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Everything posted by Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden

  1. QUOTE (Cat @ Mar 23 2009, 12:33 PM) Hi Cat, Please tell me you have been talking with NI Support to address those issues (please). That is one of the new widgets NI is pushing so you should be able to get some decent support. Ben PS After you have your issues solved and you become our expert on this tool, you may want to take a look http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=BreakPoint&view=by_date_ascending&message.id=409#M409' target="_blank">at this Sea Story I posted over on the Dark-Side.
  2. HI Mark this is not directed at you but your post stuck a nerve with me. When reply to "NI recommends to develop architecture which is state persistence and Restoration. " QUOTE (Mark Yedinak @ Mar 22 2009, 08:35 PM) [set Rant = True] I did not study software officially so I don't even know where or what it was I was suppposed to read that would have taught me that. Now I have designed and developed app that meet your explanation but I never knew there was a fancy title that went with it. Sometimes I think NI writes up there req's like they are college course descriptions in that they are nebulus to anyone that has not taken the course but are really rather mundande once someone explains what all of the fancy words mean. Done venting, thank you, Ben (CLA but I am always wondering "How did I pull that one off?" and "Are they going to write me out of the gang NEXT time?")
  3. QUOTE (Jeffrey Habets @ Mar 21 2009, 06:28 AM) Jeffrey, Let me stop and thank you for that image of your active objects! That diagram reflects very well the scheme I used in when I guessed at how to implement active objects. I feel like I took a wild guess at bonus Q on a test and ended up with full credit! Whooo hooo! Re: Aborting and keeping refs in the top level VI... Seems like we are breaking some LVOOP rule by making the top level responsible for low level refs etc. Ben
  4. QUOTE (Gary Rubin @ Mar 20 2009, 11:59 AM) Hi Gary, The big performance related change is the "memory Control" palette that iclude the operators to explicitly tell LV to work "in-place". Check NI web-site for the release notes for all of the intermediate version for something that you think would be a good selling point. As far as development goes the Quick Drop functions added with LV 8.6 are absolutly adicting once you have your short cuts defined and memorized ! I can drop any my 53 most frequently used operators in the blink of an eye and even a confernce room full of LV Architects were impressed when I demoed the short-cuts for the rest of my group. Ben
  5. QUOTE (Aristos Queue @ Mar 20 2009, 08:57 AM) Reading that reminds me of Ed Dickens signature that reads; "....using the Abort button to stop your VI is like using a tree to stop your car. It works, but there may be consequences.". Ben
  6. QUOTE (Cat @ Mar 20 2009, 09:19 AM) Yes that will do it also. The trick is to get the access count down to zero and as long as the Big Top is open.... Ben
  7. QUOTE (Cat @ Mar 20 2009, 08:46 AM) If the dynamic open a ref to itself, it can keep itself open. Ben
  8. For the BD constant explosion issue I use will put my type def onstants in a sub-VI with an icon mathcing the type def. as I mention in my Nugget on Type definitions. It takes care of the type def expanding when editied and also gives you an oppertunity to document the data a little more. Ben
  9. QUOTE (rolfk @ Mar 20 2009, 02:58 AM) So its not an edge case after all. Then our shared experiences having to fill this hole left exposed by the proj way of managing distributed LV apps highlights that fact the project can benefit form ... "Tinking outside the project". Ben
  10. QUOTE (shoneill @ Mar 19 2009, 04:15 PM) There is a close relationship between inheritance and dynamic dispatching So I don't know where one end and the other begins. In LVOOP dynamic dispatching is handeld at run time. That was the big plus for me because I needed to beable to add classes to an pre-existing exe. I just had to add the libray for the class to the right folder and the app found the new classes. Granted I had to configure the new classes such that they knew what their inheritance was and that was done in the Project, but is was done after the exe was built. SO the children have to know about their ancestors but the reverse in not required. Ben
  11. QUOTE (Yair @ Mar 19 2009, 01:44 PM) Yair, I have a project that still bears the scars of the Global on its bottom line (see the thread I linked about Globals causing Timed Loops to Finish Late). When using globals to flag a stop condition, the Timed Loops would occationally finish late. That did not happen with LV2s and I never got a good explanation as to why. So in that special case of using globals to stop a timed loop they performed badly. Ben
  12. QUOTE (Justin Goeres @ Mar 19 2009, 09:01 AM) But the LVOOP tools really make that a lot easier being able to create accessors and methods that are almost "code Ready" without having to edit Icons, wire connectors etc. "An Introduction to UML and Patterns" the author name escapes me was very helpful for me when I was first trying to get my head around OOP. The book uses a recursive method to design a "point of Sale" (cash register) application and progressivle gets more specific until the next thing I knew, I was putting aside the book, drawing up System Sequence Diagrams, documenting contracts and creating LVOOP classes. I admit that waht I did may not get me a good grade in a college OOP course but the app did what the customer wanted and it sold me on LVOOP. Just trying to help, Ben
  13. QUOTE (ASTDan @ Mar 18 2009, 03:08 PM) Auto-populating: A single developer may keep this on but in a team you run into issues with dirty projects (asterisk). I use the "auto-populate now" occationally but usually place the VIs manually where i want them. For the most part I use the virtual folder view since I can oraganize the VI differently than they are araanged on disk (very useful when working with LVOOP). THe Right-click option "Find in Folder View" is also sueful sometimes. Project are an absolute must very useful for distrbuted apps. to mangae and control all of the nodes and their options. Source Distributions can help with cleaning up your floders (Old Save with Options) Documentation and support files come along with the Source Distribution (a plus over the old Save with Options). What I don't like about the project... It has about ten zilliion save options! I still don't know which flavor of save saves what. The tools in the project are only in the project. Say I have an app that has to talk to 500 cFP units. Without bending over backwards (which I did) you wil need a project with 500 cFP nodes configured to be able to load the same software on each but with different IP addresses and config files. Yes this is an edge case. It combined with Shared Variables done in the DSC Engine and all of its processing power and efficeincy. I know cringe when faced with tag count apps with more than 500 I/O points. At high channel counts DSC would shine but I simply don't have the confidence in the Shared Variables to "look a customer in the eye" and tell them that Shared Variables will be able to handle the I/O reqs. Support of the SV placed a heavy load on cFP units and some of the earlier version of LV 8, the goobled all of teh CPU to make them work. (Oh bother!). Just my 2 cents, Ben
  14. QUOTE (Cat @ Mar 18 2009, 12:59 PM) How could I fault you when I have been http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&message.id=175255#M175255' target="_blank">guilty of the same sin. I have been global free for almost two years at this point. Ben
  15. QUOTE (Yair @ Mar 18 2009, 01:19 PM) Good point Yair, I forgot about that one. So we don't have a new record but we do have waht could potentially be a pattern of quick fixes for serious problems. I like it. Ben
  16. QUOTE (BrokenArrow @ Mar 18 2009, 08:29 AM) See http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&view=by_date_ascending&message.id=191864#M191864' target="_blank">reply #12 in this thread on the dark-side where Greg McKaskle explained why the VI Analyzer want controls and indicators that are on the icon connector to be on the "root" of the diagram. Ben
  17. QUOTE (rolfk @ Mar 18 2009, 05:20 AM) Thank you Rolf. That was the type of reply I was hoping to get. Re:Fix it ourselves... That is moving farther away from reality with every release. THe new version of teh Report Gen tool-kit has been implemented in LVOOP. We need a small change to a table in a report such that we needed it to include a header at the top of each page when a table spanned multilple pages. In the old version we could grab the right reference and "roll-our-own" enhancement. But now that; 1) the tool-kit is in LVOOP and 2) we don't have the password to the library, and 3) All reference are now private data We had to duplicate the some of the Tool-kit code to implement the change. Ben
  18. QUOTE (cbolin @ Mar 17 2009, 01:10 PM) QUESTION TO ALL LAVAites ! Can any of you recall a faster CAR to fix/patch cycle than we see with this post by coblin? Thae CAR was report on "02-18-2009 05:27 PM " in this thread on the dark-side. 27 days latter we have a fix! I can not recall any previous PUBLIC* bug getting fixed that fast. Is this a new record? Ben * PUBLIC = No Beta bugs don't count.
  19. QUOTE (Jeffrey Habets @ Mar 17 2009, 11:30 AM) THere is a little difference between those two situations. THe cluster can only be of one format. Class data can constis of its dat plus any of the data for the children. Which flavor of the Class (vs children's version) is stuffed in the class data (somewhere!). But how would the file primative be able to pull out the format without reading at the very least some type of header. Since the header is the wrong type it get formatted badly as you reported. This does highlight the work that Stephen and his crew put into to LVOOP. Have you concidered flattening the data and writting it to a text field following your normal header technique? I am not saying this is NOT a bug. I'm saying; 1) I expect it to have trouble so I am not suprised. 2) If a bug fix for this case slows down LVOOP, I would have preffered it not be fixed. Just my two cents, Ben
  20. QUOTE (Jeffrey Habets @ Mar 17 2009, 10:14 AM) I experienced that myself and put it in the "Don't DO THAT" collumn. That is the same effect as what heepens when you (or LV 7.0 when quickly closing and opening files, no you don't have to believe me ) mix up you file references for files of two different file types. The File primative trusts us that the file is of the type specified. Ben
  21. QUOTE (shoneill @ Mar 17 2009, 04:06 AM) "Noise Reduction Technique in Electronic Systems" by Ott. He starts with each noise condition, applies Maxwell's laws, and reduces each case to rules of thumbs. Many touched on not over selling, knowing your own capabilities, etc. These all boil down to "looking someone in the eye..." If you can't look them in the eye and tell them you are an expert then don't. If you can look them in the eye and tell them you have solved problems in LV and look forward tod doing so again, then stick with that. "Let your yes mean yes and your no mean no." Another note: If you get to the point in an interview where you get the feel that this is not going well, make the best of it! Star asking the interviewer question like "WHat skill would you like to have seen?", "what would you recomened...." etc. Ben
  22. Noise reduction techniques Ability to look customer in the eye and hold their gaze Database fundementals Network protocols Serial GPIB Ben
  23. QUOTE (george seifert @ Mar 12 2009, 08:36 AM) Bug in 8.6.1 see here. Ben
  24. QUOTE (TG @ Mar 10 2009, 12:58 PM) Maybe more than one issue but focus on serial. It is rare that I have to mess with the buffer size, but I'd keep it the same. Generally just checking the number of bytes waiting at the port and reading those is enough to clear the garbage. If your device is spewing data at a hight rate and you think there would be data in the serial ports hardware buffer then the Flush will take care of that. But technically speaking this is just putting a bandaid on a wound. Framing errors are usually due to corruption of the serial data because there is something less than ideal about the physical connection. Take care, Ben
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