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Everything posted by Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden

  1. If by "references" you are refering to control references, then pass the data. Ben
  2. Congratulations Jim! Anyone that can name Maxwell from his picture should have a better chance of getting her to wire than most. Ben Proud Grampa of Olivia June http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=BreakPoint&view=by_date_ascending&message.id=8109#M8109
  3. These threads on the Dark-Side may help. http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&view=by_date_ascending&message.id=394132#M394132 http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&view=by_date_ascending&message.id=434723#M434723 Ben
  4. Have you tried... Property node>>> XScale >>> MarkerValues[] ? Ben
  5. The Book by Craig larman (?) on UML and patterns is often referencing the creation (I still cal them Init) of objects and GRASP includes the "Creator" design pattern to aid in deciding who is invoking the Creation method. Is this expressed "hatred" a semantic issue (you don't like the word "Init") or the whole idea of a "Create" method something that has fructarted you? As it stand now I have accepted them (Create methods) as being part of the game and have been thinking about how to exploit them rather tahn avoid them. Like I said, I'm just trying to learn something. Thank you! Ben
  6. Be patient I am trying to learn LVOOP. Fro a set of plug-in classes the Init methods append their class name to an attribute of the of the top level class called "Type". The children all let their parents init run first so I end up with a name that is constructed based on the inheritance. Since access to that method is public, user of the class can determine the hiarchy of the classes found. Example Type PlugIn_Serial_Anemometer_3Axis PlugIn_Serial_Anemometer_2Axis PlugIn_DAQ_AI by stripping of the text following the final underscore, I can see the frist two are siblings while the third is not. Really trying hard to help, Ben
  7. A reminder of fugues in the morning. At least my coffee was working before that happened. Ben
  8. Ben puts his "Large Disk Specalist" Hat on. Fragmented drives slow down disk transfers because the read operations involve physicl movement of the heads or waiting for the sectore we want to pass under the R/W head. When a disk is not fragmented and is empty, data can be W/R as fast as the disk spins. This is common knowlege but I repeat it for the next ideas. When we write a file to disk we not only have to wait for the postioner to move and the disk to rotate, but we also have to allocate the space, and update directory information so the OS can find the file again latter. For large files that are growing the OS has to stop and maintain the file system while we are growing the file. This is very similar to the hits we take when building an array except the disk is orders of magnitude slower than RAM. Fast Disk Writing Trick! Whenever we can make an estimate about how large a file could be, we can "pre-write" a file that is twice as big as what we expect. The "pre-writting" moves all of the disk structure overhead to a set-up step and keeps these housekeeping tasks from slowing down the writes. After the data is collected, copy it to the final path and truncate the file for the actual amount of data. Ben
  9. Refering back to the app I mentioned above... It only took about 30 seconds of trying to code using those toch panels to achieve a state of "frustration". All panel activity is assumed to be a left click unless you "stand on one foot and wave a ... when the moon is full" ... well maybe the phase of the moon is part is an exageration. Ben
  10. I had a large touch screen built into a table for one app but it was far from what is shown in thtat video. THt gizmo supports multiple "mouse Downs' to handl ethe two hand stretch. Ben
  11. Hi Cat, Do you agree that Aristos has answered the mysterious parts fo the challenge and now you have to work with that limtiation? If yes, then you may want to concider Dr Damien paper on managing large data sets that can be found here. http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/3625#toc2 The section called "Fast Data Display with Decimation" may be useful. Ben
  12. If you drop an "deallocate" and let that code stop (to let the deallocate work), does the memory drop? I'm thinking the transfer buffer is the extra copy. Ben
  13. What "2" are you thinking about? There is the data (1) and maybe the un-do buffer (2), and I would add in the default (3) but I suspect you know better than to save a large set as the default. Just asking because I'm not sure how to account for three. Ben
  14. Have you concidered using a Raid drive and forget about the server? SCRAMNet for Curtiss-Wright is another data path that alows for fast data transfers. Yse you have to write your own file transfer code to run on both nodes.... Ben
  15. adding a little to the above.... LV has a special back-door mechanism for updating via a local. A property node on the other hand uses the UI thread to do its work so there could be thread swapping issue if using this method. Ben
  16. That image of Gateway Center illustrates the state of the city durring the G20. My buddy that drive around a lot loved it because there were no cars on the road and he could drive 80 MPH and nobody cared. If the photographer of that photo had turned around and walked about 50 paces the image would have shown the fountain in Point State Park and the stadiums. I have heard of ants (in central america ?) that will invade a town and devour everything that is edible in site. The residents will clear out when this happens and when they return the town is complete spotless! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- While watching the activites on the local news and discussing same with my buddies we questioned a report that the deligates where learning about the local history. Since none of them came out my way we felt that they did not learn about the local history of South Park and the Whiskey Rebelion! Back when the US was young a group of Scotish settlers settled in the area just south of Pittsburgh (note "H" in spelling) in what was called Sleepy Hollow (walking distance from my house) and Loafers Hollow. The young congress had used their new powers to raise funds througha tax on whiskey. This was not recieved well by the locals who had settled here to avoid taxes and government. Before it was all over US federal troops were used against US citizen for the first time. I had thought Jefferson was the president at the time but my buddies insisted it was Washington that sent the troops. So with that little peice of questionable trivia, I will close out this series of reports from near ground zero. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The ants have just left the 'Burgh." Ben
  17. World class museum! Andrew Carnegie owned US Steel and used his money to buy up all of the dinosuar bones he could find. "Hell with the lid off" When I was a youth I followed my father around the world as an Air Force brat. We would visit my grand mother occationally. Since the air always smelled of sulphur back them it left a mark. I can't smell chocolate chip cookies or sulphur without thinking about my grand mother. Ben
  18. A group a protesters attempted to turn a demonstration into a march on the convention center. They were well prepared with at least one participant was clad in chemical warfare gear (one of my apps may have been used to certify the SCBA!). They were assigned the duties of "Kick the can" everytime the pepper gas was used. Mounted police cleared that crowd. (apparently it is possible to heard cats, if you have enough horses) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ First use of tear gas in Pittsburgh in the last 20-30 years ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After re-grouping the Armoured car was brought out. It was equiped with a lod speaker system that sounded like it was stolen directly from the first RoboCop movie (D2 ?). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A one man sit-in was cleared with little incident. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Worst traffic jam in recent history here in Pgh. It consisted of all police cars, including some from the neighboring state of Ohio. I did not know that was lelgal. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Over-night a Rite Aid pharmacy and a bank had windows and doors broken. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The visitors were entrtained at Phips Conservatory which is where the annual garden show is held. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Out of town visitor appear to be suprised that Pittsburgh is no longer "hell with the lid off". Ben
  19. I agree. I was not addressing the quality of this mechanism only how to use what resuource we have available. Ben
  20. Yes oodles of fun! Last night ther was free concert at Point State Park (conflence of Allegheny and Monogahala rivers to form the Ohio) were Gree Peace activists blocked the Entrance. The police set up barriers to keep them where they were and opened up another entrance. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- City is surounded on three sides by rivers so all traffic in/out has to move through one of three check points. If you don't live there or are driving an ambulance, you are not going to drive into the city. Ben
  21. The City has been preparing for the event for a long time. THe city, county and state mounted police are standing by. Most of the companies and organization in downtown have invoked their "emergency Plans" and people are working from home. The Cranegie Museum and the Library have shutdown and have boarded up the windows. As an introdcution to the fun we plan to have, some protesters tried hanging a sign from one of our bridges. My buddy was driving over the bridge when this happened and reported aside from the traffic screw up it just looked the police were hanging out with mountain climbers. This may have bee the first time someone trying to climb our bridges did not get shiped off to rubber room. Rolling closures of the parkway are bieing used to escourt visitors into the city. As I hear more I'll share. Ben
  22. The LabVIEW Champions fought hard to get the bug list going and the whole game hinges on a CAR# in the public forum. If you have the CAR you can call support and ask about its status. Without a CAR.... praphrasing Boris Badanof* "No CAR, No Effect" Ben * Durring teh Goof gas episode Boris and Natasia realized that Goof-gas had no effect on Bulwinkle. Boris replied "No brain, no effect".
  23. Did this get posted to the Bug thread ? http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=BreakPoint&thread.id=8320&jump=true Posting bugs anywhere and not linking to the bug thread is a lot like writting poetry on the Men's room wall. The next person that reads it may be enlightened but the world will not change because of it. If it did get posted then check the Known issues to see what the status is. Just trying to help, Ben
  24. If you start with the frameless version from the classic palette your work is reduced. Ben
  25. pop-up Advanced >>> customize Go to tweazer mode and re-size. Ben
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