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Posts posted by crelf

  1. I'm not a fan of censorship at all, but there are some lines which need to be drawn. Unfortunately, my plea to the proper mods seems to have gone unanswered.

    We don't necessarily answer all reports to the Moderator Report Center, but be assured that everything in there is watched closely.

  2. UI Testing Has anyone done this?

    We do this a lot in automated executions of acceptance test proceedures, but we use an external application and subsequently manually parse its logs. This new offering looks really interesting - especially if it works with the LabVIEW Unit Test framework...

  3. Actually, I am in need of that to complete my graduation or else I have to do one more semester for this...

    Bzzzt - paying someone to complete your assignment is, IMHO, unethical. I think you'll find it difficult to find someone here to do it for you.

    That said, as jcarmody said, if you post your code and are open to learning a little, we'll do it for free :)

  4. Ok, For how much money You can do this for me?

    I'll do it for $US125/hour.

    Just so you know, this is a community forum, so it's more about people helping other people, but contracting opporunities are also welcome - just make it clear that you're looking for a contractor when you post. thumbup1.gif

  5. If you serach on the terms "LAVA Search trick" on the dark-side you will find a thread where Michael shared the following;

    "You can do a focused Google search by adding site:lavag.org after your search terms."

    I know that embedded google search into your site costs $, but I wonder if we can do something that passes through the search term directly to such a google search?

  6. It would be nice if I could set the conditional disable settings in the build settings.

    I so totally came up against this issue today - I have an app that can be built with different security modules in it (DSC, TestStand, Active Directory, etc), some of which require different run time licenses (eg: if a project is going to use the TestStand security module, I don't want the DSC code in the build, otherwise it'll get upset when it runs and doesn't find a DSC license). Having different build specs with conditional disable strucutres would fix this issue.

  7. I want to generate a composed waveform using the DAQmx. The waveform that I need to generate is composed from many "normal" waves (sine wave + square wave + ramp) and it can be very long. I tryed to generate it using the tecnique explained into online help but it doesn't work good.

    Show us what you've already tried and we'll try to help. Also tell us what the problem is.

  8. I need to create a UML class diagram from existing LabVIEW 2009 projects and classes. Has anyone had any experience using the Endevo UML Modeller 1.2 to do this? The web site does not have an evaluation version of the UML Modeller.

    Yep - it works great. They do have an evaluation version: the UML modeller is part of the Endevo GOOP®Development Suite which can be downloaded here:


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