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LAVA 1.0 Content

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Posts posted by LAVA 1.0 Content

  1. QUOTE(crelf @ Jan 15 2008, 02:33 PM)

    Well, their UI means that you can do what you're after. The way they've set it up means that soft commits (one's that you can eaily back out of, so it's really more of a "select" than a "commit") can be backed out of by moving the mouse out of the active area again, whereas hard commits (if you played with the interface for long enough, it asks you a question on whether you're okay with not clicking) require a "select" then a "commit" (by moving the mouse into the "yes" or "no" selection area and then moving into the "confirm" area). Confusing for us already comfortable with the way UIs work? Absolutely. Confusing for those new to computers? I'm not so sure.

    But with new users we can just tell them not to click "Yes" if they have any questions. What we say for this type of GUI, "Just don't touch the mouse."?


  2. QUOTE(rpursley @ Jan 15 2008, 01:41 PM)

    It would have been nice if they added a little delay (half second or so) of no mouse motion before popping anything up the mouse is hovering over. Then it might be interesting to use.

    Even if there were a delay, it would make me nervous. Imagine if the GUI was designed such that without moving the mouse, it kept onpening lower level screens until (without any effort on the users part) the ..... confirm order button is floated over for too long. It would be like the monthly book club "If you do not respond we will assume you want this book."

    Give me a click, left-eye-blink, left-foot-tap, whatever, that allows me to DO SOMETHING to indicate my selection.


  3. QUOTE(Thang Nguyen @ Jan 14 2008, 07:12 PM)


    I have an issue and need the recommendations form you.

    Currently, I am working on an old project which my company did it with LV 7.0. This is a big project and take a lot of time to develop. This is the reason why we try to find a way to move the program from 7.0 to 8.5 without rewrite the whole thing. The problem is this project use DSC and there are a lot of tags.

    My question is there is anyway to move the program from LV 7.0 to LV 8.5 by converting the tag engine from 7.5 to 8.5. This relates to another issue as the DSC VI used to read and write data.

    I hope that by your experience you can give me some suggestions.

    I highly appreciate your time of reading and answering my question.

    Warm Regards,

    Thang Nguyen

    MAX has a utility to convert your SCF and histories.

    The read tag VI will get converted to shared variable reads.

    If y have "Read Tag" VI's in a loop that use tag names to read from, then you can use datasockets reads to do the same thing.

    Dynamic events can be registered for tags if required.


  4. QUOTE(thomas2609 @ Jan 10 2008, 12:37 PM)

    also on http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/epd/p/id/18 there are some example VI's, how to get Windows timezone information (from kernel.dll).

    Example is quite interesting if someone has to deal with WCHAR.


    Does this actually works for you ? I have WIN XP Pro and for me the only information that is correctly read is the timezone, all the other information that are read do not correspond to the actual windows date and time ; and the write function does not seem to have any effect :o

    Any idea ?

  5. QUOTE(Norm Kirchner @ Jan 11 2008, 03:00 PM)

    Ahh but there are even fewer CLA w/ their CTSD! Going for CTSA followed up w/ a B O L O G N A sandwich

    We used to have the very first person to get their "A" for LV and TS. We called her "The Architect-Supreme".

    But what really prompted me to reply was mention of BOLOGNA! I love Bologna so much that I am not disappointed when my wife does not cook. It gives me another excuse to eat BOLOGNA.


  6. QUOTE(TobyD @ Jan 10 2008, 03:50 PM)

    The results are in...I am the world's newest Certified LabVIEW Developer! A big Thank You to everyone here who helped me (either directly or indirectly) come up to speed quickly with LabVIEW. I couldn't have made it this soon withought LAVA!

    :D <--That's me right now - I can't seem to wipe it off.


    A very big congratulations to you!

    I know how you feel. Wait until tomorow but you have my permision to toss back a couple of shots to celebrate.


  7. QUOTE(alfa @ Jan 10 2008, 03:09 AM)

    Why is so important what I said?

    For example because we are waves, we are affected by others, by others waves.

    I explained to my daughter that we are influenced by people who are in the same room or in further rooms.

    Only the presence of my neighbors diminish my potential, without theirs noise.

    But look at it as an oppertunity Alfa. You can operate in more dimensions so with time you may be able to counter the negative vibes with an equal but opposite field.

    BTW: I now concider The Fifth Dimension" "Alfa's Blog". This makes your blog the most read blog in the LabVIEW world!

    Thanks for vibrating in a space I can sense.


  8. Here is a link to the CLA prep doc.

    Since you are already a CLD you are partially familiar with what you will see. As indicated in that doc I linked, you will be asked to develop an architecture for an application similar to what you developed for the CLD.

    I can't say more because of NDA.

    I hope that helps,


  9. Hello,

    Because of the NDA, those who have taken the CLA test will only give you general comments (there are a couple of threads dealing of that), nobody appart from NI can provide sample exams.

    My personal feeling about all this is that it's ridiculous, the format and content of the exam are so confidential that I wander if they can be shown to those who take the test.

    Should they have Men In Black's "memory eraser", they would use it ! :shifty:

    Good luck for the exam ;)

  10. Hi,

    I am looking to take up the CLA exam but not sure about the exam pattern. Is there any sample test paper available with anybody that can be shared. Tried NI website as well as NI India but it looks like they are not willing to help me out.

  11. ZITAT(tcplomp @ Jan 8 2008, 02:00 PM)

    Just download the zip-file from MS technet: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinte...s/bb896653.aspx

    When running the application you should be able to enable the log. Perhaps you should only filter for LV7.0 in your case first. Otherwise you will get thousands of entries. Now click on the detailed help. Stop the logging process afterwards and have a look at it. Hopefully you will find a warning/error.

    I haven't done that for a while. So just try it out.


  12. QUOTE(Norm Kirchner @ Jan 8 2008, 10:44 AM)

    As I whittle my way through the "view new posts" I always have to return to top then click the view new posts link.

    Not terribly hard, but when you go through 30 new posts it would be nice to have the "view New Posts" @ the bottom so I can simply click it when I'm to the bottom of the post, or better yet have the next topic button know that you came from view new posts page and go to the next newest topic, not just the next in the specific forum.

    That would fit my use-case very nicely.


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