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Michael Aivaliotis

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Posts posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. QUOTE(NI Support)

    The problem you are seeing is due to the fact that some component that the NI-Serial driver relies upon was installed from the November 2006 driver CD, and was not reinstalled by the February 2007 driver CD. This means that, in order to include the driver in an installer, you will need to supply the November 2006 driver CD in order to allow the appropriate component to be pulled from it. This is a pain point that we are aware of, and R&D is working to find a solution to this problem.

    So it turns out that the best way to resolve this is to uninstall ALL drivers and install the one I want before the build. Does anyone else see problems with this methodology? I mean, let's say for instance that you are supporting multiple projects with differnet driver version requirements. What then? If anyone's gone down this path, do you have any suggestions?

  2. When building an NI installer, you can specify additional installers. How does this list get populated? Does it depend upon what you have installed already? How do you specify a different version? Must you install that specific version in order for it to show in the list and include it in your installer build? I have a specific issue:

    I see in my list that I have NI-Serial 3.2 installed and available. When I do the build, it prompts me for the driver CD which I provide. Even though the version of NI-Serial on the CD is the same as the one shown, it does not accept it. I'm giving it Feb 2007 - Disk2 but it asks for Nov. 2006 - Desk2. I even tried to uninstall NI-Serial and re-install the one from my CD but no-joy. I even tried copying the source NI-Serial folder from the CD to my hard drive and pointing to it but it still did not like it. It complained about not locating {GUID}.

    Question: Why can't we just point to the #$%$@&! NI *.msi files we need?

    Note: NI support has been contacted.

  3. This is somehow related to this post:

    Autosync a project folder with a folder on disk

    I'm trying to build an installer. I want to add a Help folder using my installer. I would really like to use NI's installer but, yet again, I have found a limitation which causes me to look for other solutions (when will NI "get it"?). In any case, perhaps I'm being too quick to judge ;) .

    I would like to specify a folder in my installer that will be copied to my destination. It seems the only way to do this is to create it first in your project file then specify to copy this folder in the installer. This is an acceptable option. There is a limitation however. My Help folder contents change dynamically. Anyone who's generated an html help understands this. This means I would have to do an add folder contents, remove folder contents, over and over again (or before the install build). This is very tedious and prone to me forgetting to do this.

    This is just one example of dynamic folders. Does anyone have a solution or workaround?

  4. btw, those are warnings not errors. All web pages generate warnings, even on ni.com. This is a way of life on the web. Some declarations only work for certain web browsers. If a browser does not recognize something, it generates a warning like the one's you indicate.

    Sometimes however I have noticed that the Google ads cause pages to pause for a while before they load. Haven't investigated this yet but I will soon.

  5. There is no such thing as a Global constant. Globals exist in only one form. They are nodes that are placed on the diagram. In the Functions palette>Programming>Structures>Global Variable. After placed, double-click on the black node to open the Global front panel to place your data type controls.

  6. Just found out from this post that NI has setup an online method of running and executing LabVIEW with 3hr time slots. This is freakin' cool! It's an actual personalized VMWARE image on a Windows machine that is created just for you! I just went and tried it and have learned this:

    • Initial startup is slow because your computer needs all the Java stuff loaded.
    • Subsequent startup takes about 3 minutes.
    • With every new login, you get a fresh 3 hrs.
    • It worked fine in IE7 and FF2.
    • The trial machine has access to the internet which means you can actualy program something, zip it and upload it? Why would they allow this?

    Of course, after this post, I'm sure we're gonna crash the servers... ;) . Watch NI cripple it after this announcement :( . I can see this as a useful tool to use when you don't have LabVIEW installed on your computer. I guess the question is, why wouldn't you have LabVIEW installed?

    Edit: It seems this all runs a bit quicker in IE7.

  7. QUOTE(BrokenArrow @ May 8 2007, 05:44 AM)
    ...but ultimately the Serial Port Write.vi is unchanged. Should that be renamed per loop?
    This is testing my memory since it's been a while with 5.1. I had it installed here but took it off for lack of HD space. I would rename the Serial Port Write.vi, per loop, see what happens. I agree that you shouldn't bother with massive cleanups at this point. Actually, that might cause even more problems. It sounds like a complete re-write is in order, if anything. I feel your pain, having been down that road too many times myself. I wish I was there beside you to help out... :thumbup: . Hang in there.
  8. Steve Jobs is an iWitch

    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgZKjJt-TkU"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgZKjJt-TkU" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

  9. Are you referring to a specific vi server method or the general concept of publish/subscribe?

    I would think that if you create a queue and then dequeue this constitutes a publish subscribe one to one. If you need multiple subscribers then you would have to somehow create an array of queues. When someone subscribes, you add a new queue to the array. The publisher in this case would have to put the message onto all the queues.

  10. Just an update to let everyone know that the LabVIEW Wiki has seen some activity and I am happy that some of you have come forth and have taken the step to contributing to the LabVIEW Wiki. Your efforts are appreaciated however small or large. Recent new articles:

    [wiki]Error cluster[/wiki]

    [wiki]Control References[/wiki]

    [wiki]Converting a Sensor Voltage Input to Physical Units[/wiki]


    [wiki]LabVIEW ini File[/wiki]

    [wiki]CAR Number[/wiki]

    [wiki]Uninitialized shift register[/wiki]

    There were other minor edits not listed here.

    Also, I have made extensive updates to the Wiki Help for new users. Don't forget to check out the FAQ section as well.

  11. Sometimes you need to make decisions like a Ninja. Kill first ask questions later.

    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khS4zlinxk0"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khS4zlinxk0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

    Let's all have fun. Thank you all for your comments and opinions on the matter. If there is anything else I need to be aware of, please don't hesitate to PM me or report a post.

    This thread is now closed.

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