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Michael Aivaliotis

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Posts posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. QUOTE(jaegen @ Aug 23 2007, 08:50 AM)

    Is this considered the final solution to this issue? I really hope that the end goal is to have a single *.exe with all the VIs inside it (with names "mangled" like they already are in the development system).

    I agree with jaegen on this one. Single EXE build needs to be a future feature. This restriction alone will turn off many from adopting Classes. Let's not forget that people (including myself) have been building successful test systems for 20 years before classes were introduced. Even without classes, work can still go on as usual - until NI forces us to use classes (which they probably will). I'm in favor of classes, I'm using classes in customer projects, but the more gotchas you present, the harder it is to convince people.

  2. QUOTE(i2dx @ Aug 20 2007, 01:24 PM)

    Why is this not the right place? NI never had a venue like this before and as such, had no way to properly release scripting until now.

    QUOTE(i2dx @ Aug 20 2007, 01:24 PM)

    e.g. If there were hundreds of users of my ADO toolkit, who would request a special feature in my forum, I guess, I'd consider this as spam.

    If there were hundreds of users for your ADO toolkit requesting features then I think you would implement the feature since it obviously is something you can sell. I think this is a good problem to have then having no users.

    QUOTE(i2dx @ Aug 20 2007, 01:24 PM)

    By being in NI labs, they are shielded from the support issue. Support happens through the forums.

    QUOTE(i2dx @ Aug 20 2007, 01:24 PM)

    third: I tried to make a post at the ni.com forums, but I don't know how. I have definitively an account and I am a registered member, but I couldn't find the response button to your post :blush:

    The reply button is right above my name:


    If this is the real issue then just say so from the start.

  3. QUOTE(crelf @ Aug 18 2007, 06:58 AM)

    Ya, I love that shirt.

    I also wore it to the Gingerman, but then I slept in it that night so then I couldn't wear it during the week. They sell them at the Austin airport, I suggest you all buy one next time you land in Austin so we can all wear them at the LAVA\OpenG BBQ. 70+ people wearing tie-die shirts makes for a cool photo. Throw in some 3D glasses from Irene and you can start to reach the fifth dimension.

  4. PS.

    If you have any comments on the technical aspects of the video, lighting, camera angles, editing, audio etc., please post in this thread. If you want to comment on a specific video's content please add a comment at the bottom of the specific video. I'm excited to hear feedback on how we did. I'm not sure if I'll do this next year, but if I do, I would like to do better.

  5. I'm very excited about a new web initiative announced this year at NIWeek, NI Labs. This is similer to Google Labs.


    NI Labs showcases the evolving technologies from National Instruments R&D engineers that aren't quite ready for release. These virtual research labs offer you the chance to download and work with cutting-edge developments, offer product feedback, get answers to your questions, and learn about recent successes and struggles.

    Each featured technology includes an experimental prototype containing:

    • Installer
    • Documentation
    • Easy-to-run examples

    Your questions and input will go directly to a National Instruments R&D engineer. We invite you to explore this section, and appreciate your feedback in helping drive future product development.

    I suggest you all check it out and go to the NI Labs forums to request that they FINALLY RELEASE VI SCRIPTING. I can't see a better venue for this. What do you think about this?


    NI Labs

    NI Labs Forums

  6. QUOTE(yen @ Aug 11 2007, 11:19 PM)

    Being almost a lone LV developer just the chance to meet some proper LV developers is basically a new experience for me, so I don't want to convey the feeling that I suffered, just that this would something more suitable for my specific taste (and presumably that of some others).

    Yen, I have to say that I went to NIWeek for two years before I figured out that there's a whole other underground "track". This track is where all the cool LabVIEW developers mix with the advanced LabVIEW users and have thought provoking discussions you don't find in the normal tracks. I'm talking of course about discussions during lunch, evening, hallway chatter and hanging out at the JKI booth.

  7. I have a different take on the sessions. My motivation as a presenter is to get the audience excited about a certain technology. Based on my quick survey at NIWeek, only 10% of the room was using XControls in a real project. What's the point of going deep and analyzing the inner workings of a technology when you can't even get someone to use it? I think that would scare people even more. My only hope is that I made a connection with a few people, enough to encourage them to go home and try to create something with XControls. Then, when they stumble or hit a block, they come to the forums or contact support to further push the envelope.

    Yen, you and other select LabVIEW users out there are in a special category that I'm afraid NIWeek cannot adequately satisfy. There needs to by an additional day, possibly similar to Alliance day that is geared for advanced users seeking more in depth knowledge.

  8. QUOTE(xtaldaz @ Jul 31 2007, 04:27 PM)

    HChandler, back to your device VIs - Have you tested your VIs in a practical setting? I'm asking because LV is by nature multithreaded and the VISA interface is asynchronous by default. Since these details are already handled, you don't need to change that default behavior. I do similar applications where I'm communicating with a couple dozen RS485 temp controllers and I've never had any problems with timing, collisions, etc. No need for reentrant VIs, functional globals, or anything other than the standard defaults.

    I have to agree with this. I can understand how you could easily get into "analysis paralysis" as a new LabVIEW user but as xtaldaz mentioned, the defaults should work out of the box. To assure FIFO response, create a single point of entry (with associated sub-vi's) for all your communications functionality and make the VI non-reentrant. Call the VI to perform the communication whenever you require it.

  9. I have a customer with a .NET issue.

    Once upon a time, they had called a .NET assembly with a specific version and all was good in the world. The .NET component was setup using the constructor node. Now, the developer of the .NET assembly released a new version. So now the LabVIEW developer browses to the new .NET DLL and selects the new version of the assembly. Saves all the VI changes and closes LabVIEW. When the LabVIEW application restarts, now the constructor gives an error. If you right-click on the constructor and chose "Select Constructor..." you will get the following dialog:


    You cannot select a constructor. If you just want to check the version, you can't. If you delete the constructor and place a new constructor node down, you can navigate to the correct constructor version and then if you run the code it all works fine. If you now restart LabVIEW, it's all broke again resulting in a very sad LabVIEW developer...

    NI support will be contacted soon. Any ideas?

  10. QUOTE(yen @ Jul 24 2007, 03:58 AM)

    XControls are nice, but ultimately, they are complicated and are still a relatively minor feature which I doubt I will use in the near future.

    Michael, how would you justify going to that session over a session which talks about how NI works when desigining LV?

    In the end, you will have to decide of course. I'm not trying to convince anyone here. XControls are all about code reuse. If you develop more than one application (probably a system integrator) where you have repeating patterns in your UI development, then it behooves you to develop reusable UI components to reduce development time. The time invested up front to develop an XControl will pay off in the long run when you have collected an arsenal of powerful controls that you can whip out at any time to solve complicated UI problems. Brian's presentation is excellent as well. Like I've said in the past, "NIWeek is one of the only moments I wish human cloning was already a reality." ;)

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