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Posts posted by crelf

  1. Hi All,

    I'm the author of "Image Acquisition and Processing with LabVIEW" - a hardback book that steps you through Vision, from camera, lens and light selection, to machine vision and processing technques with LabVIEW.


    My book recently received a very poor rating by a customer on amazon.com. The reader thought that I'd missed the mark - some of my book was too simple and the rest was too complex, so there was no value in it for her at all. This has come as a bit of a surprise to me as I'd put a lot of work into the book in trying to balance the topics I selected and they way they were presented, and I was wondering if others shared her view? Up until now, I hadn't seriously entertained writing a second edition, but this has sparked my interest. Sure, I'd like to include a bunch of new stuff in a second edition, but I'd sure not want to write it in the same way if the amazon.com's customer's view was widely held by may others in the community.

    To that end, if you've read my book, I'd really apprecaite it if you could log on to amazon.com and leave your comments there - good or bad. This will serve two purposes: it will give me a more of a balanaced idea of where I went wrong, and also give potential customers a larger reader sample set on which to base their opinions.

    I'm not ask you to write a glowing review of my book (unless you want to! :D ), all I'm asking is that you spend a few minutes putting your thoughts down to enlarge the customer sample set.

    Thanks for your time - I really appreciate it.


    Christopher G. Relf

  2. Both your example and some of the ones above use enums as the input to the CASE in the SM. I prefer text input to the CASE selector as it allows you to parse strings, scripts, etc and use some of that directly.

    I completely concur - just remeber that case structure selectors are case sensitive by default (you can turn that off with a right click selection), and make sure you have a separate "Default" case with a "Syntax Error" popup for speeling mistkaes you make when coding :D

  3. Perhaps we should have a year end "best of poetic posts" topic for each year and include a subcategory of HH posts and pithy replies.

    I'd love to see that - we could hand out awards (free LAVA t-shirts) at the NI-Week LAVA / OpenG BBQ every year :D

  4. I wait a solution as soon as posible! Thank you!

    Step 1: don't crosspost (post your question in more than one forum)

    Step 2: upload an example VI showing us your problem - that makes it much easier for us to give you intellegent suggestions.

  5. I see by using the Profiler that Config Data Registry.vi just continues to grow and grow.

    Even though you're handling files appropriately, the memory used by the VI can be related to other tings - are you appending data to a FP control or shift register? Can you post your code so we can have a look at it?

  6. Can i convert the readings into a Extended precision variable?

    I don't think convert is quite the right word - but you can add / subtract your i32 input to / from an i64 that you're handling in LabVIEW (I don't know your architecture, but maybe hold the position in a shift register?) Can you post some example code so we can make more informed suggestions?

  7. It also depends on what you mean by commercial - do you mean that a company can't use it internally, or they can't use it in projects that they ultimately sell?

    Either way, the software itself can't tell whether the code it's being used inconjunction with is commercial or not, so your easiest way out is a nag screen. That will stop anyone from selling your code as a component of their own...

  8. Icons in LV, when properly used, are part of the documentation.

    I agree whole-heartedly. I still don't understand when people just use the VI's name in the icon - to me, that's just plain stoopid - the VI's already got a name! That said, when doing OO, I still like to have the class name at the top of the icon and the method at the bottom, and a pretty picture in the middle. It's also good to differentiate classes by colour:


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