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  1. Here is a link to the CLA prep doc. Since you are already a CLD you are partially familiar with what you will see. As indicated in that doc I linked, you will be asked to develop an architecture for an application similar to what you developed for the CLD. I can't say more because of NDA. I hope that helps, Ben
  2. Hello, Because of the NDA, those who have taken the CLA test will only give you general comments (there are a couple of threads dealing of that), nobody appart from NI can provide sample exams. My personal feeling about all this is that it's ridiculous, the format and content of the exam are so confidential that I wander if they can be shown to those who take the test. Should they have Men In Black's "memory eraser", they would use it ! Good luck for the exam
  3. Hi, I am looking to take up the CLA exam but not sure about the exam pattern. Is there any sample test paper available with anybody that can be shared. Tried NI website as well as NI India but it looks like they are not willing to help me out.
  4. QUOTE(crelf @ Jan 8 2008, 09:22 AM) I do. You are the one who trained me....The Person with a Cricket Bat (and may be even a leather ball) on the desk QUOTE(Aitor Solar @ Jan 8 2008, 02:28 AM) As already said, here you'll find a couple of tools: Saludos,Aitor Thanks Aitor. I still need to learn a lot things regarding scripting.....
  5. ZITAT(tcplomp @ Jan 8 2008, 02:00 PM) Just download the zip-file from MS technet: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinte...s/bb896653.aspx When running the application you should be able to enable the log. Perhaps you should only filter for LV7.0 in your case first. Otherwise you will get thousands of entries. Now click on the detailed help. Stop the logging process afterwards and have a look at it. Hopefully you will find a warning/error. I haven't done that for a while. So just try it out. Henrik
  6. QUOTE(Norm Kirchner @ Jan 8 2008, 10:44 AM) That would fit my use-case very nicely. Ben
  7. ZITAT(Jim Kring @ Jan 7 2008, 06:40 PM) Then you could try to find it out with the help of the Process Explorer from Sysinternals. Perhaps you will see some information why it doesn't be handed over to the default browser. Henrik
  8. Hello,I was trying to read the Frame names of a case structure. I wrote a small code for doing that. But Labview is throwing up an error as attached below... I am not able to understand why this error is thrown? Please suggestQUOTE(guruthilak@yahoo.com @ Jan 8 2008, 05:15 AM) Got it .. I made a silly mistake .. Should have used "Open VI Object Reference" instead of "New"
  9. QUOTE(crelf @ Jan 7 2008, 08:12 AM) NI INDIA is of no help. They dont know anything about it Any other way of doing it other than importing from LV 7.X By the way Chris, do u remember me ?
  10. Hi, How to enable the property "BlockDiagram" to be made visible in Property nodes for Labview version 8.2 onwards. The string "SuperPrivateScriptingFeatureVisible=True" in the ini file (which works with LabVIEW 7.X) does not seem to be working? Can anybody reply me with some answers
  11. ZITAT(Jim Kring @ Jan 6 2008, 11:56 PM) Jim, are you able to open URLs in your default browser from within other applications e.g. chats, or your mail client? Henrik
  12. QUOTE(Yen @ Jan 5 2008, 01:11 PM) I just tried out Tons example and the VI running in his sub-panel seems to be able to "see" an AE just fine. I have to look closer! Ben
  13. QUOTE(ragglefrock @ Jan 5 2008, 12:40 AM) I was concidering the same thing while drink my coffee this AM but then reconcidered. Yes it would work but it would but a restrction on the code that runs in the sub-panel. THe code running in the sub-panel would have to use VI server calls that I could wrap in an AE. But that would mean the sub-panel code would have to be written to run in the sub-panel. I was hoping for an implementation that did not put restriction on the sub-panel code. Ton, If the Steelers weren't playing, I'd be "wasting" this Saturday night studying your code. Thank you very much! Ben
  14. QUOTE(tcplomp @ Jan 4 2008, 04:24 PM) Thanks Ton! I'll look at it this wek-end. BTW: I asked NI this Q before posting and they could not answer it. I told them, send me an e-mail and I'll send them a link to my Q on LAVA. At the same time I said "Ton probably knows." Ben
  15. Background Info: I have been playing with code to support "Docking" and "Un-Docking" parts of my GUI's. In this context the terms "Docking" and "Un-Docking" refer to being able to take take part of my screen (a tab page for examle) and opening it in a floating window that the user can re-size and position as they choose. The method I am using is nothing new. When "Docked" a FP is shown in a sub-panel. When it is "Un-Docked" I remove it from the sub-panel and show the FP. The VI's that run in the sub-panels (have not been written yet, but ) will have to interact with the rest of my app using queues, AE's (LV2's) etc. And since this will be re-used many times in various app's I was concidering developing an XControl to handle the work of Docking and Un-Docking. BUT....there is some fine print for the XControl that says something about the XControl running in a different context and I can't talk to it using queues, etc. Question: Is it possible to develop an XControl to which I can pass a reference for a VI that can control the Docking of the VI? If yes, please share. Thank you, Ben
  16. QUOTE(Justin Goeres @ Oct 26 2007, 07:34 AM) * crickets * Come on Michael, at least drop us a hint...
  17. QUOTE(Paul_at_Lowell @ Jan 3 2008, 03:04 PM) Hi Paul, I started reading one of the recomended books on UML so I can better understand how to develop using the State Chart tool kit. Are you using the State Chart toolkit when you say you use UML? Ben
  18. I am going to be developing an app where the customers has provided diagrams using Object Process Methodology . A quick read of chapter one of a book on this topic has enticed me because it appears to be a formal method of diagraming systems. So.... I am interested in hearing from others about using OPM and how LabVIEW can fit into the picture. Ben PS: I'm going to cross-post this to NI.
  19. QUOTE(JDave @ Jan 2 2008, 02:12 PM) My brain still has scars from reding his posts! Hopefully the book I am reading will heal some of them. Ben
  20. FYI Traditonal VI Re-cursion does now handle the branch version A > B > A No LVOOP required. Ben
  21. QUOTE(crelf @ Jan 2 2008, 02:35 AM) Congratulations Tomi ! Ben
  22. I posted a list of things in this thread on the Dark-Side. Ben This list can also be found using the tag path LabVIEW >>> LabVIEW_Performance >>> Optimize-Background-Services
  23. QUOTE(cyrik @ Dec 24 2007, 02:51 PM) It's fine to answer! that's what LAVA is about; helping each other out. Someone may stumble upon this some day and solve a problem. I opened the VI to understand your answer and noticed one thing; the display format for the constant "378" was set to 'hex' on the block diagram, but the radix was NOT visible . So I guess the vi was technically correct, BUT the radix should be set to visible whenever using the 'non-default' display format for a numeric constant. Nice catch, and keep on posting! http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_12_2007/post-949-1198759485.gif' target="_blank">
  24. QUOTE(Loganxyz3129 @ Dec 26 2007, 12:33 PM) Do you mean that the audio is to be acquired via the computer's serial or USB port? If so, I think you can rule out the serial interface immediately. As for USB, what hardware do you have or are you thinking of? If the device is accessible as a microphone from the OS, LabVIEW should be able to use it. LabVIEW has some nice basic functions for capturing and playing back audio via a computer's audio in/out ports that should let you capture your subject's spoken words. Look in Functions-> Programming-> Graphics & Sound-> Sound If you're more interested in the processing capabilities of LabVIEW, you should probably look at the sound and vibration or the signal processing toolkits. LabVIEW has been used to build commercial grade audio applications; a company in Boston, MA USA called listeninc.com sells audio systems based on LabVIEW and various signal conditioning hardware.
  25. While answering a Q on the Dark Side, Christian Altenbach could not definatively explain why coercion dots were shown or not shown in the sample code. So I asked an NI-App Eng to figure out what was happening.It took him somethime but he has replied and has said some note-worthy things. "hidden" coercion sub-string Coercion does not imply copy ...are some of the terms and ideas I think he has reported. If inteested see this thread from the Dark Side. Ben
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