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Posts posted by Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden

  1. QUOTE(BrokenArrow @ Jun 19 2007, 09:03 AM)

    Scenario of a given program I'm debugging:

    There's a file called Howdy.txt. It either has 7 characters in it or nothing.

    Parallel loops...

    Loop 1 writes to Howdy.txt file every 2 minutes to 30 minutes.

    Loop 2 opens up Howdy.txt every 1000mS and looks at it - to see if it's been written to. This happens all the time, 24/7.

    With this scenario, it appears there's a small chance the file can be open at the same time in two places. Is this common? Can it cause problems?

    The VI's are Write Characters To Fle and Read Characters From File.



    Provided they both use seperate "opens" and file ref's AND ther is only one writter*, you should be OK.

    The file system (as realized throught the LV API's) track the file pointer seperately for each ref.

    * There was a bug in LV 7.X where LV could mix up the file ref nums (which is a big problem if the two files are data log files of different types! You do not want to try and untagle one of these.)


  2. QUOTE(hooovahh @ Jun 19 2007, 08:53 AM)

    There is no emoticon which conveys my astonishment.

    It almost looks like the "law of the sea" applies (largest vessel has the right of way).

    Although it was not that bad, my first trip to New England taught me about agressive driving. I was offered some driving tips.

    1) Never make eye contact with the other driver. It indicates you are yielding.

    2) If you break down, do not stop in the breakdown lane. It is often used as an express lane. (I was suprised to see speed bump!)

    3) When merging into heavy traffric, look for a car that cost more than yours then aim for it. they will slow down.


  3. QUOTE(Michael_Aivaliotis @ Jun 18 2007, 11:50 PM)

    Imagine pair programming with your boss.

    That's rough right?

    Now add to that the fact that it's Jim Kring...

    Welcome to my world! :wacko:

    Wow boy! I ain't going there! If I did the next thing you know, I would be telling I had to get up a three in the morning (an hour before I went to bed), ate poison for breakfast and had to lick the road clean with my tongue (paraphrase of Monty Python skit).


  4. QUOTE(Jim Kring @ Jun 18 2007, 02:01 PM)

    In a multi-threaded UI, the other developer would have his own mouse and cursor which would be seperate from your own. This would allow you to truly work in parallel (and not be driven nuts, hopefully) ;)


    I can see a positive when I look at how well I can function with the right partner. You know, the buddy who has the hammer waiting before you even ask.


  5. QUOTE(Jim Kring @ Jun 18 2007, 12:58 PM)


    I was hired to fix an app developed by someone else. (so, no big deal!) but the other devloper was THERE when I was doing it. He wanted to code it like it was ladder logic. It drove me nuts when he would move the mouse while I was in the middle of a change.

    The best way I found to explain this situation to my wife was to get her to watch the "Personal Navigator" comercial (left, left, left!).


  6. QUOTE(eaolson @ Jun 18 2007, 10:20 AM)

    Unfortunately, the concept of a website that works without Flash has left the building.

    I hear you on that point!

    BTW: One of my customers is concidering one of these widgets for the next phase of the project.

    I am glad it is the next phase because I have trouble enough keeping track of one touch point!

    The day of the single threaded UI may be approaching its end.


  7. QUOTE(crelf @ Jun 15 2007, 11:54 AM)

    More positions available - please IM me if you're interested.


    Come on VIE, stop goobling up all of the good one!

    Let the rest of us have a crack at some good developers. ;)

    By the way...

    If you are near Pittsburgh PA, Data Science Automation is also looking. No we are not a Select Integrator like VIE but we were founded by the first non-NI "NI CPI", have CLA #5 on staff, and are alliance members.



    we now return you to your normally scheduled program.


  8. QUOTE(Sherif @ Jun 15 2007, 08:35 AM)

    OK thank you all .. The problem is solved now ... i tried [creat mask.vi] you told me about BEN thank you, but finally i made it by drawing the Radar screen in Office with all details required and then copy and paste my drawing inside LabView front panel directly, after then you are able to scale it to fit the area required to be covered. this Method is too fast and simple ... you can also change the appearence of your knobs and sliders or whatever you want ... hope this can help anyone ....

    Best regards

    Sherif Farouk (",)

    Expediency is good!

    Unfortunately, I was not told about "Create Mask.VI" and I wrote my own version before I stumbled across that one.

    Does anyone (PJM, Captain) have any idea why the mask has to have an even number of bytes for each row of pixels.


  9. QUOTE(crelf @ Jun 14 2007, 02:59 PM)

    Isn't it delicious? It could explain so much if you really let your mind wander.

    Yes but my customers usually give me a funny look when I tell them I am clairvoyent (sp?). :oops:

    Although it does help when answering question that just do not make sense. :yes:


  10. QUOTE(yen @ Jun 14 2007, 01:09 PM)

    I think the point is basically as shown in the attached VI.

    You divide the parts of the data into seperate typedefs and create caller typedefs for each of your displays. Each of the caller typedefs can display a different combination of the sub-typedefs. I don't think this really solves your problem, because modifying a sub-typedef will still propogate upwards.

    It will help if you're only planning on updating the calling typedefs, but I don't see how that would work.

    Let me add one more thought to this discussion.

    A light clicked on when I read a post from Michael were the user was working with a situation were a ring was appropriate for the UI but the code really needed an enum.

    He said something to the effect "Your UI should not dictate our data types."

    So applying that thought to this thread, I would disconnect the GUI from the type def. THat way you can make changes to your data as you need and the GUI layout stays the same.

    I have used this approach myself and it works fine.


  11. QUOTE(crelf @ Jun 14 2007, 09:33 AM)

    Sure I have, but that doesn't prove that

    PS: I'm particularilty (no pun intended) interested in entangeld particles...

    "entangeld particles" is one of those ideas that makes me dizzy.


  12. QUOTE(ragglefrock @ Jun 14 2007, 12:11 AM)

    I would doubt that. The inplaceness algorithm just determines if it's safe to reuse the input buffer for the output data. Whether that input buffer comes from a default value when unwired or a wired input value shouldn't make any difference. In any case, the Hide the Dots game would quickly verify whether there is a difference.

    I would think that a constant can NOT be a candidate for re-use. If the memory containing the contents of the on the constant was used for subsequnt manipulations "down the wire", it would no long contain the "constant" value and subsequent calls to the VI would find the results of the previous work were the "constant" should have been.

    I think there was a bug involving clusters and case structures that did exactly that. In fact the modified constants value would actually work its way back in to the source if the VI was saved. THe good news was it was an odd construct that was seldom used.


  13. QUOTE(Jeff B @ Jun 13 2007, 11:29 AM)

    Hello all,

    I presented the originally referenced Dev Days presentation. I have not read all of this discussion, but I followed-up on this topic. I'd suggest that the reasons it was presented is that the person who put together then slides had a false impression of the level of impact it would make.

    It is true that, when marking inputs as required, in certain circumstances we save a little bit of time by not having to copy in the default value for that control. This amount of time is probably very small, and this technique could potentially be used to eek out just a little bit more performance. It will not likely have a big impact. Sorry for the confusion.

    Take care,


    Thank you Jeff!


  14. QUOTE(orko @ Jun 11 2007, 05:45 PM)

    ... and now I'm reading through the http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/5892' target="_blank">PDF describing the requirements of the exam....and I still don't feel I have a good grasp of what the exam will actually be like. ...

    I agree the req's for CLA read like a college course description.

    Too many big words.

    If voice-mail message were written the same way you would hear "If you know your parties extention, you can dial it at any time followed by the octothorpe key".


  15. QUOTE(crelf @ Jun 13 2007, 08:24 AM)

    I agree that the performnace improvement can't be particularly significant, so my questions become:
    1. why was it mentioned in a NI Developer Days presentation?
    2. Was it added as filler?
    3. Is there a platform where it does make a significant difference that we're not thinking about?
    4. Why was it mentioned at all?
    5. Why does anyone care about Paris Hilton's jail time?

    All true mysteries of life...

    I have never been very good at "why" questions but I would guess that the answers to 1, 4, and 5 is answered in #2.


  16. QUOTE(crelf @ Jun 13 2007, 08:18 AM)

    Dsamn straight - you've gotta know what's important in life...

    OK, I come here to learn so lets see if I got this correct.

    1) Spell LabVIEW correctly.

    2) Beer :beer:

    3) Tea

    4) ???


  17. QUOTE(PJM_labview @ Jun 12 2007, 12:49 PM)

    Doing alpha blending in a picture control work very well. This could require quite a bit of work if you want to write reusable VIs and keep it efficient.

    As a side not, the "Read PNG File.vi" return data with the aplha blending information (ignore the threshold parameter as I believe it is only use to calculate the mask) in the form of ARGB (if I remember right). This mean that you can create very decent effect&UI components that does support alpha blending by combining 24-bit PNG images with existing LabVIEW controls (all in a picture control).


    Thanks PJM!

    Can you guess what I will be playing with this week-end?


  18. QUOTE(crelf @ Jun 12 2007, 11:10 AM)

    Hi Zack - unfortunately, there is no native way of setting an individual control's transparency, and I'm pretty sure there's no non-native method either.


    Convoluted idea follows;

    1) Move control off screen

    2) insert pic control were control was (transparent background and frame)

    3) Do a invoke node get image of control.

    4) blend image of control with background of pic and display in pic (this is were you determine your transparency)

    5) Event mouse down on pic >>> Move off-screen control to original loc, hide picture.


    Can we set the transparncy of a FP running in a sub-panel?


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