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Posts posted by Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden

  1. QUOTE(crelf @ May 21 2007, 03:13 PM)

    I am not saying that "assume a team-based approach is best" for all development work except (very!) "small projects" - that's not my intent at all, but in hindsight (and this is generally speaking), if you can compatmentalize functionality, then team-based work is a very efficient model for medium to large projects - very efficient.

    Please let me add to the above.

    This thread asked how to prepare for the CLA and not how to become a super LV developer. I work with another CLA who had very little LV experience but has been working in large software developement for decades. He passed the CLA on his first attempt.

    The CLA is not so much a test of LV Grand-mast level but more about the skills required to take a complex set of requirements and efficiently delivering a solution htat just happens to be developed in LV.


  2. QUOTE(crelf @ May 16 2007, 01:42 PM)

    I have to second the Advanced course as good prep stuff. I wil be attending the new version of the course in prep for my re-certification.


  3. QUOTE(george seifert @ May 2 2007, 05:00 PM)

    Unfortunately it doesn't hang on a PC without the hardware (EasyDAQ relay driver). I tried the exe on my development PC without the hardware and it doesn't hang. I'm going to try the exe on my development PC tomorrow with the hardware. I never tried the exe on the development PC - just in the development environment where it worked fine.


    1) Are you using the latest and greatest VISA ?

    2) Does NI-Spy tell you what is happening?

    The "hanging around" tells me that something is not releasing a resource so Windows keeps it around.

    That is all I have to offer for now.


  4. QUOTE(dannyt @ May 2 2007, 07:56 AM)


    However over the last week, with all that has been going on, I have been looking at the post (not many) I have made, thinking were they suitable and valid; should I really be on LAVA at all.

    There is a risk that a lot of newbies will be put of posting and getting involved, the site will end up with a large number of members most of whom only ever look and do not take part, I think in the long run that will make it a less interesting place both both the newbies and the long term members. In my experience it can sometimes be the most seemingly stupid of question, that generates some of the deepest and interesting of discussions.



    I felt the same way.

    Although I signed up early for LAVA (member #29 6-Dec-2002) I only prowled in the shadows until last year because I did not feel I was up to the LAVA standards. The recent comments about "go to the NI Forum" has had me thinking twice if I was ready to join this forum.

    Lets return to the idea that LAVA is a team of diverse contributors contributors with our own parts to play.

    If we we all "perfect goalies" we would only be able to play a very boring game of soccer (football).

    We need people who do NOT know everything already who are willing to ask the "dumb questions" or voice thought that are outside the adopted norm.

    Doing my best to "play the fool",


  5. QUOTE(Mikkel @ Apr 27 2007, 07:32 AM)

    Todays Bible quote:

    "Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch."

    -Mikkel :rolleyes:

    If we look at that quote in its original context, and still apply it to the curent situation, its only a matter of time until the "Nulll sect" will be taking root and given enough time, the Nullll crusades will follow.


    "Hold on lady, we goin for a ride." (Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom)


    Regarding the above.

    As I have demonstrated above, it is a very bad idea to play "name that verse" before your morning coffee. My bad!


  6. I would guess it has more to do with an assembly line that just drops stuff in a box on a conveyor.

    To send out envelopes they would need another line with an envelope stuffer.

    Remember when pondering dilemas of this type that it is $$ not reason that makes the final decision.


  7. QUOTE(EJW @ Apr 25 2007, 03:56 PM)

    When reading/writing configuration files, if you are reading into an indicator, you can just wire the data from the read to the indicator. When wiring the data to a control, however, one must use a local variable or a property node. Since this is being done in the initialization state of my program , does it really matter between using the local or the prop node. I would think during this state of the program, execution speed is not an issue. If I am correct in assuming: Property NOdes don't create copies of the data, local variables do. However, property nodes do switch to the UI thread to obtain a value. Are these assumptions correct as well?

    Unless I missed something, YES!


  8. QUOTE(crelf @ Apr 24 2007, 09:44 AM)

    I used to be a research physicist (some of the best times of my short life) - now I apply science to test and measurement - the best of both worlds :)

    Same here.

    Yes the adentures were fun but there was no oppertunity to say "NO".

    As a contractor. I can hit my customers with a big "$$" to convince them that they really do not want to do that.


  9. QUOTE(i2dx @ Apr 23 2007, 03:16 PM)

    this is a video of a 500kV switch opening

    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXiOQCRiSp0"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXiOQCRiSp0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

    Warning: Do not try to do this at home, only try this at work. Do NOT use NI switching devices when trying that at work!

    I have to admit that is the largest "Jacobs Ladder" I have ever seen. Frankenstien would have bee pleased.

    About three weeks ago I was touring a cust facility that builds BIG ckt breakers.

    I witnessed a test of one of their breakers and loved it!

    The breaker tripped at 32K Amps with fire, sparks, flames.

    As as I was walking to the next building I explained to the group that the electrician that had recently installed a new service entrance to my home insisted that it would not pass inspection as long as there was a toilet in the corner of my basement. The test I witnessed made it clear why I had to go through what my wife called the "de-bathification" project.

    Sorry about no pictures to share but I do have a memory that should last a life time.


  10. QUOTE(dannyt @ Mar 29 2007, 07:28 AM)

    Regarding Jim's book:

    I would like to pass on the thanks of my boss to Jim for his book. He is going to be suggesting that text for a LabVIEW based course he will be teaching at Carnegie Mellon University here in Pittsburgh PA.

    He did not have long to talk but was excited about it covering everything he thought he would need.

    Thank you Jim!


  11. How about a non-"me too" reply?

    Here goes...

    1) I have a note on my wall that reads "Stephen Mercer = Aristos Queue". If Stephen's posting were not as good as they are, he would not have made my wall.

    2) "Stephen Mercer is the next best thing to Greg McKaskle."

    Thank you Stephen!


  12. QUOTE(bbean @ Apr 23 2007, 09:23 AM)

    I'm really excited about using these TDMS files and an OpenG variant config for TDMS. I started to implement the stuff from PJM :thumbup: . Thanks for all you help.

    When I added a numeric to the clusters I found it was not reading back properly.


    I believe this results from the fact that the TDMS Write Key write the value as a string:


    and try to read it back in using its native datatype.


    Before I start working on improvements this brings up a few questions.

    1) Should we formalize the development in OpenG and start tracking the version changes.

    2) Should we store data in the TDMS file in its native datatype (dbl, u32, etc) when possible for compatibility with other software Diadem, etc or should we just store it as a string and convert it back to the data type when we do the read.

    If the data is stored as "native datatype (dbl, u32, etc) " DIAdem can do its magic without any help, correct?

    Just questioning out loud,


  13. QUOTE(craftmail @ Apr 20 2007, 10:59 AM)

    I am Craftmail, a new member to LAVA.

    i come across LAVA when I was searching for a LabVIEW and i think i am luky to find this marvelous forum that help to creat a multi anwers to question link.

    finally i would say hellow to every body

    Welcome to LAVA Craftmail!

    How long have you been using LabVIEW and what kind of project do you plan to use LabVIEW to solve?


  14. QUOTE(PJM_labview @ Apr 14 2007, 03:18 PM)


    I tested this with LV 8.2 and the booleans do not seem to be working.


  15. QUOTE(Ben @ Apr 12 2007, 08:20 AM)

    Nice implementation Adnan!

    That coded up cleaner than I thought.

    Thank you!


    Let me be the fisrt to point out an issue with my approach.

    I belive the proper term is "desenders" (those parts of a character that drop below the line).


    If we are typing a "y" the decender is not visable so it looks like we typed a "v". Bumping the height by one pixel partially masks the issue but there is also a slight shift in the data when the data is entered.

    If these two issues are of concern, then a picture indicator may have to be the "displayed object" so that we do not loose the decenders.


  16. Here is a method that may help you (warning this is more complicated than setting a property).

    Watch for mouse downs on the table.

    When detected, convert the mouse coordinates to cell row and collum.

    Determine size and postion of the "selected cell" and set a previously off screen string control to visable and size it and postition it over the selected cell.

    Fill in the text box with the contnets of the selected cell.

    Set key focus on the text box (which should now be over-lapping the ceel they clicked on).

    Watch the key strokes as long as the text box has foucus.

    When focus is lost copy the text box contents into the cell and then hide the text box off screen.

    This should work since I the table itself actually uses a motehod similar to this but uses a picture control instead of a table.

    have fun!


  17. Well now that it is public I can talk.

    For all of you that appreciate the Bug List of the 8.2.1 release, please take the time to "pat yourselves on the back".

    That list is the end effect of all of the Bug Reporting that the LV users have taken part in.

    So yes "thank you NI" but also "Thank you Bug-Hunters".


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