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LAVA 1.0 Content

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Everything posted by LAVA 1.0 Content

  1. http://forums.lavag.org/What-have-I-bean-m...k-at-t5722.html
  2. I don't have time to test it now, but your tool sounds excellent :thumbup:
  3. I love that idea ! Take advantage of eachone's particular ability(ies) :thumbup: ... and it sticks to short duration challenge, which I could participate to
  4. Well, in a way it's becoming more than marketing... just have a look at the number of different version of windows... in the past, just one, then a "basic" one and NT, the "mormal", "pro" and server then came Media Center Edition And how many versions for Vista ? 7 ? It tends to demonstrate, that the soft has to be appropriated to the hardware... Of course there is still a step to get to the above cited catch phrase this is funny, following the same idea Steve Jobs also cited a famous hockey player : " I skate to where the puck is going to be, not to where it's been." Funny M$ with their Zune...
  5. I get the following error when I try to build my library installer in LabVIEW 8.0.1. What the heck does this error mean and how to overcome the error... ? jimi ---- The build was unsuccessful. Possible reasons. CDK_Build_Invoke.vi.ProxyCaller >> CDK_Build_Invoke.vi >> CDK_Engine_Main.vi >> CDK_Engine_Build.vi >> NI_MDF.lvlib:MDFBuildDist_Build.vi Loading product deployment information Loading product deployment information Loading product deployment information Adding files to installer Done adding files Preparing to build deployment Copying products from distributions Building deployment Copying setup files Setting merged database information Setting product information Setting developer part information Starting final build Validating... Copying files... Updating files... Creating merged database... Compressing installer files Creating installer files... Compressing installer files Build complete successfully. Copying additional setup files Adding launch conditions ************** *** Error: Windows SDK function returned an error. (Error code -12) *** End Error Report ************** Done building deployment Details Visit the Request Support page at ni.com/ask to learn more about resolving this problem. Use the following information as a reference:
  6. Well... announcing the iPhone, Apple's CEO explained that he came to the conclusion that installing the same OS on different phones -with different capacities- would lead to a package "phone+OS" far from optimal. IMO, this sticks to the idea of the "numerical hub" but this is too far from the initial subject of this thread
  7. I'm coming a bit late in this discussion... Yesterday at MWSF keynote, Steve Jobs cited Alan Kay : I do believe NI is sticking to this catch phrase with success and hope they'll keep on this way. Those who are trying to use DAQ board on Linux based systems can tell you the time they are wasting to find drivers... I love OpenSource, I love OpenG and dor some things I'm quite happy to pay for a "blackbox" IF IT'S WORKING.
  8. NI might not like my description, but it's how I've come to look at them. They aren't bad, just a bit awkward for a left-handed dyslexic like myself . Michael's info regarding the ability to group/tree the props with the colon : in the name is a nice feature, but a perfect example of the general lack of documentation for XControls. I think eControl (editable Control) or iControl (to denote personalizable) might have been a more appropriate name. When I think of XControl, I think EXTREME like wrestling, skateboarding, or my own global free, sequence structure free and better than you coding style :laugh: . I've imagined using XControls, LVOOP and Jarrod Slocum's Linked Object List in LabVIEW 8.0 Using XControls technique to create a configurable toolbar or ribbon consisting of icons, rings and such. I don't spend a lot of my time programming for the UI, but I think the parts exist to make such a thing.
  9. In that particular case the camera doesn't need to be far from the computer, I'll probably go for a Basler A504k (full++ camera link) + NI PCIe 1429 and a "boosted" PC. Thanks again for sharing your experience, it's been a precious help !
  10. http://media.guardian.co.uk/site/story/0,,1986111,00.html Oh, never mind; that's News International, not National Instruments Then again, maybe NI could use imaging libraries to create a LabVIEW function that would find pics containing Kate Middleton before they are used/posted...
  11. Aren't we all? I used the USR for an example located here. I'm gonna have to make time to learn about LVOOP sooner or later, but I wanted to make it a bit later... I wish XControls behaved more like a control than "fancy transparent subpanels with a single terminal input/output" :thumbdown:
  12. @ crelf : no, Camera link allows better performance (up to 680Mb/s) By the way, now that this point is raised, is there a faster link between camera and framegrabber ? I saw that the Basler A504k has 2 camera link cable... I assume this is necessary to reach 650Mb/s, correct ? @ chrisdavis : Is your solution PC based or MAC based ? On a complete different ballpark, do you know if NI PCIexpress 1430 is supported by MacIntels ? I was thinking about using a MacPro for another application that works at 4000 fps (1000*128 8 bit) but I'd like to be sure the hard & soft is working together. BTW : No raid system for this application, it's all about analysing the images as the flows on. Thanks for any information
  13. Hi all, I was wondering if any of you (I'm talking more to europeans for they are more likely to come than oversea people) will attend to the NI test summit in Debrecen (Hungary) in mid febuary As a LV developper I'd be delighted to meet co-worker to discuss technical point, share a lumch with a couple of beer, etc... Anybody interested ?
  14. First, thanks for giving your feedback ! We have 4 drives of 150Go and an Intel RAID controler (631xESB Sata RAID). Do you know which part limits you to 400Mb/sec ? the basler A504k camera or the Raid System ?
  15. Hi all, After seeing this link on NI knowledgebase ( http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/2909 ) I started to developp a small streaming to disk application. Here is the list of hard/soft : LabVIEW 8.20 PCIe 1430 Basler A202k RAID 0 hard drive With this configuration I found out that the limitation comes from the camera (48 fps, 1000*1000 16bit TIF images), this during a little bit more than 10 minutes ; that makes 96Mo/sec, in the document above NI claims 180Mo/sec... I'd like to know if any of you have ever made a streaming to disk application and the max dataflow reach during a 10minutes time. Tanks for any feedback
  16. Yes, you can use and record audio & video in LabVIEW. Ask your friends to join LAVA to ask more specific questions. See NI website: http://www.ni.com/vision/ This question of yours is in no way related to LabVIEW Scripting. Michael, would you move this to under some other category?
  17. Would you rather try to send the VIs themselves. Copy it to memory stick, CD, disk or what ever and upload it here. It's much easier to troubleshoot real program that just an image of it.
  18. There is plenty of information about variant data type in LabVIEW help, you should read that trough the help files. As a summary variant data type is a datatype that can hold any other LabVIEW data type. So you can convert any LabVIEW data to variant and then back again. The benefit is (if you consider it a benefit) that you can by-pass strict compile time type checks and perform the type checks at run time. The drawback is exactly the same thing. LabVIEW 8.20 is a object oriented programming language (LV 8.0.1 is not) and you can do many things with LV classes more safely that you would need to use variants otherwise.
  19. Perhaps you should still check if the problem occurring in the VI sent to me by NI and attached at my above post really matches the problem that you have been facing. I only saw a small decline in speed, about 10-20% which is far from the slow down reduction numbers you got.
  20. You might want to look at enabling the color ramp and adding markers to your gauge. I tried to edit my XControl to add max and min value needles, a color ramp, some markers and colors. I've attached the modified XControl. You would need to work a bit on the behavior of the control; I used NaN as a signal to reset the max and min needles. You could define properties or methods to reset these. You could also just use the gauge control properties as I did in the facade vi directly in your own code and dispose of the XControl all together. Sorry I didn't have more time to finish it for you. Good luck! :thumbup: (LabVIEW 8.0.1) Download File:post-949-1167832458.llb
  21. I reported this to NI Support. This was reported to R&D (#41OF7H00) for further investigation. NI also replied me with an example VI below. To reproduce the problem with the attached VI NI engineer used the following steps: "Basically, to reproduce the problem: save that example VI (I actually notice it much more prominently using LabVIEW 8.0.1), restart LabVIEW, and open and run the VI continuously (make sure not to resize the window). After some brief 'settling' time, the time should level off." "Then, I double-click the title bar to maximize the window, and then double click it again to restore the window. The VI keeps running, but it's time to complete the operations about doubles." "This effect remains until LabVIEW is restarted (not just the VI itself). The problem has something to do with how LabVIEW is posting messages. You should notice that things like setting the processor affinity of LabVIEW.exe (basically mimicking a single-processor machine), or activating some of the menus (like File, Edit, etc...) seem to speed the operations back up." Download File:post-4014-1167819835.vi
  22. I've no idea how to use it but I think it's there so that the developer could change the XControl and programs using that XControl won't break as the old XControl on the existing front panels can be converted to new versions of the XControl.
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