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Everything posted by didierj
Congratulation... But, If I'm correct, in Canada now it's quite dark outside??? What does someone in the middle of the night and week do? On a Saturday in a bar or club, ok... but on Wednesday? Didier
Do you mean this from the Tools->Options: Disable "Enable panel grid alignment" and you have a front panel like "LV prior 7.0" Didier
Hi Philippe, The DAS1600 is a board from Measurement Computing (was once ComputerBoards). Go to their web-page (http://www.measurementcomputing.com) for drivers. :thumbdown: Till one year ago (or so, when I last used such a board) there was a clue using the boards and driver in windows environment: When the driver was installed in a certain account (e.g. "Administrator" in Win) it didn't meant that it worked for other users on the same computer. One had to install the driver for each user (not easy if the user has not administrator rights)! The actual driver seem to work with the LV built-in DAQ-vi's (not DAQmx). Install their "Universal Library for LabVIEW", insert the board in InstaCAL (has to be added and configured manually, since it's a ISA-board), wire your acquisition in LV with traditional DAQ-vi's. Didier
Hi Mike, You can change the mouse cursor in general. In Windows go to the control panel (Start>Settings>Control Panel) and change the mouse settings. There you can select/change the mouse appearance. Changing the mouse just for LV is probably not possible, except if you use API-functions. Didier
For me, the bug is not that one can't click on the arrow, but the two arrows are at the wrong place (wrong offset calculation in the deep of LV). Comparing with the standard view (tabs on top) the arrows should be below the the tab-pages and not going further right as the tab-pages. There seems even not be possible to move the arrows by customizing the control...
Hi Jimmy, Two reasons are already given in this topic: - one from Michael (http://forums.lavausergroup.org/index.php?...=findpost&p=675) and - one from myself (problem finding writes to globals in several hundred vi's). Didier
Icon equivalent of Ctrl+E (switch windows)
didierj replied to m3nth's topic in Development Environment (IDE)
... and customizable & usable at runtime? I don't mean as a set of booleans that spread over your diagram, but as a real toolbar with resize, move, visible, enabled,...! -
Just as an example: In our production there is a piece of software that is used since quite a while. It was wired by my boss in a time I wasn't already working here, and he is a typical text-based programmer. This means, that every bit of data that might be relevant to review ends up in a global. I absolutely agree with him that you all time see what is happing inside the code, but from the moment that something doesn't work as it should, you're a poor guy (actually it's me, he gave me the software to support it since he hasn't any time anymore )! Because, when e.g. a boolean changes to true and shouldn't... in which of these 300 or so sub-vis might it happen??? At the moment, if time let it, I'm recoding the whole stuff, based on use-cases, state- & flow-diagrams I drew, based on many hours in production using this program. I'm absolutely glad to see, that you use (at least) the global by reference and not just popping the needed global to the code. For myself I use GOOP (Graphical Object Oriented Programming) since several years with success. GOOP is downloadable from ni.com. Didier
Hi, :headbang: Has anyone solved the problem: when a picture is included into a control and then the control is resized, LV goes to resize the "pixels", making the control unusable for customer purposes. The color-transition in standard controls remains smooth. To my understanding, the solution to the problem would be to be able to create custom .ptc-files, but I don't know how the binary format has to be, or at least if there is an app which can create it. Any suggestions, comments?
Seems to work well. I didn't found any problem, except that your history is limited. I also have a DAQ implementation, where the data might not come in regular and the acquisition might go one or more day(s). Implementing it with an XY-Graph makes the whole stuff quite slow: max acquisition rate at the beginning is about 4-5Hz and after one or two hours (depending on the computer you use) it falls down to less than 1Hz. I'm still looking for the best implementation, and I'm probably not alone... Didier
See http://forums.lavausergroup.org/index.php?...39&st=0&p=1769& Didier
How to create yoour own pop-menu on controls
didierj replied to kalyanramu's topic in User Interface
Unfortunately this is a big leak of LV - at least until LV7.0, for 7.1 I don't know. I also often missed them, or at least the ability to disable parts of the standard pop-up menu. You can disable the ability of pop-up menu for the whole vi (vi-properties-> appearance-> customize-> Allow run-time shortcut menus), that's all. A workaround would be to disable them and show a dialog-vi at mouse position on a right-mouse-button click event. Seems complicated: 1. create a sub-vi (as dialog) and design it the way that just either a table or text ring is visible (no border, menus,...) 2. disable on your top-vi the run-time shortcut menus 3. put over your graph a transparent control that allows the event: right-mouse-button click 4. react on this event and show the dialog-subvi. 5. read the mouse position and reposition your dialog-subvi. I thougth there was once an article in the LTR, but since I don't own the full collection I didn't found it. If anybody has more info? Didier -
Hi Sarah, I would say that return value (topmost terminal on the right side) of each call library nodes is the status of the function called by the node. Usually this means, that getting a value other than 0 is an error. It might even be that <0 means error, >0 means warning, 0 means OK - like in LV. But it hasn't to be. As it seems the status output of your vi is probably what you're looking for. Apply the rule mentioned above to this output. Unfortunately there is just one library call (out off 9) wired to the status. Library call 1 (top most) could finish successful while the other are still running and might produce at a later time still an error. The code could get quite an improvement! Also wire an indicator to the return value of each call library node and run your vi on different (valid, invalid) conditions to see what the status do. I would even recommend to find some documentation of the library called by the nodes, even if the docu and/or examples are for C++ or so. It will give you further informations. Often C examples and implementations are better documented than LV. The variable names of the library calls give also informations. Didier
Hi Sarah, Just wondering (also happens to me sometimes) if you accidetally wired the input of your replace-subvi instead of its output? Another possibility: if you have the timestamp as either seconds timestamp-type then you can wire it to the Format Date/Time String in the Time & Dialog palette. You can also use this function if you just want the actual time, then do not wire the input timestamp. Didier
You can't read excel files, because they are not plain text. LV either reads just plain text (tab separated text-file) or binary. Reading binary also reads all the formatting in the .xls file, thus you won't have usable data in LV. To read .xls files you'll have to use active-X. This means, control Excel from your app, let excel read the file and then read the cell data from excel (so do other applications that read excel files, like word with embedded excel sheet in your document). For first help see the examples of LV (Menu: help>>find examples...): Write Table to XL.vi or from the knowledge base of NI (www.ni.com, "NI Developer Zone"). It's not the easiest job, since the object model of Microsoft is quite deep in hierarchy and depend on your office version. If possible, you should consider to save your excel sheet as .csv file (which is a comma-separated text file, easy readable from LV) in excel. A good help is also the report generation toolkit from LabVIEW, but it's not free of charge. Didier
Have a look at the examples (Menu Help->Find Examples...): Read from Text File.vi Didier
Hi, With the help tools from LV you can open and browse standard (in Windows) CHM-files. Create them with HTML Help Workshop, htm2chm or similar based on a HTML file. See the inlined Help of these tools for further help. It's quite easy to make a standard help with TOC: 1. create your document in Word 2. convert it to HTM 2a. maybe you'll have to recreate the TOC for the chm-conversion tool 3. convert your HTM to CHM. 4. in LV supply the path to the created .chm-file to Control Online Help from the Application Control->Help palette Didier
If you use SGL, DBL or EXT you can set these "Values" just by typing NaN or Inf into the control or constant. For integer values they are meaningless. Didier
First Run and Error Handler for Event structure
didierj replied to Ed Dickens's topic in Application Design & Architecture
Ed, Is the element First Call? in the palette Advanced->Synchronisation not what you were looking for? Didier -
Transfer Files via TCP/Ip in LV
didierj replied to Paulo Almeida's topic in Remote Control, Monitoring and the Internet
Paulo, Just open and read the file as a text-file. Send the read "string" over TCP the way you are used. On the client read the "string" from TCP, create a new file and write the "string" to this file. Maybe you'll have first to send the filename (also as a string) over your TCP connection, so your server knows the name of the file. LV doesn't care of the real type of the file. LV reads byte by byte and puts them into a string. Didier -
Sarah, Maybe you know it already, but in the menu under Help->Find Examples... you have a nice tool where you can search the examples on your PC as well on the Internet. There make a search for TCP. You'll get a couple of examples. Begin with Simple Data Server.vi / Simple Data Client.vi. Didier
Mikrobi, You can use a type-cast to rename your wire: Didier
1. Paste a sub-vi in your code. 2. On the sub-vi right click the icon and select VI Properties... 2.1 Select Category (pull-down menu of the new window) Window Appearance 2.2 click Customize...-button 2.3 select Show front panel when called and Close afterwards if originally closed 3. wire the code in the sub-vi. Now when the sub-vi is called in the code of the main vi, then it pops up, until it has performed all code and then hides itself. On the Examples (Menu: Help>Find Examples...) look e.g. at Dialog Box Demo.vi Didier
All you need is in the array palette: Index Array and Replace Array Subset . Didier
How about the LabVIEW basic courses from NI? They give you a good introduction in "thinking LabVIEW" and the possibilities. Didier