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Everything posted by crelf

  1. Love that show! Alan Davies cracks me up And they often have Bill Bailey as a guest = hillarious!
  2. Actually, Mr. SmartyPants, they're Taiwanese. Which, in some circles, is considered Chinese Taipei. So, although not quite correct, I was (geographically) closer. BAM! You just got owned! Yeah, that's how I roll. Tru dat, boy howdy. Word.
  3. That's what she... oh... nevermind.
  4. Dragon Day - Support #LabVIEW for Everyone author Jeffrey Travis new movie: http://t.co/tyVbYH2L

  5. Seems like Mike's active in the VIPM Idea Exchange - things are changing their statuses - might be an indication as to what to expect from near-future versions of VIPM... Oh, and while you're there, please vote for this and this
  6. TechDeepDive: The #labview timestamp datatype: http://t.co/ZJW2nzH0

  7. #labview applications churning - avoiding the "Not Responding" title bar message: http://t.co/YnLGGNO2

  8. If you're using IMAQdx, it uses the names listed in MAX, not the registry, so this shouldn't be an issue.
  9. Really? I've got it working just fine on my PC. I wonder: are you using NI-IMAQdx? Or something different?
  10. You can change their names in MAX (Measurement & Automation Explorer). Go to "Devices and Interfaces", then "IMAQdx" (this might take a few seconds to show up as it scans for cameras), then your cameras should be listed - you can right click on them to rename them there.
  11. All* of our code is ugly at times *Well, expect for mine, of course.
  12. That's a great term for some of the code I have to deal with occasionally. I'm not surprised. I mean, LabVIEW shouldn't get into the tub-of-war that AQ descriobes above, but I'm not surprised that not closing refenences put you there. Glad to hear you've got a work around!
  13. The LabVIEWWiki tells us that the defaultConPane key should work for new VIs. Are you saying the LabVIEW.ini file reverts after you make changes and save it?
  14. #labview XControl "Data Change" facade VI event doesn't fire when the sub VI is not visible, but does fire when it is http://t.co/Ke1NEzQ6

  15. And what's the real impact? Does it show up for a second and then close itself? Does it show up for 5 minutes? Forever?
  16. Do friends force other friends to load? Bonus: Should we test non-public methods? http://t.co/wxO2gMEc

  17. I'm implmeneted the user manager a few times and haven't had any issues - maybe you're not closing a reference somewhere? Can you post your code? Or, at least, trim it down to as little as possible where the issue still occurs (make a little example) so we can fault find.
  18. You know, if you programmed graphically it wouldn't hurt so much.
  19. I guess everything makes sense if you don't think about it.
  20. Yes, I know I'm probably the only person in the world that enables the warnings view in the Error List, but I'd like to be able to selectively ignore certain warnings. Read more here.
  21. Displaying decimated large datasets on a @labview waveform graph - http://t.co/p7gGlJH2 with additional SQL posts included! :)

  22. Right - we have a couple of projects that just use *.bin (or something more appropriate to show it's related to a project) so ppl are less inclined to accidentally find out that it's TDMS.
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