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Posts posted by LAVA 1.0 Content

  1. QUOTE (eaolson @ Aug 19 2008, 07:47 PM)

    Not intending to threadjack, but ... asking an interviewee if he/she is married. Appropriate or inappropriate?

    Hijack succeeded.

    In the Netherlands it's quite normal to have you marital status on your resume (including children).

    The question I got was 'If I call your wife what will she tell about you'.

    This are items that are relevant to a job. For instance I got the question today if I could enter a support team for our company. This includes traveling to other countries for two weeks, heavy night work. Someone that is married and has children is not very suitable for such a job.

    It are question regarding your fitness for such jobs.


  2. QUOTE (Michael_Aivaliotis @ Aug 19 2008, 07:32 PM)

    I always strict type def my clusters and enums. There are also some other instances like rings and of course customized controls. However, I see no point in a plain type def.

    I never use strict type defs, unless I put them on a GUI I am going to show to my user.

    I have always the feeling why use a strict type def? Could you enlighten me?


  3. QUOTE (MJE @ Aug 19 2008, 07:07 PM)

    Anyone seen this type of behaviour before? I'm considering redoing the little project in C# just to compare performance, to see if the performance hit is coming from the .NET/LV communication.

    How do you pass around the data? Via disc or via memory. In the first case there shouldn't be a difference between C# and LabVIEW, however loading .NET items into memory sometimes takes time.


  4. QUOTE (Val Brown @ Aug 19 2008, 05:32 PM)

    I'm wondering about whether it would be useful to have a SVN forum on LAVA?

    Good idea, maybe something like 'Code development tools'?

    Any other namse?

    I am willing to filter the last few months or so for threads that should apply to such a forum.


  5. QUOTE (Ben Zimmer @ Aug 19 2008, 11:00 AM)

    I would have to agree with Chris.

    Consider two extremes: you have a huge student loan debt or you are independently wealthy. Do you want your employer to know this when they set your salary?

    Thanks Ben.

    It seems there are some other extremes as well, "I worked my Bu#@ off nights." or "I slaved for years saving evry penny to achieve my dreams."

    I will volutarily delete the previous question if anyone indicates as much.

    "Another Ben"

  6. You'll want to use a second simple waveform (ramp up, ramp down) to scale your actual signal. So rather than varying the amplitude of the signal generator, use a constant amplitude and then scale the generated waveform by multiplying it by the ramp waveform.

    Here's a partial solution showing how to generate a ramp up and using it to scale your sine signal. This will ramp up continuously so you'll need to figure out how to stop the ramp and keep it level at your final amplitude and then add the ramp down for the end of your signal.


  7. QUOTE (crelf @ Aug 19 2008, 10:24 AM)

    That's a terrifically horrible question, and frankly none of the interviewer's business - I'd consider a question like that borderline discrimination.


    Seems like I struck a nerve with that question (and I wasn't even trying).

    I am at a loss as to how that Q would be concidered descrimination. Could you please elaborate?


  8. One of the best Q's I have heard was;

    [Warning! The following question has been declared possibly offensive and readers are cautioned to read the following question at their own risk!]

    "How did you finance your education?"

    [End of possibly offensive question]

    It lets you probe the candidates character and how they juggled demands of their time.

    A question about Action Engines/LV2 Globals/Functional globals like "What is a an AE, when would you use it, and what alternatives would you concider?" will open up a lot of doors into the candidates knowledge of LV.

    OH, and based on the results of the "Stump the Chumps" from last year's NI-Week, if they can name more than one Express VI,.... :rolleyes:


  9. QUOTE (electrika @ Aug 18 2008, 07:05 PM)


    I am trying to control the speed of a 3-axes system which controls the motion of a tool in the three directions. How can I control the velocity of this tool? I have an existing labview program to do this. But need to be able to change the velocity with which the tool moves. Is it possible to do this?

    Thank you for your attention.

    I control multiple axis, but as already told we need to know more about your hardware / software used to help you...

    do you use a NI-Motion Controller?

    in which mode does he opperate absolute/relative contouring, position mode, or whateve?

    if you change the speed you could get problems with your system (it can become instable..)

  10. QUOTE (jzoller @ Aug 13 2008, 10:23 AM)

    this is the best part when u end up with a insane error

    Most of the time, deleting the offending object and recreating it from scratch is sufficient to fix your VI and allow you to continue working.

    So when ever i used to encounter this problem (and the interesting thing is that this insane error is used to happen with 7 and 7.1 version and i never encountered so far with 8.2 and 8.5). i used to delete a wire branch or control or indicator one by one , save the application, rewire the deleted objects and save and run it. And it used to work fine. This used to be tedious process and as a short cut i would copy the entire block diagram in to a new vi then used to delete half of the block diagram objects, which would let me know in a faster way where this insane object is in the BD.

  11. QUOTE (maybe @ Aug 18 2008, 02:15 PM)

    Hello all,

    The desired vi I have has a background image and the attached vi allow me to capture most the front panel elements except that image. I wonder if anyone as an idea how I can get it around.


    Hi there,

    The attched vi works as its intended to..

    I tried some error and trial method and found out that if the size of the vi (of which u would like to take the image) is scaled accordingly (manually) to fit that background properly , u will get the complete front panel image.

    So resize ur VI and give it a shot again.

  12. QUOTE (jgcode @ Aug 18 2008, 06:47 AM)

    So certification = experience?

    Hopefully, certification > experience or possibly certification = experience++

    This is a very good question and comes back to the root of Tom's goal for discussion. What is certification? Why should we do it?

    In my mind certification includes (but is not limited to):

    • Experience - maybe this should be a more clearly states requirement for certification though it would be difficult to verify
    • Willingness to learn, understand, and master best practices in application development (it doesn't necesarily mean that to you will use best practices in your daily work, though you should)
    • Agreement that having and using best practices is a good idea
    • Interest in further developing your programming and application development skills in coordination with the LV user community

    As several have stated, certification does not mean that you necessarily agree with the best practices taught in the LV courses and tested in the certification exams. But it does mean that you understand these specific best practices and see the value of having best practoices in your own development even if they differ from the ones used in the certification process.

  13. QUOTE (Tom Bress @ Aug 15 2008, 10:57 AM)

    My comment was meant to only address the issue of NI engineers (applications engineers, systems engineers, R&D) getting certified. In my mind having an NI background will give a potential employee a differentiation factor compared to their competition, but like certification, it should not be a free pass to gainful employment. My point was to illustrate that NI was not keeping employees from getting certified due to this concern.

    In general I think certification does have value, but the purpose is not necessarily to make it easier for people to get a job. Though the purpose does include for employers to better identify qualified job candidates.

    To me LV certification is intended for developers of applications using LabVIEW, which in fact almost every NI employee does not do. So the certification is much more suited for system integrators, not for NI engineers developing and supporting LabVIEW. My comments are meant to address the CLAD, CLD, CLA certification and not CPI. I don't know much about the CPI process at this time. That being said there is value for NI employees to get certified, which is being addressed at this time.

    QUOTE (jgcode @ Aug 15 2008, 06:34 PM)

    Why not with all else being equal? If you are applying for a pure full-time
    programming position and you have Joe A and Joe B with equal Academic Quals for the job.

    The hirer's are familiar with NI products and knoq that certs aren't given out on weeties packets.

    Joe A has his CLA & CPI (and additionally certs for DAQ, RT, CRIO, & MV courses).

    Joe B with no
    certification - who are you going to lean towards off the bat?

    In fact, its quite possible Joe B's CV
    could be
    scraped up front.

    If the hirer's have no idea about
    certs then yes, its probably a waste of time.

    But IMO its no different to a uni degree. Its just a piece of paper, but its what the piece can do - to get your foot in the door thats important.

    Given the above example, if Joe A got the job because he looked more impressive on paper, then the cert is worth it.

    In my mind if someone has anything higher than a CLAD, they will be able to talk about their actual work experience. I don't expect anyone without actual work experience to have a CLD or higher and the issue of "equal Academic Quals for the job" with or without certs is not likely to happen. If the hiring engineer is at all familiar with LabVIEW they will be able to determine which of two candidiates with or without certification is more qualified due to their actual work experience and performance.

    However, like you said, employers may make certification a simple requirement to get an interview in the first place, so having the certification is still important.

    QUOTE (jgcode @ Aug 16 2008, 01:38 PM)

    E.g. graduate entry level job..straight out of uni, no experience, all candiates have are certs/academic quals.

    The thing they are going to look at for sure is what you have achieved on paper (grades etc...) and references (as you have no experience).

    It gonna depend on the situation.

    If they have anything better than a CLAD, they will have some experience developing applications (even small ones) with LabVIEW and can talk about it in an interview. Even for a CLAD they must have some experience working with LV otherwise they would not have bothered to learn it and get the CLAD.

    Experience with LV does not have to mean being a paid employee of a system integrator.

  14. QUOTE (NeverDown @ Aug 15 2008, 10:51 PM)

    QUOTE (crelf @ Aug 15 2008, 11:21 PM)

    PS: just posting about how one thing is better than another provides very little value to the community if you don't tell us why. We're all here to learn from each other, so please share what you know. Perhaps a feature comparison? Maybe a list of a few features that Accurev has that SVN doesn't?

    Well they got a very nice website.

    This 'customer success story' indicates there is support via the MS SCC interface.

    However on the website there are no other references


  15. QUOTE (jgcode @ Aug 15 2008, 09:25 AM)

    I was told but an NI Engineer that they are (or more correctly now - were) not allowed to get certified because once they did people would leave for higher paid jobs!

    True story.

    I've also heard this rumor floating around NI, but it is not true. Given the need for experienced LV users in the field, a lack of certification is not preventing any NI engineer from finding a different job if they really want to leave NI. Any LV programmer who has the proper LV coding experience would be able to prove their worth to a potential employer in a short amount of time. In the end certification is just a piece of paper, what you do or know to get the certification is what will bring you or your employer the benefits and value.

    I would hope that if anyone is hiring a LV programmer into their organization they are not relying solely on the certification of a given candidate in making a hiring decision.

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