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Michael Aivaliotis

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Everything posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. I think the goals of this VI Preview should be limited to a specific use case and narrow in scope in order to be a realistic achievement. I would love to have a tool that we can use on LAVA to upload navigable VI images. We can't assume all LAVA members to be able to read your code in order to support your support discussion. Having these new images will help a lot. What would be the ultimate is to upload a VI onto LAVA and the server would convert it to an embedded flash. But I'll accept a tool for now. When can we expect a working version we can all try out?
  2. Did this happen today or has it been like that since LAVA 2.0 went up?
  3. That's great! BTW, LAVA also has an SVN repository here: http://code.google.com/p/lavacr/ You're free to use that. Also, it would be great to see your stuff on the LAVA CR.
  4. There is no "decision" really. The feature you're requesting has to be built from scratch. If we were ever to implement it, then it would have to include an option for the member to opt-out of showing what they voted for. Are you implying that making votes public would increase the credibility of them? In any case, like any feature here on LAVA, it's mostly community driven so if the masses want it then we can make it happen. I was just expressing my opinion. You mentioned twitter. This is something you can opt-out of. You don't have to join twitter or display your twitter name on LAVA if you don't want to.
  5. Hmm, I thought I fixed it. Let me try something else. Also, try logging off and clearing your LAVA cookies.
  6. What do you mean by this? PS: Maybe next time you should apply for the Beta program.
  7. That's because that thread was never imported. It looks like it was in the product announcements forum so it probably got dropped is my guess. I'll have to make a note to go and look for those. BTW, you'll have better luck using the LAVA search if you enclose text in quotes. I know, that's dumb. I'm considering adding back the old lava search which I had added using the Google search engine.
  8. I think it would be nice to be able to locate the top voted posts. That would be worth implementing. I'm not in favor of adding features that would allow others to track member behavior. For example, I've disabled the forum features that allow you to track which member is looking at what forum, what post and is browsing who's profile (actually this last one is user configurable). I'm in favor of a little privacy when it comes to this sort of thing.
  9. I don't think NI wants developers using VIs that are not in the palette because then if they decide to change some core functionality then your app will break, because they only officially want to manage functionality exposed in the palettes. NI doesn't want unhappy customers with broken code. But I'm sure you've heard the lecture from Aristos, haven't you?
  10. A splash typically solves this problem. This should contain a dynamic call to your main program. You should try not to have any other subVIs in it besides the dynamic call. Keep it very light. You should also display the front panel of the splash first, then do the dynamic call.
  11. TobyD, it's not something you can fix from your control panel. Eric, I've fixed it for you.
  12. Hmmm, you guys hang out on the dark side? Admitting that should cost you -1 vote. Hey crelf maybe we should enable negative voting?
  13. Twitter (like most internet traditions) is one of those things that either you get it - and love it - or you don't.
  14. I thought it had something to do with vampires.
  15. I've just updated all the CR authors. I missed a few because I couldn't figure out the member names. If you see anything wrong or if I've missed something let me know.
  16. I noticed the Jing video on the download page. Great idea François. This helps a lot in letting people understand what it does. I think all submission pages should include a small video.
  17. I agree, it should have an underscore. Also, I think capitalizing LAVA is OK.
  18. I think the twitter usage at NIWeek this year will reach an all-time high. With more and more NI folks and LAVA members using twitter, it should be a fun time. Don't forget that LAVA has a twitter account: http://twitter.com/lavag The LAVA team will be using this to post last minute NIWeek goodness. So follow us! Also I suggest everyone update their LAVA profiles with their twitter account names so we can all keep in touch. Who else will be at NIWeek and using twitter? Reply to this thread.
  19. Actually, this is something that I have already given some thought to. Since there haven't been any package submissions to LAVA until now, I hadn't rushed to make a standard. I think the filename should have 'lava' in it. For example lava_lib_rcf_insert_typeconversion-1.0.9-1. What do you think? In addition to the package name, the other issue is installation location. VI Packages that are distributed as being part of LAVA, should be installed under a LAVA sub-palette. At least, that is the goal. Your package is an RCF plugin so this isn't an issue right now. However If you want to setup a template for doing that then that would be a great help to others. I like all the other fields: The only one I have an issue with is the homepage URL. This should point to the main download page of your file on LAVA, not the discussion thread.
  20. It's on the roadmap. It will get done soon!
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