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Posts posted by crelf

  1. "arse"

    :D To me, an ###### is a type of animal. It looks like the LAVA swear filter doesn't recognise "arse" - let's find out:


    arse scratcher


    Nope - looks good to me ;)

  2. When was the last time you heard some say "sy-mul-tain-e-us" (simultaneous).

    Errrr - isn't that the way everyone says it? Or is the other way just an Americanised thing?

    I'm not so sure that the phonetic pronnunciation changes because of time, but more due to geographic location (which then, in turn, bastardises other regions) - as a physicist, I like a metre to be a metre, irrespective of its' geographic location nor its' existance in time, so I'd prefer the dictionary to be a standard (there should only be one dictionary - there's only one English, right? ;) )

  3. Would it kill NI, to move NI week to another time in the year? I don't recall it ever being in another part of the year but it may have been.

    I don't think it would kill NI, but (and this is just my musing - I have no real data here) I think that early August might be the cheapest week in the year to hire the Austin convention centre... If they changed the timing, that might result in higher conference registration fees and other associated costs, so it might actually make it less viable for people to attend.

    the cold of the Northern areas could be broken by the welcoming mildness of Austin in January.

    Amen to that! :D

  4. ...since even Australians can get so thirsty that they drink water...

    Actually, it's just a figure of speech that is usually followed by intense laughing, back slapping, and another round of beers. The only time it is socially accpetable to drink water is when you're brushing your teeth, and some of the water mixed with toothpaste is accidentally swallowed. This is to be followed immediately by gargling a beer (and swallowing the result, of course).

    Disclaimer: I don't want to make myself out to be a huge beer drinker, as I know that doing so will come back and bight me on the arse during NI-Week... icon_vomit.gif - hey, that kind of looks just like a map of Australia!

  5. ...it seems odd that the tune I am hearing is all GOOP or no GOOP.

    Odd indeed. The secret of designing an appropriate architecture is to know the possibilities intimately, and then be able to make an unbiased decision on which one(s) to use, and in what combination(s). I have know several LabVIEW developers who insist that OO is useless, and others that insist that all projects should be done in OO - frankly, IMHO, that's both shortsighted and ignorant. As always - pick the right tool for the job. Just because you really like your new screwdriver doesn't mean you should use it to drive nails. :)

    It's also a great benefit to have knowledgable people around you that can give you their :2cents: on the pros & cons for each architectural paradigm in each specific situation...

  6. I seem to recall the nested events are not supported however.

    It's supported, but most often not a good idea. One of my colleagues used a nested event structure to conditionally determine if a user had mouse-downed on an image indicator, and then track the mouse position - it worked realtively well once all the appropriate precautions were taken into account (eg: should you lock the UI during the operation of the outer or inner event structures? Can you know with absolute certainty which event structure will grab and event? Can you use dynamic registration of events instead? etc).

    All that aside, I've got to agree with didierj - it doesn't sound like you need to nest event structures at all.

  7. So at what point does a project become 'large' enough to merit using GOOP over something like LCOD?

    The size of the project is irrelevant - it's whether you can disseminate objects in it's architectural design, and whether thoose objects need to be scalable - whether you need the ability to instantiate them.

    Size doesn't matter - at least that's what my wife tells me... :blink:

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