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  1. QUOTE (JiMM @ Jun 6 2008, 03:51 AM) I had a quick look at your VI "IsPrime.vi", one thing you can improve is the number of time you run the loop to see if the tested number is prime ; it's no use to test a prime divisor if it is bigger than the square root of the tested number EDIT : My solution takes less than 2 secondes on my old laptop and it is not really different rom yours . A few other advices to improve performance : - avoid to use "build array" primitive, - avoid cohersion dots, - inline code. One interesting hit I found, in my solution there is one subVI, if I inline the code to have only one VI, it runs faster ~10% ; I guess this is due to the way LabVIEW passes inputs to callees and outputs to callers.
  2. Here is one appropriate for a Friday afternoon. Image on NASA web site shows water on mars. http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/image/0504/WaterOnMars2_gcc.jpg Ben
  3. QUOTE (rolfk @ Jun 6 2008, 01:31 AM) One subtle note of caution: Make sure the queue is not created by the VI that is the target of the CBR. If the connection fails and the target VI is not active in any other running code, LV will clean-up the resource of that VI including the queue it created. This means your queue would go invalid when a network interuption occurs. (This was observed in LV 6.1 with the queue running on a cFP running RT). Ben
  4. QUOTE (Justin Goeres @ Jun 5 2008, 09:41 AM) Well now that you mention it, same thing with the Top 20. Ben
  5. QUOTE (Phillip Brooks @ Jun 5 2008, 07:35 AM) Only the ones you post to the Dark-Side (or at least that is how I read the EULA). I never get any phone calls from NI but that could be for a number of reasons. 1) I have a "Gate-Keeper" that screens my calls. 2) All of the NI training in our region are taught by us and the Training Coordinator is generally more interested in why I refuse to take any of the candy from the office candy jar (even after she purchased Mint Three Musketeers!) (BTW: She tracks what courses students have taken and only offers the next class in the series). Ben
  6. QUOTE (Jim Kring @ Jun 5 2008, 09:29 AM) are you sure that you did't get those LabVIEW training mails because of your CLAD test result
  7. QUOTE (martin@aerodynamics @ Jun 5 2008, 07:09 AM) Well... My experience with NI people (Austin, France and Switzerland) sums up like this : very good relationship with technical people only. Better not to comment market/sales. Many *people* I spoke to think more or less the same.
  8. QUOTE (Michael_Aivaliotis @ Jun 4 2008, 10:23 PM) This never happend to me, since I live in "little" Switzerland, I know almost al NI Switzerland Sales and Support people, and they know me as well. So they don't just call me to ask wheter I need help...
  9. I agree with everything Tim has to to say (right up until about 8:00 tonight) Ben
  10. Hi JG, I started before LV 5 so my list is much shorter than yours. The two things I miss are; 1) Re-size grab points were at the corners and not in the middle (I often sit and stare wondering when the grab point will show up) 2) Re-size objects dialog. RE: slow Was it LV 5 of LV 5.1 that introduced multi-threading? (so little memory, too lazy to do a search). LV 6.1 introduced a lot of speed functionality if memory serves me. Ben
  11. See here for Greg McKaskle's answer (I used my Color Ramp tag to find this one). and See here for examples that Christian and I offered (on the dark-side). Ben
  12. QUOTE (JiMM @ Jun 4 2008, 01:55 AM) I can't open you VI . What version of LabVIEW did you use ? Can you repost it please ?
  13. QUOTE (jaegen @ Jun 3 2008, 08:02 PM) That's cool ! QUOTE Antoine, Thank you for introducing me to this fascinating challenge. My wife would not thank you I would be interested in any suggestions to improve my code. I can get the job done, but I am sure that my LV coding skills can only go up. Attached is my solution to the Euler project chalenge #3. I would love to hear any suggestions as to how to improve it's efficiency. I am not looking for fancy mathematical insights (won't help future projects). I have a solution, it's just slow (~4.5 minutes). What I am interested to learn is how to improve the code using more efficient LabVIEW practices. Thanks for any insights! I hope I'm putting you into trouble . I started the Euler projet with the same intent : improving my LabVIEW skills. The first solution I found for problem 3 is quite slow as well, now that I saw the above linked code I will try to get inspired and improve my subVIs because it's easy to draw a solution that WILL find the solution but not untill the end of the universe ! Don't have time right now to have a look at your code, but I will. EDIT : I tested the prime factor VI that won the coding challenge on NI Forums, it takes 2ms to find the solution of prob 3 Cheers
  14. QUOTE (Michael_Aivaliotis @ Jun 3 2008, 04:08 PM) Thank you, Ben
  15. QUOTE (David Boyd @ Jun 3 2008, 11:37 AM) Now that you mention it, yes there does seem to be two sets of rules applied. If we say that this is a bug and you should be able to select the cluster, then that would let us potential poke at the invisable container used in the sclar example. I wonder what I'm missing. Ben
  16. Here are some thoughts. De-couple the serial ports I/O from the message traffic they carry. For all active serial ports check the number of bytes waiting at each port and read those from the serial buffer. Queue up the read data to seperate queue for each that feed some parsing code. THe Parsing code shoudl check the framing and valiidtiy of the message in the context of any previously read data and then use the results as if it came right from the port. So let the serial support code just do serial and lett other code handle the data. If each serial port has to support command response traffic, then six clones of serial support that use a design pattern similar to Jim Kring's Queued Message Handler with Response Notification would get you a long way. Ben
  17. QUOTE (crelf @ Jun 2 2008, 03:52 PM) What is the Window Title for the 3d-graph container for use with that function? I can't even venture a guess. Ben
  18. QUOTE (Michael_Aivaliotis @ Jun 2 2008, 03:02 PM) OK, for a moment I though tyou were floowing my advise I gave regarding lay-offs at DEC. I said they should start by laying-off managers and keep laying them off until someone notices. A similar approach could be used to find out whcih links are used and whicha are not. Just shut them all down and only fix the one people find. Of course I am just being silly now. Ben
  19. Hi all, A friend of mine recently dragged me into the Euler Project, anyone here is spending his nights doing it as well ? By the way, LabVIEW is not in the default "language list" :thumbdown:
  20. QUOTE (Michael_Aivaliotis @ May 31 2008, 03:39 PM) Top 20 not working. Do I have to clear cookies or something? Ben
  21. Thank you Mug-Bearer! This thread has now become an apendix for my Action Engine Nugget! "GO LAVA TEAM!" :thumbup: Ben
  22. QUOTE (Tomi Maila @ Jun 2 2008, 04:59 AM) Thank you Tomi! This will be part of my required reading for today. Ben
  23. QUOTE (jbrohan @ Jun 2 2008, 07:30 AM) It was the close timing of you asking so soon after I was asking. If you come with anything worth sharinge please update (here or there). "May all of your buffers be re-used", Ben
  24. QUOTE (neB @ Jun 2 2008, 12:46 PM) The keypoint was the difference between LV code (app kind = Development environment) and EXEs (app kind = run time application). As explained by JPDrolet and RolfK in the thread I cited in my first post, the EXE's ini file must be set to use different TCP ports. In my case, when running as EXEs : - proj A is set to 3385 in its INI file (server.tcp.port=3385) - proj B is set to 3386 in its INI file (server.tcp.port=3386) - inside the code proj B opens an application reference using the IP of the PC on which proj A is running and proj A port number (3385), this gives the ref of A.exe, then opens a ref on the desired VI. when running as LV code : - proj A is set to 3385 programmaticaly (using VI server) - inside the code proj B opens an application reference using the IP of the PC on which proj A is running and proj A port number (3385) finds the project called "A" and opens a reference to the desired VI (only with its name). See attach code (not tested on 2 different PCs yet, but works when on the same PC) http://lavag.org/old_files/post-7452-1212407697.zip'>Download File:post-7452-1212407697.zip
  25. QUOTE (Antoine @ Jun 2 2008, 05:10 AM) As I mentioned in my first reply in this thread, I have not tried that yet. What were the key points req to make it work? Ben
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