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Jim Kring

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Posts posted by Jim Kring

  1. QUOTE (tcplomp @ Jun 24 2008, 12:39 PM)

    I'll have you know that Jeff K. and I (and my college buddy, Keith) wear the same model (991) of gray New Balance sneakers. Actually, I have two pairs in gray and one pair in blue.


    I found this out at NIWeek last year, when I saw Jeff at the Samuel Majors meet and greet. You can just make out my blue sneakers in the photo of me and Samuel.

    And, when I'm not wearing my sneakers, you'll most likely find me wearing flip flops. There have even been days when all the JKI engineers (all four of us) show up to our team meeting wearing khaki shorts, flip flops, and a LabVIEW/NIWeek t-shirt. I guess the point is (although, I didn't really start this reply to make a point), if you're going to be assimilated, make sure you pick the right hive ;) And, if you can't find one, start one.

    Ha! I just found the best photo of all:


    I'm even way cooler than I thought I was. :thumbup:

  2. QUOTE (Justin Goeres @ Jun 24 2008, 09:30 AM)

    There are docks available for MacBook Pros, although I'll be the first to admit they're a bit clunky. That owes to the fact that Apple puts all their ports on the side of the machine (which means you can see them and plug/unplug stuff without climbing to the back of the machine). I have a friend who docks his machine in one of them, and he's pretty happy with it.

    $319.95? What, do they think Mac users (want you to think they) are made of money?

    [insert Mac-owners-are-snobs joke, here]

    But seriously, now that all the cool LAVA people are getting Macs (damn, I don't have one yet), do you think we can start a meme (that's for you Justin) that LAVA forum members use Macs and NI forums members use PCs?

    Hi, I'm a LAVA member...

    And, I'm a NI forums member...


    QUOTE (nhollenback @ Jun 24 2008, 11:56 AM)

    Psst... don't tell anyone, but I hear a few NI guys are running around with MBPs

    Ya, and they hang out in LAVA, too. Right, AQ?

  3. Thanks for all the info, Justin. I did look up some information about screens and found what I thought to be a good analysis here. The thing that I took away from the glossy/matte debate is the glossy is brighter under a variety of lighting conditions but matte has more accurate color and is better suited for graphics professionals.

  4. Congrat's! We're evaluating switching JKI engineers to the 17" MacBook Pro too. Which screen (resolution, glossy/non-glossy, etc?) did you end up getting? Which processor? How much RAM?

    I've very curious how it works for you.

  5. QUOTE (crelf @ Jun 19 2008, 09:46 AM)

    I really like Subversion and Tortoise/SVN, mostly because of the extension of the windows shell. That said, I'm a user - I have an IT department that takes care of all of the little issues with the package pair. I don't need to know (nor want to know) how they work, just as long as they do :D I suggest maybe getting your IT department involved (if you have one :) )

    Wow! You're IT dept takes care of stuff? That's great! I thought IT just told people not to install software, prevented them from accessing web content, held onto new computers until they become obsolete, and walked around the buildings searching for "unauthorized" equipment plugged into the network. ;)

  6. QUOTE (Tom Bress @ Jun 18 2008, 09:56 AM)

    BTW, I enjoy your Thinking in G blog. My repository looks like this:

    >LabVIEW Repository




    >>>>VI Library




    >>>VI Library

    My working folder contains just the MyBranch:


    >VI Library


    > BTW, I enjoy your Thinking in G blog.

    Thanks, I enjoy writing it and am very happy to hear that others enjoy reading it :)

    > My repository looks like this...

    I agree with jdunham -- I don't see anything wrong with your repository or working copy setup that would inherently cause linkage issues. The problem probably has to do with with accidental cross/bad linkages. Did you ever have multiple working copies checked out that you were working on at about the same time? I'm like jdunham -- I commonly have the trunk and multiple branches checked out at the same time in sibling folders, but I'm extremely cautious/concious about VI linkage.


  7. QUOTE (Tom Bress @ Jun 18 2008, 08:47 AM)

    Yes, I did a switch to the branch. Then when I tried to open the main vi from within the project I found that the main vi couldn't find the sub-vis, apparently because it was looking for them in the trunk and not the branch.

    Hi Tom,

    It would be helpful if you could describe a couple things:

    1) What does your repository folder structure look like (with respect to trunk, branches, and tags)?

    2) What does your working copy folder structure look like?



  8. QUOTE (PaulG. @ Jun 17 2008, 11:24 AM)

    So true.

    QUOTE (crelf @ Jun 17 2008, 11:41 AM)

    QUOTE (PaulG. @ Jun 17 2008, 02:24 PM)


    I was thinking the same thing. I'm going to have to add that to my collection.

    QUOTE (Darren @ Jun 17 2008, 12:27 PM)

    I really dislike the palettes too...especially since everything was rearranged in 8.0. If only someone could do something about them! I mean, if somebody with my distaste for the palettes happened to work in LabVIEW R&D, then he could add a feature in the next LabVIEW release that allowed me to write VIs faster than ever before, without having to ever bring up the palettes again. Man, that would be so great! Oh well, maybe someday. Someday...

    Yes, I think that a hypothetical tool that obviates the need for palettes in many situations would be a huge useability step forward :)

    What I want is for LabVIEW to know which function I'm thinking about and to put it on my tooltip so that I can drop it. Is that what you're thinking of, too? :shifty:

  9. QUOTE (Justin Goeres @ Jun 15 2008, 09:11 AM)

    And, if you get the camouflage shirt, other LAVA members won't be able to find you :blink:


    By the way, what is Spoolie's commission on sales?


    QUOTE (crelf @ Jun 15 2008, 07:23 AM)

    DO NOT
    customize the t-shirt at check out - choose
    Basic Dark T-Shirt - Black
    only. There is a bug in the zazzle software that stopped me from locking the design down - I have their technical support people working on it. One of the reasons we have the t-shirt is to demonstrate a united force at NI-Week, and if everyone shows up wearing different t-shirts, then that perception is much less effective. Those wearing non-black t-shirts will not be admitted to the LAVA BBQ.

    You mean that these other styles may one day become rare LAVA collectors items? :lightbulb:

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