM)

    Required Functionality

    Numeric background colours goes yellow when you click into it.

    Then as you edit the value it goes red if the number is too high or too low.

    Then press Enter.

    Background colour goes green. and stays green until the diagram reads the value. (which depends on the speed and activity in the loop)

    when the value has been commited the colour returns to default.

    Yes, uhm, what do you want?

    Is this a challenge?


  3. QUOTE (yen @ Feb 4 2007, 02:38 PM)

    How about the http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=BreakPoint&message.id=2839#M2839' target="_blank">code capture tool?

    It's already a fairly complete tool for what it does, but we could probably add some image editing functionality, drawing arrows, highlighting, commenting, etc.

    I realize this is a year old. Did you guys every have the Code Challenge #3? Are we planning on anymore? I'm definitely interested!


  4. QUOTE (GreatVIEW @ Jul 28 2008, 09:30 PM)


    QUOTE (neB @ Jul 28 2008, 09:49 PM)

    Either done as a brat or turned into an XControl, there is a lot of work.

    On the plus side for the XControl...

    Once develeoped your diagram will be clean.

    Ok, I posted here an XControl to have an InputMask function, this could quite easily be expanded to the functionality you need.


  5. QUOTE (Aitor Solar @ Jul 29 2008, 02:42 AM)

    Interesting idea this "brat" ;) . The (minor) problem I see is the need to stop the brat loop from outside. ...

    I've used the control ref to climb back up the tree to the VI that owns it. Register an event for the screen close and monitor its running state. Exit if either happen. "look Ma, no-hands!"


  6. QUOTE (GreatVIEW @ Jul 28 2008, 03:52 PM)

    I'm not sure that I know the event for reading the numeric before the value has been commited to the diagram. does it exist...

    Say the limit for your numeric is 100 and you highlight the last zero and replace with 94859485. how do you read that value?

    Convoluted idea follows:

    Watch for control to get key fucus

    Declare events to watch key strokes

    In event for key strokes collect your keys and act as you choose?


  7. QUOTE (GreatVIEW @ Jul 28 2008, 03:30 PM)

    ...I take your point that strings might be the best way to do it in LabVIEW. (but is it the only way?)


    Strings are the only data type I know that will allow update while typing. If you know what is the string at last update you can figure what was added. Since the numerics don't allow update while... you are faced with a pile of work to implement all of the numeric behaviour as a string (numerics only, no text...).

    Either done as a brat or turned into an XControl, there is a lot of work.

    On the plus side for the XControl...

    Once develeoped your diagram will be clean.


  8. hello all -- I'd just like to introduce myself. My name is scott carlson and I have been using labview for a few years now. I just recently graduated college with my BSME and am working full time as a software engineer for an industrial automation company up in new england. I just registered for NI Week and also signed up for your party on wednesday night(?). I hope to have good conversation and beer with all of you! I can't wait to hit austin.


  9. QUOTE (Jeffrey Habets @ Jul 26 2008, 12:43 PM)

    In OO terminology they would classify as a singleton design pattern. Because that's basically what they are: a class of which only one object can be instantiated.

    An advantage of this particular singleton implementation is that we don't have to pass a class reference around. :) Disadvantage ofcourse is that reads are always serialized and we have to wire and set the method selector everywhere we call a 'method' of the class.

    Thanks for the OO terminology lesson. To get around setting the method, I normally create a separate wrapper VI for each of the methods, that only expose the necessary inputs and outputs for the method. This becomes my API/function palette. The singleton VI is normally not exposed to the user.

  10. This morning on the radio I heard that Austin will have its 36th day in triple digits (>= 100 degrees) for the year. Normally we have about 10 or so. Last year we had none. It's shapping up to be a hot NIWeek. :beer: :thumbup:

  11. QUOTE (jdunham @ Jul 25 2008, 10:39 PM)

    QUOTE (Yair @ Jul 26 2008, 09:33 PM)

    This is done by the OS, not by LabVIEW. To work around that, LabVIEW would have to use its own file dialog (which it does have and which you can select in the options screen (although I suppose it is hypothetically possible that LabVIEW could remember the last path and feed it itself into the dialog...)

    Well if we open up a browse dialog from LabVIEW we can set the 'start path' from where the dialog will open.

    Why can't LabVIEW do such a thing?


  12. QUOTE (Michael_Aivaliotis @ Oct 13 2007, 06:31 PM)

    I’ve always wondered who all these people are that visit the LAVA Forums but never post. There’s about 7000 registered members but only a handful post regularly. I know many of you subscribe via RSS and never visit the site. Now’s your time to shine, lurkers! Just pop a comment here, no reason to be shy. Let us know who you are, where you’re from, what you do, whatever. It will help you get to know some of the other lurkers. :wub: . For those of you still scratching your heads as to what a lurker is, a lurker is a person that decides to stay shy in either a chat room, a forum or a blog, by not contributing their comments and electing to just watch the babble ensue in front of them. Now that made no sense, but I’m sure you got it.http://avalonstar.com/2006/01/11/lurkers-speak-to-me/' rel='nofollow' target="_blank">

    And yes, if you are one of those regulars you can comment too.

    OK... Guilty as charged... been a member here for years... think Ive only posted once...

    Bob Harmon

    Principal Technician

    Sandia National Laboratories

    Livermore, CA

    I work in the Combustion Research Facility for two great researchers Dr. Robert Barlow and Dr. Robert Schefer. I couldn't ask for better bosses. We use lasers and other diagnostic devices to gather data from flames. Most of this data is used to verify models. Most of our lab equipment is operated with LabVIEW and I'm the lucky dude that gets to keep the lab up and running. My lab consists of 12 lasers, 8 imaging systems, a gas supply system delivering 18 gasses and oxidents. It's a big system and keeps me very busy... It is a very rewarding challenge.

  13. QUOTE (Norm Kirchner @ Jul 25 2008, 05:12 PM)

    Although some may claim my Signal to Noise ratio on posts is a bit low, I've finally cracked 500 posts.


    Just the perfect mix of nutcases...

    If you think about, fresh baked bread, comes with a lot of hot air.

    I'd like to read more from you, so post away.



  14. QUOTE (jdunham @ Jul 25 2008, 10:39 PM)

    1. For loading VIs, it should always start in the lvproj folder or one of its subfolders

    Saving a LabVIEW file (control/VI/class/library) should be done in the active project folder, a LVproject should open up in the LabVIEW data folder.

    My Pet Peeves:

    1. Case structures
      They have the bad bug invitable following behaviour:
      If you change the selector type from Boolean to another the 'False' diagram gets the label of the '0' element and default, and the 'True' diagram gets '1'.
      For enums this is not acceptable, their should not be a default case by default.
      For strings the first case could be labeled 'Default' and the second '""' (empty string). But IMHO there shouldn't even be labels. How many times do we forget about the 'False/Default' case.
      Numerics have the plain bad behaviour.
      My point:
      Default is a choice not a default value.
    2. The application builder should have 'Conditional disable structures' options.
    3. It should be easy (right-click easy) to name a pane and splitter


  15. QUOTE (oosterwal @ Jul 25 2008, 01:25 PM)

    The term "Functional Global Variable" may be unappealing to some because it seems to emphasize the noun Variable and tack on Global and Functional as adjectives to classify Variable, and the concept really isn't a variable at all. If this describes your view of the term consider this explanation: A "Functional Global Variable" isn't a variable, it's a Function--a Function that can be used as a Global Variable. In this sense the noun is "Function" and "Global Variable" describes the type of function.

    Perhaps I can convince all of you to start calling these things "Global Variable Functions". ;)

    Very good point. Earlier this week I asked a coworker of mine what I should be calling the design pattern employed by Functional Global Variables, but used for another purpose. So are these Global Functions, or what do we call them? (Different methods implemented in a Case structure, acting on a set of variables stored in uninitialized shift registers of a While loop)

    I guess they're precursors to very simple LV classes.

  16. QUOTE (jzoller @ Jul 25 2008, 02:27 PM)


    My suspicion is that it hasn't been done because it's just hard, ...

    There is one more complication that I can think of....

    Trying to hit a "moving-target" without introducing bugs. None of us has managed to coble together this function using scripting such that it works for all object types. NI has another challenge in that they have been adding or modifying FP objects. Not to mention the wide spectrum of abuse we (the users) could subject it to, example, I select a boolean and an array of clusters and then use this new mega-tool and to set the font style. Is it the lable font?, the font in the cluster?....

    THey have managed to let us set the dimensions of all objects since all LV objects have that in common.... (except decorations?).


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