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Michael Aivaliotis

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Posts posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. LabVIEW 8.2.1

    1. Open the attached project.
    2. Expand the Untitled Library 1.lvlib
    3. Doubleclick on Untitled.vit (it is now in memory)
    4. Right-Click on Untitled.vit and select New from Template.
    5. Go to the Untitled.vit panel (which was still in memory).
    6. You will now see a broken arrow. Click on the broken arrow. The error message provides an explanation but there is no way to fix the problem.

    The only option is to remove Untitled.vit from memory.

  2. Just an FYI on this topic. Some good news. Here is some insider info which confirms that this will be resolved in a future release (don't ask where I got this from).


    LVDev1: I have suggested to [LVDev2] that perhaps we make the special case of saying that we allow dynamic object sizing (objects resizing during the drag) only for objects that are set to fit the pane.

    LVDev2: Due to many reports of this bug fix causing problems for many people, I've added a new option to allow the 8.0 behavior on a per-pane basis. On the pane's popup, select "Objects Scale While Sizing" to make the objects scale live when sizing the window. The option is off by default since there are many layout possibilities where problems accumulate very quickly when live scaling is on.

    LVDev3: Confirmed fixed in [next version of LabVIEW].

  3. QUOTE(Val Brown @ Jun 7 2007, 03:20 PM)

    If a required input/connector is not wired then you get a broken wire -- meaning, among other things, that the LV code can't be "compiled". I think Tomi got it right -- without a required input/connector a memory buffer is allocated.

    Well, I think that's stating the obvious. If you DO have the wire connected however, and the input is marked as required, then what? Does it make a difference?

  4. QUOTE(Tomi Maila @ Jun 7 2007, 02:11 PM)
    It may very well be true. In theory required inputs can be optimized better at compile time of the VI. For not-required inputs VI needs to create a memory buffer for the particular input. For required inputs VI can more easily reuse the input buffer.
    This doesn't make sense to me. A required input just indicates to the user that they need to connect the wire. The only difference I see is that in one case the wire is connected to the input terminal and in the other case it is not. Perhaps this makes a difference, however the "required" flag by itself does not carry any valuable info for the compiler. Of course, there may be some black magic that only NI knows but at face value, I don't see it.
  5. QUOTE(John Rouse @ May 30 2007, 10:32 AM)

    Why is it so difficult to get really good (in depth) learning material about LabVIEW and why after all these years and versions (not to mention the cost of LV ownership) are there as of this day only several published books even worth reading about LabVIEW?

    Im not talking about NI help or on line resources which are fine for when you are programming, Im talking about the "real" stuff;

    The stuff that you can actually learn from. Old timers call it Book learning.

    I've learned more from one decent about LV in 6 mo than in over 10 years of looking at all of NI's help files, web content, Discussion forums etc etc and that includes many courses given by NI which are (IMO) little more than exercise books.

    NI s help is sufficient but lacks depth. There is no depth to any of NI's teaching, on line aids and such. why is this so and what could NI ultimately do about it?

    Don't want to stray the conversation off-topic (great questions everyone , btw). I don't think there's money in LabVIEW book writing. Based on this blog, why would anyone spend the time to publish (besides fame of course)? I think all the old timers with knowledge to share should put efforts in resources like the LabVIEW Wiki where we can combine our resources instead of isolating ourselves. Why should NI be responsible for good books when there are a lot of us out here with knowledge to share. One of the reasons I started the Wiki was so I can have a platform to write my own in-depth articles. Like anything however, it takes time.
  6. LabVIEW 8.2.1

    When working with any XControl. If you right-click on the xcontrol instance and select show>caption, you will see an ugly black caption with no way of making transparent. Also, if you move it around you see ugly black shadows. Hs been reported to NI, waiting back.

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