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  1. QUOTE (eaolson @ Apr 17 2008, 01:43 PM) We would pulling a Galileo on you if we did. If I ever do so please feel free to jump all over me. Re: JDave :thumbup: Ben
  2. QUOTE (george seifert @ Apr 17 2008, 02:07 PM) Hi George, The problem with 3-D Graph questions is it generally takes a lot of work to answer them. Being lazy I wrote up a "worse case" 3-D graph example and posted http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&thread.id=143663&jump=true' target="_blank">in this thread on the "dark side". Please take a look at that thread and then let us know what is still missing. It include comments, screen-shots, as well as all of the code I used. Take care, Ben
  3. QUOTE (osiris81 @ Apr 17 2008, 03:24 PM) Hello, 1500 plot on the same graph is quite a lot Anyway... I think I would play with plot color, using a property node on the grap, you can select the plot you want by its index and then set its color (or line width, or else). Hope this helps
  4. QUOTE (reem @ Apr 17 2008, 01:12 PM) When you create a cluster it is indeed an "empty box", then just beside, create whatever controls you need (2 numerics, 1 boolean, 3 path, etc) and drag and drop these controls into the "empty box". Hope this helps
  5. QUOTE (orko @ Apr 15 2008, 03:24 PM) I'll watch my back for the machine's claw. :ninja: Ben
  6. QUOTE (eaolson @ Apr 15 2008, 01:52 PM) Newton is often considered "a scientist" or one of the "patron saints" of physics and math (depending on which camp the speaker is comfortable in), BUT he concidered himself a "natural science philosopher" and wrote as extensively on the topic now concidered "religion" as he did math and science. Similarly Einstien attributed qualities to the "prime mover" as exemplified by his classic reaction to quantum mechanics "God does not play dice." I concider myself a scientist as well (studied physics in college) and was drawn to that filed by an interest in the world around me and the wonders found therein. Although I never studied at the graduate level, I was never able to answer very fundamental questions like "who/what enforces the laws of physics?" if I did not allow a deity into my model of the world. I was excited when working in the physics labs at Pitt to find out that there were real tenur-tracked proffesors that also were comfortable being on the leading edge of science and still allowing for the existence of a deity. I used to meet weekly with Dr David Snoke (Condensed matter physics) where we shared ideas of how we percieved the world. I am not saying that everyone SHOULD beleive in a deity. I am saying that it is OK to be a scientist and beleive in a deity. Let me put forth one more idea for concideration (please) 1) IF the deity does exist AND the deity bent his implementation of the laws of physics to acheive his/her/its end goal (aka creation) it would be a very bad idea to challenge him to a game of pool since he obviously has mastered the bank-shot. I am sorry if any of the above may have offeneded any other readers. I just think that God is "way-cool" and can't resist the temptation to talk about him. Ben
  7. QUOTE (eaolson @ Apr 15 2008, 10:09 AM) I think you just did. My wife likes following these types of debates since it gets her blood boiling. She leans toward the ID side of things. I generally disappoint her attempts at starting a heated debate because I just don't understand why the two view point have to be mutually exclusive. I can understand the evidence for "reality" but I have come to accept that whoever it was that wrote and enforces the laws of physics could have written them to acheive his/her/its intelegent design. Ben
  8. QUOTE (Eugen Graf @ Apr 15 2008, 09:41 AM) The implementations of OOP in LabView use the Dataflow paradigm. That mean your data is in your wire. If you split the wire, than you have two set of class data. You can take a look to http://forums.lavag.org/Refactoring-the-ReferenceObject-example-in-LV-82-t3788.html&st=30&start=30' target="_blank">this for more detail on how to implement a by reference object. You can also look to LabVIEW example.
  9. QUOTE (shoneill @ Apr 13 2008, 03:02 PM) :thumbup: You nailed it Shane! Now if you allow me to jump to the end of the game and summarize... Each of us can only control ourselves so if we really care about making the world better, concentrate on making our individual contributions the best we can and if someone else screws up, forgive them. Ben
  10. QUOTE (crelf @ Apr 10 2008, 05:45 PM) We'll see about that. I have tried very hard not to get thrown across the bar knocking over tables on the way (again). Re: Fair and Balanced news... I listen to NPR (Never Fresh Air) on the way home and then sit and watch FOX News (never their prime time line-up unless I am stuck in a motel) to balance it out. I don't beleive either source but I try to perfom a transform to the "truth plane" based the common items listed in both. I beleive it was Pilate who once asked "What is truth?". Makes you wonder how far we have come in 2000 years. Irene, I BELEIVE that sub-conciously (can a society have a sub-concious, without it being a conspiracy?) the west is threatened by China because; 1) There are a lot more people in China than anywhere else and there is no other group in the world that could beat China, finacially, or miltarily. 2) China has a unique history background and culture and therefore is different. "Differences" often scare those that don't appreciate the difference. 3) The Chinese society is not yet addicted to the "stuff" that place un-neccessary demands on western life styles. e.g. When did cars become clothing? So although all of the hype against China is toughted as "good and morale" I BELEIVE the attacks are based on fear. Is anyone other than me familar with DR. Seuss's "The Star Belly Sneaches" ? Ben
  11. QUOTE (Irene_he @ Apr 10 2008, 03:13 PM) A couple of thought crossed my mind as I read your post. In Plato's republic he attributed to Socrates the belief that the arts (the media of his day) should be out-lawed because they feed a "shadow of reality" that people take as truth. I have to agree with his ideas there. "4. Why does..." My personal theory on that question is .... (deleted because its even too out-rageous even for the LAVA Lounge) Ben
  12. QUOTE (dthomson @ Apr 9 2008, 08:39 PM) In the interest of keeping the LabVIEW Champions a cohesive group, I would like to gracefully decline responding to that follow-up question. (yes I am a wimp). Besides concidering your line of work, I would be both out-classed and out-gunned. But please allow me one request... As you and yours do your thing please do so with a "jondous eye" (sp? W. Shakespear sp?) since we are really relying on you to act as dis-interested observers. Thank you! Ben PS Yep! I should have deleted that post, but then again "As face answers to face and iron asnwers to iron, so does a man trieth words." So I reserve the right to take back everything I said along with eating any "humble-pie" that comes with it.
  13. QUOTE (jlokanis @ Apr 9 2008, 08:50 PM) Do you have a CAR nuber for this bug? Could you explain why the parent should inherits from the child? I would think it should be the other way around. LV 8.5 has been much better with the defer FP updates than LV 8.2.1 was! I had to upgrade in mid development because of GUI update issues that were associated with the Defer FP updates. I have been just defering in the sub-panel and that seems to work fine in LV 8.5. Since my GUIs use multiple sub-panels attempting to syncronize the parent defer with ALL sub-panel defers is an issue I have avoided. Your thought? Ben
  14. QUOTE (pbailey @ Feb 7 2008, 09:53 PM) Yes, we have it working. We create the SOAP messages with "Format into string" and paste that into an HTTP message to be send to the server. The answer is then parsed and the values extracted. It no problem to do it this way because the interface is not subject to change. As I mentioned in my original post: it has to work cross platform, so importing the wsdl was not an option.
  15. Hi Irene! Thanks for breaking the ice on this subject. The torch run set off a minor fire storm last night when talking to my buddy and wife. I'll let the details of that interaction by the side but since it quickly becomes a matter of philosophy, but I'll pick-up on another point. All too often "American" media takes a short-cut and lumps the entire United States together as a single entity with a common set of values, etc. What I would like to stess is that this is far from the truth. As the proper names indicates, the US is a set of "united" "states". THe US is really a collection of 50 sepearte contries. There are parts of the US that think very differently. I believe a "safe" case in point is Dennis Kusinich (sp?). I have heard "American Media" report about his run for president as if he was some sort of nut-case. What is seldom recognized is that the state of Ohio has repeatedly returned him to office (I lift a virtual mug of beer* :beer: to Ohio for their "in your face" attitude). Being a resident of Pennsylvania (just over the border from OH and WV) the are reports I hear from other parts of the US that make me want to scream. I have often asked out loud "is ther anyway we can give XX back to YY ?", "What if we paid YY to take them back?". Ben * Please note I am invoking "Kring's Law".
  16. QUOTE (Jim Kring @ Apr 4 2008, 12:52 PM) "Let Mikey try it. He hates everything." I can't fault you since I do the same. Ben
  17. QUOTE (psiam @ Apr 3 2008, 05:27 AM) The following is a wild guess. Try checking the "automatically close VISA" to see if that helps with the VI Server method. Done guessing! Ben
  18. QUOTE (jacy @ Apr 2 2008, 01:56 PM) Hi Jacy, You may want to try the "Personal Message" option to ping the original poster since that posting is almost a month old. just trying to help, Ben
  19. QUOTE (pallen @ Apr 3 2008, 10:28 AM) Although the SDE does was replaced in the Add-ons disk by the SC, the SDE is still available if ordered sperately. I get the feeling that NI would like the SDE to just go away. Ben
  20. I use Subroutine on my AE's that are in Time-critical loops so I can use the "Skip-if-busy" option. An example would be an AE that lets a user specify a throtle position in a jet engine simulator. The TC loop has to stay deterministic so being hung waiting for the AE would hurt, I'll skip it if the UI is updating the setting. THe TC loop use the previous value and then picks-up the new setting in the next iteration. I also you that setting for sub-VI's that are small, run quickly, and are used all over the place in which case i think of this settings as the "run-like-He#$ option". BTW:There was a bug in one of the LV 7.X versions were the skip-if-busy did not always skip. Ben
  21. QUOTE (pallen @ Apr 2 2008, 10:57 AM) LAVA is already 40... Happy Birthday Michael
  22. QUOTE (PaulG. @ Apr 2 2008, 04:33 PM) Well there is a parameter "server.tcp.paranoid" and it's True by default QUOTE Example: server.tcp.paranoid=FALSE Description: Strict Checking Datatype: http://wiki.lavag.org/Boolean' rel='nofollow' target="_blank">Boolean Permitted Values: TRUE or FALSE Default Value: TRUE Thanks orko for the link, they do make things clearer for me, so I'll stick to what have been doing : use "request deallocation" primitive with care.
  23. I saw this in the WIKI article "LabVIEW configuration file", section "Performance". (http:/www.labviewwiki.org/LabVIEW_configuration_file/Performance) QUOTE The description is a bit hazy for me.. I assume it "virtually adds a "request deallocation" primitive in subVIs". - Anyone can give more details ? - Anyone ever tunerd it on ?
  24. Just adding my 2 cents. The link to VI Memory Usage in LabVIEW 8.5 (see previsou post) says : QUOTE I saw that your methods all have control terminals inside of the error case structue. This might not change a lot, but if I understand correctly the quote above, then it can only be better to have the control terminals outside of the case structure. See also this thread on NI forum http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?boar...=191622#M191622 Hope this can help
  25. QUOTE (David_A_Moore @ Apr 1 2008, 05:59 AM) Nice Joke
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