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Jim Kring

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Posts posted by Jim Kring

  1. I took an online sample CLAD exam, recently, as a favor to someone at NI who wanted some feedback from advanced users. After I completed the exam, I started getting lots of emails from NI recommending that I sign up for LabVIEW training (even though I already have a CLA and other LabVIEW credentials). It's great that NI is giving us a personalized relationship with them, but if they don't put any effort into making it smart, then it's going harm more than it helps. :headbang:

  2. QUOTE (aa9310 @ Jun 3 2008, 08:37 PM)

    ThankS for your reply.Yes,A solid foundation is very important!!

    Now,LabVIEW is not widely used in China...There is no LabVIEW in our courses.

    Most students develop applications by VB or C++...

    Since I found LabVIEW months ago,I have been believing LabVIEW will become extremely populor in the Future..."LabVIEW everywhere".as shown in The Book!!!

    This is the first time I write in a foreigne Web Site..Forgive my poor English Level !!

    Welcome to LAVA :) We're happy to have you here. You'll find that the LAVA members are all very patient and forgiving of language difficulties. However, I would try to avoid using very big red and blue fonts ;)

  3. QUOTE (jgcode @ May 20 2008, 09:15 AM)

    I am trying to find the best method to license custom software written in LV [not a hardware key -dongle - method, just software].

    Following on from this thread, which is a little old, I was wondering if anybody has any new methods they can share (without them feeling like they are giving away their gameplan).

    I was hoping the VIPM team might be able to chip in as they have a nice license setup.

    Is everything done over the web with a authentication license server nowdays for easy management?



    Hi JG,

    It's important to keep in mind that "licensing" software (what people agree to do) and "enforcing/managing licensing" (a.k.a. "activation" or what you try to make people do) are two seperate beasts.

    I can't go into how VIPM works, beyond what's in the documentation. What I can recommend is that, when you feel you are ready for a software activation system, you look for an off-the-shelf solution or keep your system as simple as possible.

    Remember, most of the time you should only be trying create a system that lets honest people easily/painlessly comply with your licensing terms. Most of the time, your energy is better spent on (1) creating a great software product that people will want to use and tell others about and (2) making it very easy for people to give you money. Only after you solve those two challenges, is there much value in trying to enforce licensing terms.



  4. QUOTE (Bryan @ May 20 2008, 04:47 AM)

    I know it's off topic for this thread, but since I mentioned it in here, I figured I'd post an update.

    I just got notification that I passed the CLAD exam! Woo hoo! I've been using LV since '99, so I should have been looking at CLD, but I took the free CLAD exam at a nearby seminar. I'm just happy that I finally have a bona-fide certification after wanting one for so long.

    Congratulations, Bryan! And, welcome to the club :thumbup:

  5. QUOTE (gmart @ May 16 2008, 01:44 PM)

    I understand SVN's development model is different. In general have you worked with an IDE (not client like Tortoise) that doesn't get in your way when using SVN (for example, Visual Studio)? Is the check in/out model such an impediment that even with the third-party SVN plugin for LabVIEW, you feel your productivity is diminished?

    > I understand SVN's development model is different. In general have you worked with an IDE (not client like Tortoise) that doesn't get in your way when using SVN (for example, Visual Studio)?

    Take a look at any of the Java and/or open source IDEs: e.g., Eclipse, Apple XCode, NetBeans.

    > Is the check in/out model such an impediment that even with the third-party SVN plugin for LabVIEW, you feel your productivity is diminished?

    Ya, pretty much.

  6. QUOTE (gmart @ May 16 2008, 10:30 AM)

    8.5 allows you to configure the SCC proejct on a per LabVIEW project level. You still have to enable SCC at an environment level. Also, only one SCC provider is supported even on a per LabVIEW project level. What SCC package do you use?

    Omar mentioned that he was using TortoisSVN, so I'd assume (actually, I know) he's using Subversion. Using subversion with LabVIEW's SCC provider is like swimming against a current. Subversion wasn't designed for the check-in/check-out development model that LabVIEW and SCCAPI assumes, and there is no native support for Subversion. You have to use a third-party SCC API adaptor. All this just gets in the way of things, IMO.

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