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Posts posted by crelf

  1. I have been delevoping a VI to demodulate FM. Everything was going fine till I went to hear what the result was. I have no sound at all.

    Kia ora Paul! Please post any example VIs of things you've tried so far to we can point you in the right direction...

  2. Image Aquisition with LabVIEW

    Speaking of that, and new features and API, etc, etc, ...

    any chance that there might be a new, updated version on the horizon?

    Thanks for your kind words Mike :) There is a lot of opportunity to expand my book, and yes, it's getting a bit long in the tooth (Vision 6.1), but I'm not planning a new version just yet for a couple of reasons:

    • There's still a lot of very useful information in the current version
    • I've got several other projects on the boil that are demanding a lot of my time
    • There's a bunch of exciting things going on at V I Engineering - it's a great place to work and I'm heavily (and happily) absorbed there for the moment :)

    Now, if only I could squeeze a few more hours out of each day :unsure: I think a 30 hour day would just-about satisfy me...

  3. Since the vision assistant is made by NI, wouldn't that be the logical place to look?

    :D I think what you're looking for is actually called NI Vision Builder AI, and yes, it is a commercial product of NI's - you've got to pay for it.

    As an aside - for those out there that are into vision, the NI Vision Builder AI has certainly matured since the last time I saw it - we're currently using it on a visual inspection project and it is quite fully functional for process-type work. Rumour has it that version 3 is due out sometime soon and it'll be even better - well worth a look.

  4. I see this... National Instruments > Vision.

    LabVIEW ships with a handful of basic vision functions under the "Vision and Motion" functions palette, but you can also get an add-on toolkit called the NI Vision Development Module. You can convert integer arrays to bitmaps, so all you need to do is create a low bit width (8 bit) image space (IMAQ_Create) and then convert your Booleans into integers (0/255), populate them into the image (IMAQ_ArrayToImage) and then save it our to a bitmap (IMAQ Write Bitmap File):


    Download File:post-181-1151940289.vi

    Download File:post-181-1151940390.zip

  5. I also noted that when I received the packet and everything worked the "bytes to read" value I was getting was 5445, when it failed the value was 5450. So the failure was related to an extra 5 bytes of something (linefeeds or carriage returns would be my guess - something that caused at least one empty line in the middle of my data) getting placed at the 4097byte mark.

    I'd love to see the actual data :wacko:

  6. My father and uncle drove non-stop from Buffalo, NY to Miami FL in the late 1950s. To stay awake, the driver would place his fingers on the top of the window glass, then roll the window up to the top. If he started to doze off, his fingers would be pulled and wake him up.

    There were obviously no ladies in the car, otherwise that strategy would never have been accepted :D

  7. Dead? I get busy for a couple weeks and I feel like I lost touch with the planet. So what happened with Qubix?

    I heard that NI has dropped the Qubix platform - maybe they found an existing COTS system that was comparable - might just be a rumour though...

    PS: Welcome back Mike ;) We missed you!

  8. Thanks a lot! I gonna check it at home (I have labview 7 at home and 5 at work...)

    Ahhh - I see. Well, you should be able to rebuild it from the following screenshots (essentially, it's similar to what you were doing, but with a picture control instead of a cluster):


  9. I'm acquiring signals from 32 channels of four 4472 at sampling rate of 60k samples/s.So I'll have data of 2M samples/s(max).Will it be possible to display signal on time plot and can the same data be written in ASCII format?Is there any limitation on size of file?

    You're posting in the wrong place - start your own thread.

  10. I often wonder how much work you actually get done?

    Actually, it's Michael's fault! I used to check the LAVA forums once or twice a week, but since the appearance of the -All of LAVA- RSS feed, it turns up in a folder in my Outlook every 30 minutes (yeah, yeah - I know that's adjustable, but I just can't help it :) )

    Good on 'ya, mate!

    Cheers mate, no w. furries - she'll be right cobber! ;)

  11. I tried the image cluster indicator (just pasted the picture in it) wired with a boolean in a case structure, and it is appeared when I pushed the button but dont want to disappear again when it was off...

    Please post your example so we can help (either as a VI, or paste screen shots of the FP & BD).

  12. Great challenge, and I'm happy to say that I've completed the basic part of my API and am thinking of some cool apps

    That's what we like to hear - glad that it's stimulating your mind :)

    The challenge states that my application HAS to use the same API as the test VI.

    The reason we chose a simgle API for all entries is that of a level playing field - as you can see from the announcement positing, there are a number of judges involved in selecting the final five, and we felt that placing this limit on entries allows us all to have a baseline - a frame of reference - to assess your entries on. For your entry to be valid, it must work with the template API, although once this is all over and the winners announced, by all means: go nuts! You might even find someone else's submission better than yours, which will give you an even better platform to create a new version from.

    Both dynamic events and the mouse input VIs were not available in 6.1, so obviously there's no way to make it really portable in 6.1 without writing some external code.

    Although using the event structure and mouse input VIs are native to versions above 6.1, there may be methods that you can use to complete the tasks with 6.1 (I'm not saying there are, nor am I saying there aren't ;) ). There are still plenty of people out there that are still using 6.1 (it is a pretty stable and functional version), and we didn't want to exclude those folks from entering the challenge.

  13. How long can he hold back... :unsure:

    I couldn't hold back any longer! :wacko:

    Thanks guys - I appreciate it. Another thing I appreciate is LAVA - it's a great place to hang out, with some top-shelf users and great discussions (it's my sanctuary from the real world :D )

    Shameless plug: If you appreciate LAVA as much as I do, follow the link below...

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