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Everything posted by didierj
It opens whatever file you select. It opens the selected file as a text file. By reading (with read file) the file without any formating and using string to byte array you get the binary representation of your file. If you want to open the file in a specific format (knowing that this file was created with LV and the data was organized in a cluster), then you'll need to use the functions on the Advanced palette. See Examples, from Menu: Help>>Find Examples..., for further details (e.g. Read Datalog File Example.vi). Didier
In the time I was coach of a dozen pupils in gymnastic I alway had to repeat that I really don't care who started, but there have to be alway TWO parties for a fight! .. and both got punished... Better than seeking injunction back would be to try and find a solution to save everybody's neck. Does anybody know if there is already a user-group/community which want to stop all this bullshit, e.g. try to make pressure on NI/SoftWire/Mathwork that they try to find a consense? Didier
My first LV-experience was a (small) programm I first programmed the way I thought it was right and then let it corrected by an expert. An expert can either be an external consultant or a NI employee (my case). I also recommend to take the Basics / Intermediate courses to learn the way LabVIEW is built and how one should read/write the programs. I also introduced a fewpeople since then with this method: 1. Basics courses from NI 2. Assign the "newbie" a Project 3. let him program 4. review with him his code and giving advises 5. repeat steps 2 to 4 with other projects :thumbup: I also highly recommend the LTR (http://ltrpub.com/) articles "Ruloes to Wire By" on Volume 7, Number 1 and 2. ...as well as all the other articles. I use the book "LabVIEW Graphical Programming" from Gary W. Johnson and Richard Jennings, 770 pages, ISBN 0-07-137001-3, McGraw-Hill Didier
(soft)Real Time Ethernet
didierj replied to Ale914's topic in Remote Control, Monitoring and the Internet
Alessandro, UDP (as well as TCP) is a non-deterministic protocol. But, many tests were made to still use TCP/UDP as a deterministic system: - If you have just 2 partner (with full duplex crossed ethernet cable) then deterministic is no problem, because TX of on computer is connected to RX of the other. You will never see collisions. - If you have more than 2 partner, build local segments in your ethernet the way that in a segment the traffic never rise over about 5%. Then collisions are so rare that you almost can forget them. Another tip: If you just collect data, - either use Khalid's proposal or - use for the data acquisition stations intelligent systems (such as Fieldpoint/PXI with LV real-time), set on this intelligent system a timestamp for every datapoint and then send it over the ethernet. This way your central station always knows when something occured and it can link the data of the different stations in correct order (even if the data arrives 1-2 seconds later). Didier -
There are many possiblities... e.g. use it as your main programming language, other use C++ or Delphi. In our facility we use LV as the control unit for the different automation systems, like DIE bonder, Wire bonder, calibration system,... Didier
Hi, In the Palette menu under "Advanced>Input Device Control" you find the VI's Initialize Mouse.vi and Acquire Input Data.vi. With these VI's you can get the mouse position of your actual mouse. Download File:post-253-1092046089.bmp To make a second mouse work on your computer, I don't know if possible - never tried. If it works, then try to "hack" the Initialize Mouse.vi: change the constant from 0 to 1. Download File:post-253-1092046391.bmp Didier
Assuming you use Windows and you have the option "hide extension for known filetypes" (or similar, unfortunately I have only german OS) active in your windows explorer, then there might be something after ".exe" you don't see. Also make sure in your LV app builder the name you give to your application hasn't leading and/or tailing space-character. Didier
Manipulating text with the text selection property
didierj replied to Michael Aivaliotis's topic in LabVIEW General
It's again me... I made some tests and got (hope so) the problem on LV6.1 with undoing a text format. It seems that the SelStart and SelEnd marker have to reside on a text that is formated the way you want to undo. In between have as much different formatings as you want. E.g. if you want to undo bold on a text portion, the character after SelStart and the one before SelEnd have to be bold. The other way nothing happens. I've rewritten Michael's example with an event structure. It gives back the new value of the slider (to format the new portion) and the old value (to unformat). Didier Download File:post-253-1091175663.vi -
Manipulating text with the text selection property
didierj replied to Michael Aivaliotis's topic in LabVIEW General
Indeed, the behaviour in LV6.1 is strange, but there is a workaround to revert a formatting of a portion of the text: 1. select the whole text in your control/indicator 2. format it the way your text portion was formatet (e.g. make whole text bold) 3. revert the formatting on the whole text (e.g. bold set to false) 4. reformat the portions that should have kept their format. Didier -
Quixote, Did you connect com1 with com2 over a serial cable so called "null modem" (with rx pin on one side tied to tx pin on the other side vice versa). Such cables can be found in every computer shop or you could build it yourself if you're confident with soldering (just "google" the net for instructions). Another point would be to configure com2 before sending the data. Changing configurations on a port usually also clears the in-/output buffer. Also make sure both com-ports have the same baudrate, data- and stopbits, flow control. If it still doesn't work also wire the error code output of the serial-VIs to the "General Error Handler.vi". So you get an idea where the error occurs and what error it is. Didier p.s. For correct LV wiring rules ask Michael Aivaliotis, he is the better "picky b...."
In the case you just wanted to show a certain page programatically and not from a user interaction, then I recomend you just to wire the control itself in the diagram with either 0, 1 or 2. As an option, if you don't want the user to change the tab-page by clicking then hide the tabs (right click on the tab and deselect "visible items>Tabs"). It is easier and less errorprone. Didier
could we get some more details???? Didier
Paul, Here is a total different approach: If your case structure is inside an event structure and one of these "indicators" is in reality the control (happened also to me) from which you're servicing the event, then your can get problems. Check the elements that they are indicators. But if on is intended to be a control then make sure to read the control (put the control itself, not a local variable from it, into the event structure) bevore you wire a local variable and property node. Getting an event from an frontpanel-element does NOT mean reading the element. Didier
Does anybody know how to retrieve the names of the installed fonts on a W2k system? Didier
Another application where I might have used it (unfortunately the app is written in LV6) is a software where I read out our sensors. They include a microcontroller and communicate over the serial port. The initialisation of the screen (e.g. which channels are shown) is performed, when I show this tab (sw includes serveral "screens"), after a sensor change detected on the port, ... With dynamic user events I write the code only once, including property changes on controls/indicator, in the event structure and handle different events (mouse click, user event,...) on the same sequence. It also could be made with sub-vi, but around the sub-vi one has still more or less code. e.g. supplying control refs, write to Indicators,... which is error-prone when the forntpanel changes because you have to wire this code n-times. Didier
Depending on how you get your signal and how high the frequency is, there are different possibilities. But there is no fully wired vi (except maybe somewhere in the examples). 1. Method of Michael for fast signals, 2. for slow signals calculate the time difference between two transitions. If the time is longer than "1/f+delta" (where delta is e.g. 1/10 of your period time) then a transition is missing. 3. If you get your signal from a copper wire, then you can supply it to a timer card. Set the timer card so, that its counter counts downward at a certain speed. If the counter reaches zero an event is produced to LV. Now a transition on your input signal triggers the timer card and refills the counter with a certain value. As long as the input signal produces transitions, the counter never reaches zero. If a transition is missing, then the counter reaches zero and produces an event to LV. (the whole thing can also be done with a resistor, condensator and comparator). Didier
Michael, If you are soooo picky, then you alos sould remove the red sequence. It might disturb some newer wireworker... Didier
Another solution, if you have a known max ammount of elements, is to build a cluster instead of an array. Show as much elements as you need and additionally disable the ones you need. Didier
To my knowledge it is not possible to change the attributes (enabled) of one element in an array. The attributes are common for all elements of the array. If you wanted to change the attributes of an element, you would have to know at design-time which element to change. But the array itself is filled with data only at run-time. ... Imagine you have an array of 5 elements. You have wired your vi the way that the 7th element is disabled. This isn't goning to work!!! Didier
Sorry, I made an image an forgot it...
Hi, I have an application, that will run in different languages. I thougth of using "Import Strings" from the Tool>Advanced menu. Now the problem I have is that different controls are cluters and/or arrays of strings. These strings contain default text as e.g. pop-up text. When I want to import a "translated" XML-file, only the content of the first element of these cluster/array is changed. All the other elements keep their original text. I use LV6.1! Is this a bug and solved in LV7?? Is there a solution/workaround? Didier
Thats true... I was just looking at the vi, not the app builder. At least 256 colours on an exe would be nice. Your app looks quite ugly when your customer installs it on an 2k or XP machine. I tried e.g. Microangelo to add a 256 colour icon, but afterwards my app didn't start anymore. Didier
In the VI properties (right click on the icon), category "Window Appearance" click on customize-button. In the new window deselect "Window has Title Bar" and "Allow User to Resize Window". Didier
Is there a better way...
didierj replied to regisphilbin's topic in Application Design & Architecture
...or just right click on the control (withing the cluster, and not the cluster itself) of which you want its value changed, and create a "property node". This way one can change the value of a cluster element without having to bundle and unbundle the whole stuff. You can also use this way to change/read a control value even if you have a boolean with latch action in the cluster. Didier