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LAVA 1.0 Content

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Everything posted by LAVA 1.0 Content

  1. Why hack? What we REALLY need is a LabVIEW driver for this, iRobot Create...
  2. By the way, that program of yours doesn't make any sense. Whas this part of some real program of yours?
  3. Hi there ! I'm having exactly the same 1003 error with L 7.1.1. It's quite weird because I already made a couple of exe from the same code a few weeks ago, since then I made only cosmetic changes ! After restarting the cpu, recompiling (ctrl+shift+run) and saving, same error when trying to build... So I borrowed a coworker's cpu, and could build the exe without problem... :headbang: This tends to mean that the issus comes from my cpu and not from the code... Any idea ? Thanks for any help
  4. Why not to set up router between the test network and the corporate network. The router can take care of the network address translation and allow only the connections between your client machine and the server machine. You don't need to play with Windows or with LabVIEW, routers can easily take care of these issues.
  5. C doesn't have templates and I didn't refer to C++ templates. What I'm saying is that one shouldn't invent the wheel twice. There already are better solutions to this problem, see Java generics for an example. Java generics is not the best possible solution but as Java is familiar at least to some people, I think it's a good example.
  6. I've thought of this issue as well. I had the same idea as you in the beginning. However, if you go into more detail you notice that such a typeless type will cause you also some troubles. There exists very advanced template techniques is some modern programming languages that would solve this problem in much more elegant way. I don't go into detail here as it's a field of computer science of it's own.
  7. Related to this topic, has anybody written a tutorial of setting up SVN repository with LabVIEW?
  8. Well... thanks anyway for your answer. And for that very good news (about hungarian beer ). Have a good day
  9. Awesome ! :thumbup: Does NI R&D have any plan to test the effect of common drugs on wireworkers ?
  10. I didn't exactly understand what you are asking for. Please describe in more detail what do you want to do with your VI and what would you expect as a result. Then we can help you.
  11. Bad programmers and bad software achitecture create the risk, not optimization...
  12. Shouldn't you use to-more-specific node instead of explicit type-cast?
  13. I don't agree with you robijn. Twenty years ago this was the case as the compilers were so unefficient that programmers were forced to do all the optimization by themselves. Today most mainstream compilers are pretty good in making efficient code. So it's better to write code that is easier to read; this easy-to-read code shall compile to efficient code anyhow. Computing constant expressions at compile time is one example of such modern way of programming; instead of using constant value 12.56 you should write pi*(2^2) as it makes more sense when reading the code. The following two constant expressions represent the an array of integers x^2 with x values ranging from 0 to 100. The diagram above is much easier to read than the constant below.
  14. Anyone remember the inverted pendulum demo at NIWeek 06? ? This example is better, it shows the device without constant human intervention... http://www.philohome.com/nxtway/nxtway.htm
  15. Hi I am facing this error maybe 100 time a day (no kiddinig !!!) and afer 10 mails to NI I learned to live with it... when it happens, I do "save as" > "Rename" and let the sme location and rewrite... If anybody can give a solution to this issue, I'll be ready to offer 10 pints of beers (or any other beverage) !
  16. You create a property node for your string indicator on the block diagram, then set the Text.ScrollPos to a U32 Max (4294967295 - see picture)
  17. What soft did this come with ?? Is it Windows Vista ? sorry... I couldn't help
  18. Adding a timestamp into the error cluster would be very helpfull for error handling & reporting.
  19. I didn't find either how to make it "terminal like", but if you simply add each new line at start and not at end is that ok for you ? This way you always see the latest line and you can scroll down to see old lines. Hopefully someone will come up with a better solution, which I would be interested to know Hope this helps (see VI attached in LV 8.20)
  20. I think in principle you can use any installer building software, not only LabVIEW build in installer building software. There are alternatives such as the one that ships with Microsoft Visual Studio and open source Nullsoft. These other installer building softwares are far more flexible compared to labview installer building software. The problem using something else than NI application builder for building installers is that how to include LabVIEW runtime etc to the installation. I don't know answer to this question.
  21. Hi, I'd like to run LabVIEW 8.20 on Windows 2003 server with Terminal Services so that multiple users could simultaneously log on to the same server and use Labview Development Environment interactively over a remote connection to run VIs. The idea is that the server would have a database locally and LabVIEW VIs would interact with the database. Now that the DB and the VIs run on the same physical server, we could achive the best possible disk performance. DB performance is the bottleneck and we would like to overcome it. Now I'd like to know purely from technical point of view if it is possible to run multiple instances of LV devel environment on W2003 server without problems. I know it's not supported but it may still work. I have already discussed with local NI about the licensing issue and they have no problems with us testing it. However I'd like to ask you folks before I go and buy Windows server licenses and set-up the server.
  22. Since I live in Michigan I would love an excuse to leave the cold weather, I think March would be a good month. Austin in July is just too hot. I am flying to Austin in March for the LabView Advanced I Course: Architectures, maybe I will have a different opinion, after being in Austin in March.
  23. I contacted NI and they said that the problem should go away by reinstalling LV 8.20, let's see what happens.
  24. The error seems to occur at build phase when all the project files already have been added to the build, so it cannot be related to accessing project files. I tried to build the same project on another computer and the installer builds without errors, so the problem is machine specific. Perhaps there is something wrong with my LabVIEW installation.
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