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Posts posted by crelf

  1. I have about 15 different UUT's on one Test station.

    The test station have some instruments and some router/matrix's to change the path of signal.

    And there are prepared some customs cables that have different start points on the matrix.

    we only run one UUT at the time.

    My goal is to have a test sequence that are ease to add new UUT to. and ease to change instruments configuration.


    VIE ATES Overview.pdf

    What you want to do takes some thinking, and there's a lot of little issues that you'll need to address along the way (trust me - if you don't do a deep design phase you'll end up tripping over these little issues, and you'll end up either abandoning the project or with a BBOM wacko.gif ) - and that's why we developerd our internal ATES platform here at V I Engineering, Inc - for projects *exactly* like yours. I'm sorry that I can't really give you any technical under-the-hood details, but I'd be happy to talk to you offline if you're interested in getting us in to help.

  2. I realize that the other forum members can stand up for themselves, but he *did* post this in the "Help me with this LabVIEW code I want to write" section of the forum, and not the "I've got a small job for a LabVIEW programmer" section. And then proceeded to accept free suggestions. Or rather proceeded to respond negatively to free suggestions. Definitely sending mixed messages.

    I agree, but I think he's made his intentions more clear now.

    I agree, he and his chosen contractor should take this offline. Tho, I must admit, I definitely applaud Mark Balla's attempts to supplement the LAVA beer fund. yes.gif

    I do too - Mark's a great guy, and really trying to help someone is what I've come to expect from him - and is the status quo of most LAVA members - this is a great place to be thumbup1.gif

    * not sure why "beer" is crossed out there - amd tempted to use my moderator powers to rectify that error... :)

  3. I've been looking at some LV code that looks like someone wiped their...

    One of my alterego's, errrr, colleagues' Family Guy desk calendar has today's quote as:

    Stewie: Look where my hand is! I say, look where my hand is. It's in a very dirty place. Doesn't that disgust you?

    Brian: Kid, you're talking a guy who uses his tongue for toilet paper.

    Would it be embroidered hat? If so, please put it for sale

    Ok, so on further reflection (and examination of our zazzle account balance), we've decided that it might be a good idea to have our logo in an embroidery format, so the conversion is taking place. The hat will be available in our online store in a few days (as well as maybe another couple of items) - I'll let you all know when they're live.

  4. No one is asking here to write the code... please don't try to waste my time with unnecessary arguments..

    You started by posting your data with no code - that suggests to me that you hadn't tried writting any code and wanted us to do it for you. Now you've posted your code I'm much happier.

  5. I just want the average of certain peaks and valleys near to that.... here is the data file which we need to draw between 1st column and 8th colmn of given data file

    You've already been told that this isn't a forum where someone will do your homework for you. We'll help you if you show some effort, so upload the *code* that you've tried and we'll help you debug it, but we won't write it for you.

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