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Posts posted by crelf

  1. Thanks for your post John - your comments all make sense to me, and I appreciate you taking the time to clear that one up.

    I'll also add in that there's no truth to the statement that the convention center rates are cheaper in August.

    I suppose they have to pass on the horrendous air conditioning costs to someone :D

  2. So, at first, it couldn't find the DLLs, and then you manually copied them into the right place and the error has changed to them not being initialized? 6.1 is a bit old and so am I so I don't reammber the support file installation process very well :) Are the DLLs of the type that need to be registered on the PC?

  3. no first call? option...

    You can create your own first call VI fairly easilty - just make a Boolean-based functional global and initialize it to true when you first start your software. Then have a case that checks the value and if it's true then change it to false and report back that it is the first call - if it's false, leave it false and report back that it isn't the first call. I can put something like this together pretty quickly if you are having problems...

  4. The other thing I've started doing is to label my loops, change the background and forground of the label to the dark grey of the loop, Move the label into the inside upper left and use a font that is bold and white.

    One of my colleagues did that for a cRIO program he did a few years ago - when I saw his code I thought it was actually a special FPGA loop that indicated prioririews or such (I hadn't done any FPGA at that stage :D ) - now I use the same technique all the time. I think labelling loops is important to help initiate those who aren't familiar with your coding style and the architectures you use.

  5. I have USB controller with known VID & PID (Windows detect)

    Visa Driver Wizard create .inf, but Windows can't use device with this driver (Code 10) and MAX can't see new device...

    More information please: what sort of device is it? make / model? You say it's a controller, and then it's a device - which one is it? Maybe upload the inf as well.

  6. We've had a number of people enquire about how to get their code into the LAVAcr. It's great to see that people are interested in submitting - we really would like to see the LAVAcr grow in its' early weeks so we can etablish a base to work from. There are currently two ways of getting your code submitted:

    New submissions

    If you have a submission that doesn't currently exists anywhere in LAVA (eg: it's not already in a thread somewhere), then use the LAVAcr submission form.

    Existing submissions

    The LAVAcr is the place for all the code you want to share, so we'd like to see some of the existing code that you've posted migrate across to the LAVAcr. If you've got a submission that's in this boat (you've already created a previous thread and want your submission moved over to the LAVAcr), please use the standard LAVAcr submission form, but also include a link to the existing thread in the submission notes - this allows the LAVA Certified assessor assigned to your submission to migrate the old thread across to the LAVAcr as well.

    What Files to Include

    All your files must be included in a single zip file. It is recommended to put the version number of your submission somewhere in the filename. Make sure you include all your vi's. Please do not submit or include LabVIEW toolkits or vi.lib files. If you are referencing OpenG vi's then please indicate what packages (names with version) are required. It is usually not recommended to include OpenG code with the submission.

    You must include a readme.txt file inside the zip file. There is a template and instructions on how to create an acceptable readme.txt file here.

    How to Use the Submissions Form

    First you will need to select a category. Don't worry if a proper category for your submission does not exist. A LAVA Certified assessor will create one if necessary. If you can't find the right category, place it in the General category. A LAVA Certified assessor will move it to the right place when it's approved. Press continue after you select a category.

    Now it's time to give your submission a name. This is the main name of your submission so please use something descriptive. For example: N Button Dialog With Fancy Graphics, instead of: nbd.zip.

    Enter a description. The main download page will show the full description. The description field uses the same editor as the standard forum posts. The description field supports BBcode, which means you can add Bold\Italic. It also supports full html. Currently we don't support image attachments within the description, however as you will see later, you may add an image for your submission.

    The version of the filename should be of the form major.minor.bugfix It is your choice on what version to start with but we recommend 1.0.0. On subsequent revisions of the file, all you need to do is update the file with the new revision and edit this field with the new number.


    Select the LabVIEW version you used to program your submission. As you can see, bugfix revisions of LabVIEW are ignored and are not important at this point.

    Please pick a license. More information on licensing and the LAVA policy on licensing is found here. You always have the option of using your own license not listed here. If this is the case please include it within your submission zip file as a license.txt file.


    Click on the browse button to upload the zip file containing the code you want to submit. If you are editing an existing file and want to change the exisitng uploaded file with a new version then just browse to a new file and submit it. The old file will be replaced with the new one. This is a little confusing since if you come back to edit the file later, this field will always be blank. You will not see your old submission here.


    Please add a screenshot. This can be of the diagram, front panel, LabVIEW palette or any other descriptive part of your submission. Submissions without screenshots will be rejected. Please upload the image from your computer in the allowable format. Externaly linked files are not accepted.


    Editing Your Submission After Approval

    After your submission has been approved, you will receive a personal message informing you about this and your file will be available for download. A link to your submissions support topic will be created automatically in the appropriate forum. Please visit your thread to help others who are having trouble with your submission. You can find the link to your support topic at the bottom of your download page.


    If you want to edit your submission (upload a replacement file or change description) then all you need to do is click on the Edit this file link on your submission download page:


    Future revisions of your files don't need to be re-approved but make sure you are still maintaining compliance since a member of the LAVA Certified assessor team will periodically review submissions in the LAVAcr for compliance.

    Only through sharing will we all learn together,

    The LAVAcr Team

    Download File:post-2-1160472731.txt

  7. I want to display and store an image of grayscale type as a rgb type but i want to get different colors for each rang of grayscale.

    Let me get this straight - you want to remap a grayscale image to a rainbow RGB image - is that right? Can you show us an example of what you've already tried? Also - do you have the NI-Vision toolkit?

  8. Is there a "neat" way to support legacy devices requireing NI DAQ 6.9.3 (for example) and still maintain a current (up to date) installation of LV 8.x with associated drivers?

    Not that I know of - in fact, I once had a client with exactly the same problem, and it turned out to be much cheaper for them to ditch the 700 and go for a DAQCard-6024E - the amount of time it was going to take us to screw around with what they were doing would have well and truly eclipsed the 6024E's price. I'm not sure if I remember correctly, but I think that we didn't even have to change any of the wiring - I think the pinouts of the 700 (or was it a 1200?) mapped the same as the 6024E (with respect to the lines we were using - a handful of AI, DIO and some sync). We also won as we let the customer know that the 700 was no longer supported by NI, so therefore very difficult for us to support too...

  9. I wonder is there any interest in a cooperative development area, where people can join in to improve the submitted code.

    Thanks for your comments John - we're hoping that the LAVAcr can become a strong respository - somewhere that LabVIEW users will search before reinventing the wheel :)

    Cooperative development is a great idea, and can be acheived in a couple of ways:

    • Each LAVA Certified VI has a support page (essentially a dedicated discussion thread) - you can suggest changes and discuss improvements there. That said, under the LAVAcr agreement, you would still need to get the owner of the code to incorporate those changes and upload it to the repository for reassessment (each version is reassessed by the LAVA Certified team to ensure that it's still worthy
    • OpenG provides a positive collaborative environment - depending on appropriateness, perhaps consider becomming part of the team and submitting your component for inclusion in the reuse section.

    Although not really designed to be a collaborative environment, I certainly encourage all users to use the components found here, and suggest any changes/improvements to the components' author(s).

  10. you can eat bears, too ;)

    In the interest of some Monday morning bad taste:

    A bear walks into a bar and asks for a beer. The bartender replies, "Sorry, we don't serve no beer to no bears in this bar."

    The bear asks again and is again told, "We don't serve no beer to no bears in this bar."

    The bear then says, "See that lady at the end of the bar. If you don't sell me a beer I'm going to eat her."

    The bartender again replies, "We don't serve no beer to no bears in this bar."

    The bear gets really angry, and, true to his word, eats the lady comes back to the other end of the bar and says, " Now will you sell me a beer?"

    The bartender responds, "We don't serve no beer to no bears in this bar, especially no bears on drugs."

    Indignantly, the bear says, "What do you mean on drugs?!?"

    The bartender answers, "Well, that was a barbiturate!"

    insert Benny Hill music here

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