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Michael Aivaliotis

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Everything posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. I setup a Gallery album for anyone who wants to post photos from NIWeek 2011 here: http://lavag.org/gal...50-niweek-2011/ Everyone who can't make it to NIWeek would love to see your photos. No need to create your own album. It's a public album. If you feel the need to create an album, please put it under the NIWeek 2011 parent album. Short video tutorial on how to upload images: http://screencast.com/t/R4UhEIpS7PxW
  2. See Top Downloads on the right-hand side.
  3. The goal is to refresh the file associations in windows. I wrote a quick and dirty VI that is suppose to work but I don't think it does. Here are the docs: http://bit.ly/qCNw77 VI is attached (2009). Am I doing it right? Windows Refresh File Associations.vi
  4. I love this line form the ad: "prefer proficiency in C/C++ programming". I guess that counts me out I wonder if my 17 years experience in G overrides that. -- You will only know if you're qualified, if you apply. Half the work is just showing up. A lot of people don't.
  5. So excited to be going to #CAX this weekend. http://bit.ly/nQ4R5l

  6. I just can't get this bloody song out of my head http://youtu.be/KQ6zr6kCPj8 Aaaahhhh!

    1. Daklu


      I promise that's one link I'm NOT going to check out. :)

    2. Daklu


      I promise that's one link I'm NOT going to check out. :)

  7. Monkey steals camera to snap himself http://tgr.ph/mC3GDa

  8. A seagull stole my video camera. Video: http://bit.ly/ijHwh9

  9. How appropriate that the error messages are object-oriented.
  10. Hey, what do you know. It seems like I might have finally fixed this DNS resolution issue. Please remove all your hacks and workarounds so that we can truly test to see if this is now resolved. Thank you for your patience.
  11. What can *you* make with popsicle sticks? RT @RobotGrrl: New RoboBrrd video! http://youtu.be/j5RkAH2r1Zg

  12. How God is managing the 2011 rapture - http://bit.ly/ijqQH6

  13. MythBusters confirmed it - spinning bullet on ice: http://youtu.be/foZlciP6gUQ

  14. If you take a look at this awesome video tutorial I posted on my VI Shots blog. You can see an example of using reentrant VIs to create multiple user interfaces that look the same but handle different data. It doesn't contain any classes but it's a small change to add classes to this design pattern. Click here to watch the video.
  15. I think allowing undo after save would have helped here. There's already an idea exchange post on it. And it looks like it's in Beta so we might see it in the next release? Who knows. But I am on board with you Crystal. I can feel your pain. I've been in that situation before. I also agree that the diagram cleanup is bad. I would go over here and do some yelling. I have not tried it but I heard Mercurial, another SCC program actually allows you to have a localized repository so you could have gotten out of that situation perhaps.
  16. I feel sorry for you. Text based programming? Blah! Are you going to be closing down your LAVA account?
  17. Please vote for this idea: Make the LabVIEW "resource" folder a symbolic path If you have ever tried to build reusable tools for LabVIEW, you understand the pain. Currently, it is extremely difficult or almost impossible to build any tools that call VIs inside of the LV resource folder.
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