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Michael Aivaliotis

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Everything posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. QUOTE (anandk @ Dec 8 2008, 04:23 AM) Settings Result: Same settings and Shift registers changed to tunnels: It's better but I still see a lot of unnecessary bends in the wires. I think priority must be placed on keeping wires straight above other factors. I was working on another VI cleanup and something bad happened. There were several for loops that suddenly became overlapped with other structures. Also some structures resized beneath other objects. Settings: Result: When I switched automatic mode off (into manual) it didn't do this. Thank god for undo!
  2. I nuked God. The last straw was when God put up a super long post full of URLs to garbage web sites... Yup, God's a spammer.
  3. QUOTE (Aristos Queue @ Dec 9 2008, 08:02 AM) No, that's the only glitch in the system unfortunately. I can't hide the ads for the NI group when your secondary group is Premium. I'll put that on the list of things to fix.
  4. QUOTE (BrokenArrow @ Dec 9 2008, 06:18 AM) Most of the time people ask for more categories not less. I could move the General one down, but I doubt that will help much. See, there are several types of people: You understand how forums work and you care about categories, so you pick the right one. You understand how forums work but you don't give a crap about categories. You don't understand how forums work and you will never put it in the right category. I don't always blame people for using the wrong category. The forums UI is not the best in resolving this. One feature I would love to see (which I can't find) is a way to select a category while you are editing your post. In any case, clean categories will only happen if there are editors that can move things around when they see a problem. PM me if you are serious about helping.
  5. Those ON OFF switches are pure gold! ... Check this one out:
  6. Once upon a time in a galaxy far far away, there used to be a hansom man, let's call him Michael Aivaliotis. Now this Michael fellow would take an hour out of his daily routine to read all the new LAVA posts that would come in and he would meticulously hand sort them and make sure each one was read and given a proper home. If the topic ran astray and seemed to be in the wrong category, Michael would move said post and give it a more suitable home under a new category. This practice has not been performed now for many many months. These categories which he meticulously pruned and shepherded into existence are now disorganized and have fallen astray. Michael is now looking for new leaders to take the reigns and help cleanup the forum categories and make sure every topic has a proper home. Who will be brave enough to step up to the plate?
  7. Well people. I'm afraid that God is a spammer. For a moment there I thought we had a genuine contender for alfa's position. Unfortunately he (or she) is not at the same level as alfa. Just do a Google search for Charles Andrew Ososami and enjoy. Thanks to jpdrolet for the tip. So it looks like I'm going to have to nuke him unless anyone objects.
  8. It's actually fairly easy to create a LabVIEW program that could post to LAVA. I've actually done that in the past and it works quite well. So it's definitely possible. The challenging part is the semi-intelligent response.
  9. Sorry Norm, I meant to add you to the NI group and keep your Premium capabilities. Something like what I did for Mr. Mercer. It should be fixed now. Normally these issues are resolved quickly without fanfare through the PM system.
  10. QUOTE (Justin Goeres @ Dec 7 2008, 10:03 AM) I don't think you're following me here. When you edit a typedef and save it, you are essentially applying a relink action to all typedefs wherever they are called. Even if, for example, a bundle or unbundle breaks. LabVIEW just does it and there is no asking you. Similarily, when you edit the connector pane of a VI and save it, why doesn't LabVIEW automatically relink all instances without asking you? I know the answer, but I'm asking that it should just do the relink. So you won't even need to have right-click option. It just works.Also, I was rethinking Darren's proposed solution and I'm not sure I like it anymore. The reason is because you are creating a situation where LV sometimes relinks and sometimes does not. This will add more confusion than it's worth. Why does it work sometimes? Too very confusing for the end user.
  11. QUOTE (Justin Goeres @ Dec 6 2008, 07:39 PM) What kind of warning do you get when you change a typedef by adding, removing or renaming controls within it?
  12. QUOTE (Aristos Queue @ Dec 4 2008, 05:06 PM) Knowing how the tool was built would be interesting form an academic point of view, but kinda useless for helping me develop better code I think.The diagram cleanup tool works great for low node count VIs. It seems that if you go above a certain node count it goes crazy and makes the diagram worse than better. Also it seems to start cleaning up from the top left and works it's way down and across. Can't confirm but it feels that way. Another observation is I don't think it tries hard enough to reduce bends in wires. Or perhaps this is in conflict with some other parameter. It should try to keep wires straight instead of doing this (this is in auto mode): http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_12_2008/post-2-1228603538.png' target="_blank">
  13. QUOTE (Darren @ Dec 6 2008, 09:12 AM) I'm perfectly fine with this. Where do I sign? In general I abhor dialogs. There are many reasons why, but primarily, they end up being like that pesky fly that keeps buzzing around your head that you keep on desperately swatting with your hand. You can never kill it, but just make it go away temporarily. Then it comes back and you swat it away again. All you want to do is get your work done but that pesky fly keeps buzzing around your head. That's what dialogs are. == Here I go hijacking this thread, but is it me or is the resolve conflicts dialog totally useless. I mean, I can never figure out what the hell it's trying to tell me and in most cases it seems like I only have one choice and it's already highlighted for me.
  14. 99 percent of the use cases is when you need to add terminals on a VI that has all the terminals full. In other words you need to change the pattern to add more space. You don't usually rename terminals or rearrange them. Not that I haven't done that. So in these cases LV relinks properly. I can see that if a relink occurred where terminals were swapped but not broken then this would be bad. However even with a manual relink, the end user rarely notices it because the wires shift around but the colors stay the same. I guess NI's taking the safe route and letting the user blame themselves instead of LabVIEW for the problems that may come down the pipe when the app doesn't work. In my opinion I would just prefer to let LabVIEW do the relink "like magic" and have %99 satisfied users delighted. Even if it means that %1 will swear at NI for breaking their app.
  15. Wow, I just figured out the answer. Apparently this can be done using the "replace with" function. In the search results window. Just do a search on the VI then replace it with itself. Awesome!
  16. Is there a way to autorelink all subvis when their connector pane changes? I currently have a bout 100 "relink to subvi" actions to do... And we all know programmers don't do anything manually. Edit: Correction... 675 SubVIs to relink.
  17. QUOTE (crelf @ Nov 26 2008, 11:57 AM) Norm's joining NI? When did this happen? When was the official announcement?
  18. Hey Mark, I just got your tweet about the video and just finished watching it. Great Job! Two thumbs up!!
  19. I'm always logged into Google because it's my core information management engine. It powers my online life.
  20. SearchWiki was announced yesterday. Please help LAVA, by commenting in a positive way, any LAVA related search results. Also you can bump up results too. This is probably Google's way of slowly allowing user defined search results. If so, let's give LAVA a head start. Link
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