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Everything posted by crelf

  1. LAVA 1.0 had a link in the bar below the banner - not sure what happened to it. If you want it back, report this tread to get the admin's attention.
  2. Well played.
  3. For reference (and open to ppl improving): http://labviewwiki.org/State_Machine
  4. Excellent timing! There was a meeting of the minds of a few prominant LAVA-ites on Wednesday to start making this a priority. The new LabVIEWwiki fearless leaders are our very own David Corney and Mark Yedanik (assisted by Mike, me and Chris Roebuck). I suggest anyone interested PM Dave and Mark to get on the team.
  5. I know it's off-topic, but that sounds so cool!
  6. The tool we have in house builds html, builds the chm from the thml, then deletes the html - one of the most used features is a checkbox that keeps the html that's generated Why? Because the html is easily indexed by our internal sharepoint system - which kind-of ties into the intranet wiki idea.
  7. http://t.co/MP0YJ2VQ is back up and running smoothly - enjoy!

  8. I don't know your corporate culture, but I'd say go for the first three at least. We have a documentation generator (it's old and clunky now) that does it (it sucks up all the VI descriptions, control documentation, etc, and puts them into a chm, and then adds the relative links to each chm page back into the context help for each referenced VI), and it works well for the end-user. PS: "Using a pand on the window to display..." - I suggest you just use context help for that - it's free, it's easy to use/maintain, and is a simple keyboard shortcut away. Honestly, I think it's one of the most under-used features in custom LabVIEW apps: everyone uses it within the development environment, but hardly anyone uses it in their apps.
  9. http://t.co/MP0YJ2VQ is down for the moment - we're working on it...

  10. Still considering this one...
  11. We just saw the latest version here at VIE (thanks for the demo Erik) and it looks pretty slick - I suggest everyone download it here: http://www.viewpointusa.com/prod_tsvn.php Erik says that it's a beta, although it's a very functional beta. I encourage everyone using LabVIEW and SVN to take a look. Overlays are back
  12. Embrace your age maturity Cat! Sounds like a visit to your local optician is in your near future...
  13. It's not a highly-weighted attrubte that drive the implementation of an idea (I think that much is obvious), but that doesn't mean it's not important.
  14. Courtesy of Brian Powell:
  15. Ok, that's pretty cool right there.
  16. Maybe I'm not quite understanding what you're after, but have you considered using EasyXML? THen you can define your heirachical datastructure as a cluster of ..., and it makes reading from/writing to actual XML files straight forward. I use it on a few projects and it's sweet. PS: The example on the webpage is trivial - it works very well with complex and large schemas too.
  17. I started getting concerned when they poked a water hose over the wall...
  18. Not that I know of - the color doesn't use the alpha bytes, so I think you're out of luck. That said, I can't imagine when I would do that in a machine vision context - what are you trying to do?
  19. So let me get this straight: you've got a bunch of GPIB instruments in your system, one of them goes down and the replacement is RS-232 only. Is that right? If so, why not connect RS-232 directly to your PC (if you have a port)? Or get a USB<->RS-232 adapter? Either way, if you're using VISA, it's just a matter to replace the GPIB resource name with the new one in MAX.
  20. crelf


    Welcome back!
  21. If you're only getting an output on the U32 terminal, that means the color depth of the image is 32bit.
  22. That's fine, as long as the OP really asks what they want to ask, which isn't always the case. Sounds like what you want is someone who is a blend of the two.
  23. [JKI News] Celebrate Cyber Monday with 50% off VIPM Pro http://t.co/UdqB1TsS

  24. You're right - it doesn't look like they even have a PXI riser either. ...and then sell it to people like me! These look kind-of interesting...
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