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Michael Aivaliotis

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Posts posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. Awesome thanks. I think I figured out why Application Instance Close? wasn't working for me.


    So the WM_CLOSE message requires a handle to a window name. My executable had a custom window name. I was using this as the window name. So the window was closing fine but the event was not firing and the app remained in memory.


    In your example, if you set the VI title name to CloseMe, instead of the default CloseMe.vi, then it won't work. So the message gets sent to the window instead of the app, which is also called CloseMe.exe.


    Now I just have to make sure that my window title doesn't match my exe name.

  2. The simple answer is that the 'correct' way to handle this message is indeed with the Application Instance Close? event.  I can pump this message directly to a LV executable and it fires the event every time (so far).


    The Application Instance Close? event doesn't work. If you can attach an example that works, that would be nice, but my tests show it not working.


    You're correct in catching my bug. Nice to have a second set of eyes :) . That was the problem. After I fixed that it worked as expected.


    So the updated diagram for anyone else needing this:



  3. How can my LabVIEW EXE application handle the windows WM_Close message correctly?


    I have tried the Windows Messaging Queue library without any resolution to this problem.


    The behavior I'm seeing is that my application window closes but the app remains running as can be seen by looking at the process list in Windows Task Manager. The images below don't show it but I've added the Quit LabVIEW function to exit the app. So far I've tried:

    • Creating a loop that monitors the windows message queue:
    • Application Instance Closed? Event:


    • Panel Close? Event:



    I've read this thread but it didn't seem to address the issue head-on. Or I didn't see what the resolution was.

    Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

  4. How about a hook into LabVIEW to allow developers to add their own right-click menu items similar to the "JKI Right Click Framework"?

    That would be awesome to have in addition to what's there (great idea). But it won't satisfy the question asked by crelf because I don't want to do work or programming to add features that should already be there. So user defined augmentation is great, but I should have a fleshed-out base to begin with.

    Unfortunately, that is what I'm saying. There is, as it turns out, a reason why we went without multi-select right-click menus for so long.

    It's only software...

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  5. I think the issue is that the feature list is vague and possibly misleading: "Right-click menu option for multiple selected items" does not indicate how many menu items, which ones or even if it's more than one. So hey, they added one menu item so the feature's complete? But I agree, it's kinda lame to just do the bare minimum and call it done. NI could have gone the extra mile and delighted the customer by fully fleshing out the list.

    Christina, asking us to vote on menu items probably won't work. None of the menu items will garner enough votes to get on NI's radar.

  6. I've been offered a great opportunity by National Instruments to take VI Shots on the road and bring it live to NIWeek 2012.

    I will be joined by several prominent members of the LabVIEW community at the technology theater in the exhibition hall on Tuesday Aug. 7th between 4-5pm.

    I will be recording the discussion live. If you are attending NIWeek, then come watch and be part of the show. We will be taking questions from the audience. However, your best bet to get a question in will be to post it ahead of time for consideration. Anything is fair game.

    Just go here and fill-in your question that you want to ask me or the rest of the panel:

    Click here to submit a question for VI Shots Live.

    Some of my guests will include:

    • Brian Powell (NI)
    • Justin Goeres (JKI)
    • Christopher Relf (V I Engineering)
    • Jack Dunaway

    • Like 1
  7. I downloaded it and got a zip file, not a vip. What do I do?

    The reason this happens is probably more info than you really need. Just rename the file to VIP and you should be fine.

    The permanent quick fix:

    • Goto your Internet Explorer>Internet Options>Security Tab
    • Make sure the Internet zone is highlighted
    • Under: Security level for this zone, change the slider bar from Medium-High to -> Medium
    • Click OK

    This problem only happens in IE. The best solution is to stop using IE :shifty: . Also, It might not be possible to switch the security level because of your IT dept. restrictions, but if you can, then this is the way to go.

    The super-long-term fix:

    Sourceforge needs to add the VIP MIME Type to their web server configuration.

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