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Michael Aivaliotis

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Posts posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. I just wanted to add my observations. First off, I don't have this problem at all. All works fine for me in any Parallels VM.

    I'm running:


    Parallels 9.0.24217

    LabVIEW 2013

    Windows 7 or XP


    However, I did have an issue where I couldn't perform actions that required a combination of ctrl+shift+mouse action.

    For example:

    • Ctrl-Shift-click (drag)
    • Ctrl-Shift-resize
    • Ctrl-Shift-Run button (mass compile all)

    It's not that many, but the last one is critical sometimes to fix LabVIEW relinking issues and project crashes.

    In any case, Google brought me to this help article:



    So I basically disabled both checkboxes in that dialog (which I didn't even know existed) and that fixed my problem!

    I don't know if this is related to the issues you guys are seeing but perhaps you could try it. There are also some other settings in there that can be fiddled with.



  2. Ok, so I've been noticing strangeness with LabVIEW on linux. This one is no exception. I restarted LabVIEW and now the command works. Go figure. I'm just glad i'm not developing full-time on Linux because the whole development environment is just sluggish and unresponsive.


    I also learned that in order to prevent multiple instances of labview opening up, you need to launch it with a switch:


    /usr/local/natinst/LabVIEW-2014/labview -launch


    This will prevent opening a new instance.

  3. I think right-click is far superior to quick-drop IMO. But, yes, JKI has dropped support for it. So no use barking up that tree. It's better if NI had a built-in API to support right-click actions. If you think about it, quick-drop (and the JKI right-click) is a hack on top of an IDE that's not designed to support extensions or user-defined automation.

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  4. No that does not explain the spambots. Spam on forums and websites has been around since the beginning of the internet. I have no idea why all of a sudden they decided to target LAVA. I guess that means we hit the big time right? ;) - Also, Crelf and I don't hang out on LAVA that much (please don't read into that, we love LAVA). So we don't have eyeballs on spam anymore.


    Not offering Premium membership is a choice I've made currently and I'm evaluating the options moving forward. Just think of this period as an awesome time in LAVA's history. Hey, everyone, all this great content and wonderful discussion you can't find anywhere else... and it's free! Well, not free for me, but I'm totally fine with that for the moment.


    Enjoy LAVA. It's not going anywhere.

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