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  1. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Feb 11 2008, 05:25 PM) I AM not using this in in a exe or dll. The only thing is that this case struture is within a "while loop". and only in this application it throwing the errror.. When i try it with a new simplae vi it works fine.
  2. QUOTE(alfa @ Feb 11 2008, 02:22 AM) Well that is consistent with a quote from my neighbor who stated yesterday that such connection were a result of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ergot' target="_blank">ergot. Ben
  3. QUOTE(shoneill @ Feb 11 2008, 03:29 PM) Everybody make mistakes, me, you and "them" as well. QUOTE(shoneill @ Feb 11 2008, 03:29 PM) Ask my NI engineers. Hmm, tried that a few weeks back. Didn't help much. I suppose I'll try again though..... There are times I really DO notice the geographical distance to the US of A. Damn true ! Depending on the issue we happen to short-cut the local NI guys and knock straight to the people we know in Austin. "It's not who you are it's who you know"
  4. You can set *almost* all the IMAQ functions re-entrant, they are not when you install NI-Vision but most of them should be. I got this information from a well-informed lad at NI Week :ninja: I don't remember which function can't be set re-entrant nor why, but if you can ask your local NI support engineer to forward the question to the Vision Team in Austin you should receive all the information you need. Good luck
  5. QUOTE(Tomi Maila @ Feb 11 2008, 05:47 AM) OK here you go... this piece works very well when i just a have a vi with a case structure with only 2 frame names (True and false) . When i put it in to the application which i have developed (which is having more than 100 states in a state machine) it does not work. It throws the error as "Invalid object reference" or someything similar to that
  6. Why this piece of code does not work everytime? Anu suggestuons availabe?
  7. QUOTE(Neville D @ Feb 7 2008, 06:28 PM) I already installed the History probes, they are indeed very usefull, but there is another feature on conditional probes that I love : the posibilty to stop execution (like a breakpoint) if the value is within a specified range. I do quite a lot of image processing and I must be sure that the settings I choose will work for all the images I have (often more than 10k images) so I put my analysis VI in a loop, and make it run with all the images. That's why I'd like to be able to set set a conditionnal probe that stops on the image for which the analysis fails. I know there are other ways to do it, but the conditionnal probe for DBL exist, so the SGL shouldn't cost a kidney to develop. Thanks for the replies
  8. QUOTE(Khodarev @ Feb 6 2008, 02:55 PM) THe last time I had to crack that nut I cheated and used two comm ports. The "other software" just used the port it wanted to use. I then ran the Xmit for that port to the receive line of the port my LV app was using. My code just echoed the messages it received from the othr software and vise versa for the recieve side. $50 for a USB serial that my app used and some appropraitely wired cables and I was off and running. Ben
  9. QUOTE(tcplomp @ Feb 6 2008, 03:21 PM) Hi Ton, I did some checking and it sure looks like you are correct about the SDE. Ben
  10. QUOTE(neB @ Feb 4 2008, 08:14 AM) Hey Ben, I'm starting to post more and more in depth questions over here Now, you have to try to answer them LOL!! I have a pet project which involves modelling a complete system for signal analysis. Since the system costs $400,000, they want it modelled to see how / where to improve it. There's gonna be a lot of questions on that one. I suspect I will use this forum since you can get ideas off the beaten path. I don't need shrink-wrapped solutions... I need tricks and what-nots.. and a bit of fun.. This is where you can get that. RayR
  11. Ton: "A simulated analog DAQmx device will return a sine wave with a little bit of noice, so that's most likely the drift. You can see this easily in MAX." Yes, I agree.. Saw it quite easily.. "kinda" used it for a sanity check.. Ton: "I only use simulated devices to control timing settings and stuff. For program testing a use a simulated value VI." That's where I was headed, but wondered if there were easier (faster) ways of doing this. Oh well.. another pet project Thanks Ton
  12. When testing my image analysis functions I often use the conditionnal probe, why do they exist for DBL and not for SGL numerics ?? Lots of IMAQ functions outputs values in SGL... I'm sure it wouldn't cost to develop !
  13. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Feb 6 2008, 09:06 PM) Hello, I ran the test without change : - cluster ~17msec - class ~27msec Turned out the dynamic dispatch on "write boolean.vi", saved the project, re-ran (no close and re-open) : - cluster ~17msec - class ~17msec Can you explain roughly what the dynamic dispatch is ? Or post a link to some documentation about it. Thanks
  14. QUOTE(tcplomp @ Feb 6 2008, 01:51 PM) Instead of going off on a rant, I think I will just cry. Edit - My LV 8.5 machine has it! I don't know how it got there but its there and I am happy again (I thought I was going to have to go back to designing using Power Point). Ben
  15. QUOTE(TG @ Feb 6 2008, 01:16 PM) The SC toolkit can be found on the Add-ons disk. Ben
  16. QUOTE(Thang Nguyen @ Feb 5 2008, 11:52 AM) I have been watching the forums for anyone claiming to be able to handle thousands of I/O points using "Shared Varaibles" and can't recall seeing such a claim. So I still see the SV as a new un-tested technology so the best advise I can offer is... Benchmark all of critacal interactions early in your development. Better to find out ahead of time rather than later. Ben
  17. QUOTE(george seifert @ Feb 5 2008, 11:55 AM) Hi George, Last time I checked I could not replace a VI with one name with another VI of the same name. Is that allowed now? Ben
  18. QUOTE(lraynal @ Feb 5 2008, 09:47 AM) I believe it is possible to have two events structures registered for the same eventbut there are complications. 1) The events execute in the order they were registered. 2) If a filter events (like what you are using) discards an event, it is discarded and the second and subsequent events never see the event. Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong on the above. Ben
  19. Keyence is worth checking for these type of measurements. Encoders may help depending on the range of measurements. Alternatively, laser printers used a rotating mirror to scan the laser spot across a drum belt etc. sensors before and after the "scan window" were used to sync the laser modulation with the beam postion. So if you have the luxury of attaching a small mirror to the shaft.... Ben
  20. QUOTE(george seifert @ Feb 5 2008, 08:26 AM) I believe I have seen waht you are describing and it ends up being the old "one VI in memory by a name" thing. To replace the type def I play the rename game (close LV rename old as temp, new get correct name, open VI at let LV find the new typedef). Ben
  21. I don't have a LightScribe drive, but I was curious so I did some searching and found the LightScribe web site. On the support page, there seems to be an SDK that is available for download. Have you looked at this yet?
  22. The most recent member on NI has a user ID of "101525". Although the NI forum has a lot of simple Q's, the high traffic brings in some interesting questions form time to time. I have to confess that I have lost interest in answering first line Q's on the NI forum and spend my time either looking for up-n-coming contributors who are struggling to answer other's Qs or (my new hobby) tagging posts. I view these two observations as being realted. There is only so many times you can enjoy asking the same Q over and over. By tagging, I hope to make it easier to answer the simple Qs. The tagging also serves me in that I am reviewing some of the best posts and keeping those old synapses lively and strong. But I obviously digress! For me LAVA traffic is just to low to serve as my single point of LV stimulation. There are days that pass without anything interesting coming up. So the two forums fit nicely together to fill my needs. Ben
  23. I read (somewhere on the NI site) that someone successfully implemented code witrh simulated DAQ devices and was able to carry out simulated voltage measurements. Since the question was for something else, it did not describe how trhat was done. That being said.. I have created a simulated DAQmx device. Plus implemented a voltage monitoring daemon. When the voltage goes below a certain threshold, the test system disables the possibility to carry our measurements. The code is implemented and I was hoping to run simulations to tests a bunch of interlocks, including this one. The one I cannot simulate is detecting the voltage levels at the input of a DAQmx device. As I said, code and virtual DAQ device exists. I simply need to fake a voltage to the input. When I run the code, there is a voltage measurement, but it drifts up on both sides of the differential input (2 DAQ channels). So it's getting some virtual voltage somewhere... I just don't know where. Any ideas / suggestions? Thanks RayR
  24. One thing you left out is the difference in experitse over the visitor from NI & LAVA. I look around here and you have a higher percentage (per capita) of experts than NI. This is where the enveloppe gets pushed.. So numbers don't mean much in that respect.
  25. He's been using LinkedIn as well.
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