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Posts posted by crelf

  1. Paul: I would recommend talking to NI about this one. It is probably an issue with LabVIEW talking to the Linux sound system.

    Oops - the testing I did was under Windows, so that probably won't help you (I get the LAVA list as an RSS feed that only tells me the post titles, and not the category that it is posted in) - sorry about that. I agree with Jim - give NI a shout. Does Karina still work in the Sydney NI office? If so, she'll hunt down the answer for you - and pls say G'Day to her for me...

  2. And this hierarchy is one of the key claims in the original LabVIEW patents (over 10 years later...). So much for the "prior art" portion of patent office due diligence.

    I've read a lot of the NI patents[*] with respect to LabVIEW and I don't remember the heirachy being in them. Just about everything else is there including the underlying structure of a VI, dataspaces, icons, connector panes, VI flow diagrams, etc, but not VI heirachy diagrams. That said, it's more than possible that I may have missed that page of that particular patent...

    [*] ok, so I'm a geek - but you'd be amazed with what you can learn about LabVIEW's underlying engine by checking them out - I highly recommend it for those who prefer to understand the engine before complaining about it :) . When you've got a lunch hour to spare and a good cup of tea, here's some of the more interesting ones to check out - I suggest you start form the bottom and go straight to the images section. Of course, some of the patents are more inspired than others :D

  3. I can imagine some customers trying to make do with Cubix when the Embedded and maybe an Analog Devices Blackfin was the right way to go.

    Just like the folks that try to put together a cRIO system where cFP should have been used :)

    Anyway, as I said "maybe they found an existing COTS system that was comparable" ;)

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